16.4k edensk Comments

  • ez use airbrake engine 2.8 years ago

    Didn't you make the code? It won't work on watercraft because of the clamp01(Altitude-50) part, which turns it completely off below 50m.
    Using something like clamp01(Altitude>1) should work just fine

  • I wonder How? i wonder why? 2.8 years ago

    planes > ships

  • HELP 2.8 years ago

    reduce the angle of the elevator

  • How to control a mechanical helicopter rotor efficiently? 2.8 years ago

    You would use funky trees so that each blade moves differently based on Pitch/Roll input and its position

  • A rather new approach to holding a value 2.8 years ago

    @zwen smooth(RESET ? RESET_VALUE : sign(INPUT) * 999999, RESET ? 9999999 : abs(INPUT))
    RESET is the condition in which it resets, in this case Activate1. RESET_VALUE would be 0, and INPUT would be what you put inside sum()

  • A rather new approach to holding a value 2.8 years ago

    You just made a PID without the P and D. Using the pid function and setting those two parameters to 0 would do the same thing. Also, You should use a smooth function that can be reset to zero instead of sum, as the sum function will keep its last value until it's reactivated

  • Can I offer you some Landing Gears in these trying times? 2.9 years ago

    @BlunderBirb That's the thing, the real one has much more travel

  • Can I offer you some Landing Gears in these trying times? 2.9 years ago

    Why is the suspension compressed midair

  • NA F-100D Super Sabre (USAF) 2.9 years ago

    @Sergio666 Thanks!

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 2.9 years ago

    If "half" hollow fuselage blocks are added, an opacity setting would be very useful aesthetically for creating canopies

  • some questions about the game: 2.9 years ago

    @WarThunderPlayer it only affects the location of the CoL and wing area

  • Fewer people visiting the site? 2.9 years ago

    The posts are getting less and less interesting, I rarely find anything that catches my eye

  • B-36D Atlan Bomber 2.9 years ago

    @ChrisPy There's no way this thing could go supersonic with that engine nacelle. Not only would the drag be extremely high, but the engine would suffer a lot of damage or a huge performance loss due to the shock waves

  • Can you stop wheels from moving. 2.9 years ago

    You can't change the input for the brakes, but you could set the rotor pitch to neutral instead

  • Vigilante 2.9 years ago

    Please make the spoilers-deflectors system correctly

  • North American RA-5C Vigilante 2.9 years ago

    Remove the "just like the real thing" lol, you know very well there are multiple more flap settings

  • F-18c Hornet v.02 2.9 years ago

    another legacy hornet with super hornet wings

  • List of Useful Formulas and Terms 2.9 years ago

    first one can be simplified to clamp01(Activate1)

  • Why so low upvotes? 2.9 years ago

    your last ship had an extremely dark thumbnail

  • Altitude meter 2.9 years ago

    A rotator with the input clamp01(Altitude/10000), where 10000 is the altitude in meters at which the rotator will reach its maximum angle

  • New Vietnam Attacker (First build in a year) 2.9 years ago

    looks tail heavy, but nice build

  • Why do my planes never stall? 2.9 years ago

    not enough pitch authority, and your CoM is too far in front of the CoL


    You need to have a very good understanding and knowledge of funky trees first, it isn't simple if you want it to work well

  • Need XML help 2.9 years ago

    false is the default value

  • B1_Centauro 2.9 years ago

    you should use chaff for smoke

  • SU-57 'Felon' 2.9 years ago

    The G-limiter seems to be very ineffective lol

  • What does it means by the blue box when I lock another plane? 2.9 years ago

    you spawned it on approach and can't lock missiles onto it

  • I doubt you know the name of the world's fastest single-engine piston plane 2.9 years ago

    @VibingSovietCat that's turboprop

  • Have You Ever Noticed How the Gravity is Really Off? 2.9 years ago

    it's 9.814453 m/s², which is correct

  • 1046 drones in Gun Training (World Record) 2.9 years ago

    wow so much skill

  • IM ABOUT TO SMASH MY XBOX 2.9 years ago

    there should be this button, called "uninstall"
    I've heard it makes people very happy

  • Question about tags: 3.0 years ago

    isn't there a mechanical tag or something. Besides, you can ask a moderator for the tag

