14.3k Avro683Lancaster Comments

  • Mods and uploads 5.9 years ago

    That is normal (for whatever reason) and if you disable the mods, sign in and then reenable the mods, you will be signed in and able to upload

  • Ummm... how? 5.9 years ago

    After experimentation the issue appears to be with the image link formats, as the old format is https://i.imgur.com, whereas the new format is http://imgur.com @RailfanEthan

  • 100 part Panzer III Ausf. E for challenge 5.9 years ago


  • Bedford VAL - British Airways Airport Bus 6.0 years ago

    thanks @Rugpeersdude @ShockRF @SSSvaSSa for the upvote

  • RC feature 6.0 years ago

    Assuming you are on PC, or have the ability to edit aircraft xml files, it would be possible to edit the range and targeting angle of the missiles, to a high range and 360° targeting angle

  • Type-A Ko Hyoteki Submarine 6.0 years ago

    There’s one of these (technically two halves) at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra

  • How do put photos in the description for your aircraft? 6.1 years ago

    ![optional text](imageURL.jpg)

  • Finally bought the game on PC! 6.1 years ago

    and SimpleCheats, a resource compiled by EternalDarkness, WNP78, and Mod

  • EinFlugel En-140 Mowe 6.2 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot its a simple statement of pride, not meant to be political, or hostile, simply a statement, communicated by a series of aircraft, saying that LGBT+ people are (mostly) accepted on this site. On a more technical note, no aircraft in the entire series violates any part of the rules.

  • Travel position for pistons 6.2 years ago

    @DerekSP what i think theyre saying is to have a piston with a range if 1 that starts at 1/2. modifying the min/max to 1/2 will make the piston start at 1 (or 0) and have a max movement of 1/2 of the total range.

  • Rotators and wheels 6.2 years ago

    if you open the XML file and go to the input bit, you can set Min to 0 and it should stop doing that

  • Railway Designer 6.3 years ago

    @CuboydMC i would need someone to test the designer on their phone

  • Aircraft failing to download when I have Internet connection 7.0 years ago

    try copying the aircraft url (90DHn5 in https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/90DHn5/DJI-SPARK-v2-0 (highest rated today as of 21-6-2017 11:25 AEST)) and pressing Ctrl/Cmd + L in the designer

  • Refuel probe bug pictures 7.1 years ago

    @SkullsAndCrossbones the nose colour, and in the bottom picture the probe is lying on the runway, while in the top picture the probe is on the aircraft

  • “Sky whale” Concept Airline 7.5 years ago

    that's not a skywhale, this is a skywhale!

  • ENTERPRISE 7.6 years ago

    It's so realistic that it blows up every few minutes.

  • Multiplayer Fun / Work in Progress Helicopter Replica 4.1 years ago

    The helicopter that started the Ororral Valley Bushfire

  • Funky Trees Hover using Jets 4.2 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace check the dev console as it might have an error, or wait a minute with VTOL full up as it starts at around -17 instead of 0. I'm not entirely sure why.

  • Funky Trees Hover using Jets 4.2 years ago

    i managed to get a six part rocket thing to hover with PID(VTOL, rate(Altitude), 1, 0.25, 0.5), with VTOL adjusting the climb rate. The PID values will probably need to be adjusted depending on craft weight and engine response time, and for some reason the output started off at around -17, depending on the Integral scalar, which lead to about a minute of waiting for it to return to zero.

  • Hide planes from highlight 4.3 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer also i realised i misread your comment

  • How to make cycle-rotators (XML Guide) 4.3 years ago

    @winterro alternatively backslash

  • Never thought I'd be promoting calculus one day... 4.3 years ago

    A benefit to an integral function would be the ability to make an Inertial Navigation System @SnoWFLakE0s

  • Max pressure on pistons/rotators? 4.3 years ago

    @AwesomeCronk your other option is to increase the mass scale of the rotators and pistons while reducing the mass scale of the load they have to move

  • Space Eggs Starhopper 4.4 years ago

    Clamp01(AltitudeAGL - [50ft converted to metres]) with the rotator angle set to 112.5° @Type2volkswagen

  • CH KM Caspian Sea Monster 4.4 years ago

    @BogdanX we've had functional ekranoplans since 1.8

  • Engine Color 4.4 years ago

    The alpha just determines the transparency of the flame (I realise my last comment was ambiguously worded). I don’t think there’s a way to get the flame one colour, although I haven’t given it much of a look @Zanedavid

