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WWII challenges

4,867 Mikey101234  2.4 years ago

So, I just got a notification about 1.12 beta is out(got it from the testing app for IOS), and in the beta it says that they added a WWII dogfight challenge. Both in the WWII destroyer and WWII dogfight challenges, you are not allowed to use jets. The thing sort of is, I kind of would like the weakest jet in the game to be able to be used in the WWII challenges, at least in the dogfight challenge. Reason being (as we all know) the Me-262 was used during WWII and it was first used early to mid WWII. And another plane also had jet engines, the Arado-234. Both of these planes had the Jumo-004 jet engine which had a short life span of around 10 to 25 hours and had half the thrust force to the Blasto-J15. If there could be a new jet engine to the game that has at most 1.5 thousand pounds of force, or something to limit the J-15 in game to have the player be forced to have a maxMultiplier of 0.5 to make us be able to use creations like ME-262s in these challenges, that would be cool because we would be able to test if our WWII jets could be in a (sort of) realistic dog fight. All of this is just a thought though

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    Visually iconic aircraft, and planes with theoretical high performance are usually the most common ones on SP. The Schwalbe is both. It's contribution to the development of aircraft is undeniable, but it is very far from what typical air to air combat was like during the war.

    2.4 years ago
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    4,867 Mikey101234

    Yeah, for some reason the amount of Me-262s on this website have increased for some reason. @F104Deathtrap

    2.4 years ago
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    Firstly, I really like the idea of adding a weaker jet engine, something similar to the J-31, preferably
    But I agree with F104 that this is a challenge for a reason. Plus, there were actually at least 50 aircraft built with jet engines during world war II, and almost 6 of them were put into active service by the war's end, one of which was the Gloster Meteor

    2.4 years ago
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    On the other hand, I would love to see more emphasis on the aircraft that actually contributed to the war, rather than the ones that had the best performance on paper.

    For example, there's probably 10 Me-262's on this website for every IL-2, despite the fact that in reality there were 30x as many Sturmoviks.

    +5 2.4 years ago