Here are some visual features that would be awesome to see that can be really helpful for photography, video and and cinematic making, which could potentially be great additions and hopefully not too difficult or time consuming to add.
To be more specific:
- A feature to unlock and move the camera during flight (unpaused) like there is in SR2 currently
- A keybind to reset camera position after dragging it during flight
- A keybinded FOV slider that can be hidden at will.
- An option for camera shake during explosions and weapons firing.
- visual G force simulation on the cockpit, (can be enabled or disabled)
- An option for a camera to pan out in certain directions upon command.
- Some basic graphics tweaks to make the special effects (environment) more like SR2.
-Something id like to see that may be harder to add too could be a way to program planes to follow a flight path, though this is less important for now
Hm. You got a pretty tough situation to hand, but remember that if you don't like something she did and got angry because of it, its alright. People may leave you because of your taste in music differs to theirs and you publicly stated that you did, but you did nothing wrong to her directly, and you didnt know.
She may have overreacted because of the way you approached it, but hey, don't be ashamed or upset. You didn't know beforehand that would hurt her feelings. We all make mistakes at one point or another.
Kpop is alright, but it's not justified for someone to get angry because you didn't like it and had no knowledge that they did beforehand.
Don't worry, keep your head up. If your relations improve that's a good thing, but for now, concentrate on what's ahead, alright?
This build definitely deserves more upvotes. You may want to consider reuploading the build with a more defining thumbnail that makes the aircraft contrast with the background more, so people can see it better.
Here are some visual features that would be awesome to see that can be really helpful for photography, video and and cinematic making, which could potentially be great additions and hopefully not too difficult or time consuming to add.
To be more specific:
- A feature to unlock and move the camera during flight (unpaused) like there is in SR2 currently
- A keybind to reset camera position after dragging it during flight
- A keybinded FOV slider that can be hidden at will.
- An option for camera shake during explosions and weapons firing.
- visual G force simulation on the cockpit, (can be enabled or disabled)
- An option for a camera to pan out in certain directions upon command.
- Some basic graphics tweaks to make the special effects (environment) more like SR2.
-Something id like to see that may be harder to add too could be a way to program planes to follow a flight path, though this is less important for now
(super pog)
have an epic day btw
+23absolute madlad
+15sp community react to devs posting with anime thumbnail :flushed:
+14P L A N E. I S. P L A N E.
long story short
+12its a plane
It looks nice.
If you dont like the handling redo it yourself
give the man some credit, he made a nice aircraft.
the pinnacle of design
would 10/10 recommend
+4y e e t b o i s
+3@MastermemesTheAngeryKat b..but... the build is beautiful...
+3guys aeromen acting kinda sus
+3he could be the impostor
69 upvotes bois
+3@Typhoon03 gasp !!!!
+2When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
+2Ngl, this is a good build, even tho u can't see the thumbnail
+2Absolutely bootiful
+2- falen
+2Awesome build, keep it up!
+2add algebra questions
+2I want to spotlight but i dont have enough points >;((((
it is bootiful
+2jet bronco
+2epic plane
+2My happiness is immeasurable and my day has been made.
seriously though, its an excellent aircraft. Well done!
+2@Beefy I layered on a piece for every pixel in the block's texture
+2Get stick bugged lol
+2he chonk
+2Hm. You got a pretty tough situation to hand, but remember that if you don't like something she did and got angry because of it, its alright. People may leave you because of your taste in music differs to theirs and you publicly stated that you did, but you did nothing wrong to her directly, and you didnt know.
She may have overreacted because of the way you approached it, but hey, don't be ashamed or upset. You didn't know beforehand that would hurt her feelings. We all make mistakes at one point or another.
Kpop is alright, but it's not justified for someone to get angry because you didn't like it and had no knowledge that they did beforehand.
Don't worry, keep your head up. If your relations improve that's a good thing, but for now, concentrate on what's ahead, alright?
+2This build definitely deserves more upvotes. You may want to consider reuploading the build with a more defining thumbnail that makes the aircraft contrast with the background more, so people can see it better.
+2yehehe boiiii
+2psst @NumbersNumbersTheMan , when's the next bracket coming along
+2I was born in the right generation.
+2No one:
+2The aesthetic look of this plane already gurantees an upvote. Well done!
+2Yo, love the frame design ngl
+1me after falling into blue paint
+1i want to eat it
+1I need one to protect the refrigerator from infiltrating forces
(I will pay you handsomely)
+1Now get ready for the 1 millimeter defeater
+1his nose is pointy he sniff sniff
+1Yo, congratsss
+1* gives McChicken sandwich *
Truly one of the moment of all time
+1(Fallen approved 😳)
+1(Zee car is very bootiful)
Spinning car spinning car
+1(Very noice, lookin fresh there my friend)
+1@BobDaBilder123 yoo, awesome
+1Looks awesome, bravo my friend