  • Engine Color 4.4 years ago

    the last two digits are the alpha, and it seems to spread the spectrum from the nozzle back, rather than the exhaust being a homogenous colour

  • It’s almost impossible to make a turn & slip indicator with realistic function in SimplePlanes. :( 4.4 years ago

    I don’t think there is a specific differential function, although it might be possible through other means @jamesPLANESii

  • Handley Page HP.54 Harrow Mk III 4.5 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks, I put quite a bit of effort into making them effective and simple (as much as things i make are)

  • Bug: Aircraft ‘Bumping’ in flight 4.5 years ago

    I think it depends on the weight of the aircraft as to its response @BogdanX

  • Bug: Aircraft ‘Bumping’ in flight 4.5 years ago

    High on both @Noname918181

  • Some Planes I Didn't Find in Google Earth 4.6 years ago

    there's one that's directly over Canberra in apple maps (Use satellite view) and screenshots

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Although have fun trying to find the winch as it is scaled down by 0.0625. It is near the step of the Marlin, under the deck @JaySto

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    That is correct, and AG8 also affects the deck magnets, to avoid the aircraft falling off. The aircraft is connected to the ship by a winch, that extends and doesn’t retract, to allow the torpedoes on the aircraft to work. The issue may be the winch, as it is set up in a manner such that the input is the same as the activation group. A solution to this would be to remove the winch, although it means the torpedoes will be unusable. @JaySto

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes @RailfanEthan @TheBlueRobotProduct

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote @AerialFighterSnakes, this is the result of over a month of work

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks @TheRealTDawg for the upvote!

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks @Strikefighter04 @Stormfur @Imashovel for the upvotes!

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks @IGNikolaev for the upvote

  • US Navy Seaplane Tender 4.7 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote @Treadmill103

  • Following a precedent set by the USS Langley (Teaser) 4.7 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes yes, although I'm thinking of uploading an unlisted version without the aircraft for multiplayer (although entirely untested)

  • Following a precedent set by the USS Langley (Teaser) 4.7 years ago

    It’s been implemented, with a winch range further than Maywar to Snowstone (>85mi) @thefalkenreich

  • Following a precedent set by the USS Langley (Teaser) 4.7 years ago

    @thefalkenreich i was thinking of that, but didn't get around to properly designing it, although I could try implementing it now

  • Following a precedent set by the USS Langley (Teaser) 4.7 years ago


    1. Yes, both cranes utilise magnets and can lift the aircraft back on. The marlin starts pointing forwards, and requires the forward crane to be lifted off, so pictures of the marlin on the rear crane are after a flight, when it is being recovered

    2. I intended for the aircraft to be armed with ~6 torpedoes in the nacelle bays, although SP physics means the torpedoes aren't part of the aircraft and thus are not usable, so the aircraft is unarmed

  • How to have a Realistic Gun Ammo Capacity in SP 4.7 years ago

    @TrislandianAlliance @Strikefighter04 alternatively, just wait 317 billion years

  • A few questions about the weapons and other stuff... 4.8 years ago

    @WolfFireUNE the Tiny Two follows the same heading, and gets there slightly faster (~2hr03 instead of ~4hr30), as it is a good 40mi closer. Here, in comment form, is a list of distances and bearings of all major elements (Islands, Carriers) of the Archipelago for navigation.

  • Weird proportions 4.8 years ago

    It’s fun to try and work with

  • General Dynamics F-111C Aardvark 4.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 i think the F-35 is an exception in that inter-service compatibility was part of the initial design considerations

  • General Dynamics F-111C Aardvark 4.8 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx @asteroidbook345 @ChisP Part of the issue was that the Air Force had priority and the Navy had to make as few changes as possible, which is the completely wrong way to make an inter-service aircraft. Looking at other aircraft that have been used by both Air Forces and Navies, such as the F/A-18, F-4, A-4, E-2, A-3 (B-66 USAF), They all started as Naval aircraft, and were adopted by Air Forces. There are exceptions, such as the C-130, Hawk (T-45 USN), Sea Venom, Seafire, FJ, although these are within carrier parameters, by having short T/O distances or STOL capability (which the F-111 does not), and the general rule is for modern jet aircraft, for a successful inter-service aircraft, the Navy's requirements should precede the Air Force's.