  • Aircraft Configuration: Part 2 (Wing Stability) 3.0 years ago

    @AN2Felllla Both explanations are correct though. The AoA of a wing with (positive) dihedral will increase by AoS*sin(Dihedral_angle), thus the wing inside a non-coordinated turn will produce more lift than the other (unless you use the ailerons of course)

  • Cessna 204 Skygoose 3.0 years ago

    @DRpotato pretty much

  • Funky trees missile 3.0 years ago


  • So what is going on with the dassault rafale drama? 3.0 years ago

    it was a joke, someone took it seriously, etc etc, now it's ending, so feel free to remove this post

  • VF-213 3.0 years ago


  • Why the cri-cri is a better plane than the Rafale 3.0 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle The B-52 can carry more than 1.6 times it's own weight, so say fighter jet instead of plane next time lol

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4E 3.0 years ago

    Reason for not using the ailerons at high alpha is that not only will it produce the opposite effect due to drag, but this same asymmetric drag may induce a spin, something you really don't want.
    Flight model is not perfect but it's certainly better than most phantoms on the site, good job

  • Wiggly pitch, bad pitch 3.0 years ago

    reduce the deflection of the pitch surfaces, you're stalling the airplane

  • Atlantine Aircraft Industries M.04 Cyclone 3.0 years ago

    Setting calculateDrag to false or dragScale to 0 on a wing part eliminates both induced drag and parasite drag.
    For simulating induced drag I convert to Funky Trees the fomula for induced drag, which is Drag(Newtons) = Drag_coefficient * 0.5 * EAS^2 * wing_area, where EAS is the equivalent of IAS in SimplePlanes and in m/s, and wing area is in m^2. Converted to FT the base code would be Drag_coefficient_code * 0.5 * pow(IAS,2) * Area, where Dragcoefficientcode would be a function of AoA, which can be either simple like a quadratic function or a more complex polynomial (so that it matches a specific real airfoil/wing).
    This engine would have a very low max value, to make its fuel consumption practically null, and a powerMultiplier adjusted so that when the input is 1 the output will be 1 newton, as well as IAS>5 as its activation group since the AngleOfAttack variable tends to freak out when the speed is near 0.
    This engine would be attached to a rotator with AoA as input to keep the induced drag force vector where it should be, and it would also have the same activation group code as the engine.
    This method, while being very complex, especially for people with reduced aerodynamics and funky trees knowledge, allows to recreate induced drag very realistically
    I personally believe the stall AoA / stall characteristics tradeoff is definitely worth it, as the high angle of attack is a distinctive characteristic of highly swept wings and delta wings (for example, the F2Y Sea Dart would land/take-off at nearly 30 degrees AoA to produce enough lift)
    Regarding the fuel consumption, though I believe efficiency would be a more appropriate word, you are correct, with drag enabled the symmetric airfoil is by far the most efficient at higher speeds due its low parasite drag. However, by disabling drag the wings parts will no longer create any kind of drag so the plane's fuel efficiency will be higher with flat bottom (more lift, less thrust/speed needed to fly).
    While you're mostly right about pilots not often using the entire AoA capacity of their aircraft, as energy retention is an important aspect of air to air combat, it is certainly useful, since, as you have seen in the image I linked above, the high AoA is necessary to generate as much lift as a straight wing.

  • Rafale VS F35, F15, F18 and F16 3.0 years ago

    You should at least specify the variants and sources

  • Atlantine Aircraft Industries M.04 Cyclone 3.0 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx I personally prefer to get rid of the drag of the stock wings and simulate it with an engine on a rotator. This allows for much easier induced drag modelling without affecting the parasite drag of the wing part
    Furthermore, the symmetric airfoil stalls at 13.5 degrees (compared to the 27.5 of the flat bottom), which is too low in comparison with the stall angle of most delta wing jets with canards (30° - 50° range)

  • Atlantine Aircraft Industries M.04 Cyclone 3.0 years ago

    Excellent flight model (very good airfoil choices, next time try angling the flat bottom wings ~1.4 degrees down to achieve a symmetrical-ish behaviour).
    The FBW is a bit rough but it usually gets its job done. I also like the overall aesthetic design a lot, great build!

  • Triple the speed! 3.0 years ago

    where does the middle engine get its air from?