Dev WNP78 Comments

  • The Home Page is Rigged. 3.7 years ago

    The below message seems correct. If it doesn't actually have any beta parts, I can remove the beta tag from it.

  • New Beta - v1.10.103 3.7 years ago

    @BagelPlane pssst. You think it's a bit fishy how he got close enough to tell you how he thought it was a T-90 shape yet his best screenshot of it was 20 pixels across, and the HUD visible in his screenshot showed him at the same speed, altitude and heading as the supposed AI tank would have been going?

  • A thing that will make paneling glass WAYYYYYYY easier... 3.8 years ago

    Unless you want to upgrade to full raytracing there's no all-catching way to deal with intersecting transparent pieces. Usually, the rendering engine draws a "depth buffer" which stores the depth of every pixel that has been drawn, but when you have transparent things you have multiple objects drawn at one pixel, so it can't work properly. Unity tries it's best to render each object in the right order but when they intersect that doesn't work too well. So just don't go mad with the glass intersecting and it should be alright.

  • Bae Hawk 200 render also a teaser 3.8 years ago

    I don't think we allow externally rendered thumbnails, that would be considered clickbait. Looks cool though.

  • Practical Elevons with XML hacking 3.8 years ago

    No need to download and install Overload, it should be bundled with the latest version of the game on all platforms.

  • I’m Back! 3.9 years ago

    @Stratus you're not special

  • Where is the egg of the Eye of Truth? 4.1 years ago

    You may have disabled the mod the easter egg was a part of. Thank god someone finally found it. Also, look into the eye.

  • Brake doesn't work with funky trees??? 4.3 years ago

    AG7 is off therefore Activate7 = -1. So Activate7 + Brake = 0

  • Metric Conversion 4.4 years ago

    @Flyer24 This mod is obsolete in 1.9 - uninstall the mod, then go into the game settings from the main menu and set the "Unit System" field to metric.

  • something i recently found out about the search feature 4.6 years ago

    Google finds pages using a web crawler. This means it will visit the site homepage, and "click" (or just follow, it's a bot) all the links there, until it's explored the entire site from one link to the next. Therefore, it will show unlisted builds that have been linked from other pages. But if a build has no links to it from other parts of the site, then it's still hidden.

  • Engine Types: Part 1 (How Engines Work) 4.8 years ago

    Excellent article! I fixed the typo in the first sentence for you.

  • Suggestion of how to end this mod discussion and get mods on android in the future. 4.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii trust me, they won't have given up easily. Reading up on it it appears that Mono, the compiler currently used, which has JIT (just in time) compilation that allows loading of mods, does not support Arm64, so to build for Arm64 they must use IL2CPP, which is an AOT (Ahead of Time) compiler and thus cannot go adding things (loading mods) at runtime - every library must be present at compile time. Here, it seems like the unity guys don't see much promise in getting Arm64 on mono in the future.

  • Video Posts 5.1 years ago

    Thank you for mod tags! Maybe mod teasers will take advantage of this too

  • Carrier landing 5.1 years ago

    Videos don't embed very well as images...

  • More Mods Updated 5.2 years ago

    I fixed Underwater Camera too, if anyone is interested.

  • What 1.8 really needs and a logical option for iOS "modding" (Uservoice) 5.4 years ago

    What you have described is content packs, rather than mods. Mods can contain executable code. So, maybe a simple map or designer background could work if the system was reworked, you still wouldn't be able to get any of the most popular mods. (multiplayer, fine tuner, overload, adv. targeting, tracks, smoke trails, refuelling, colour editor, weapons bay, instruments, metric conversion, lasers, space, cctv, screenshots, the list goes on). There's a reason all the developers and advanced modders understand and agree on why modding on iOS is impractical. Apple is notoriously strict with app store policies and if it was found that there was a way to put your own code into it without going through the app store, then SP could get pulled off the appstore without warning. What SP really needs for 1.8 is for people to use Uservoice, the service set up for suggesting and voting for ideas, instead of posting stuff on the forum that the devs will likely never see and expecting to get special treatment and have their ideas shoved straight into the game.

  • Gas guzzling son of a petrol businessman. 5.4 years ago

    1 gallium of fuel...

  • Loop hole for IOS not getting mods 5.5 years ago

    243 days late unfortunately

  • My name is spelt jamesPLANESii. NOT ANYTHING ELSE!!! 5.6 years ago

    I get called WPN all the time, jamesplays2...

  • I'm new to the site but not SP 5.8 years ago

    I know, so many new people around here...

  • Upcoming Mod? 5.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii not planning to include sea floor in the initial release but.... it might be possible to make a procedural seabed, if I had the time.

  • Small Website Update 5.9 years ago

    @Chancey21 It's 6 alphanumerical (case-sensitive) digits. That's 10 (numbers) + 32 (upper and lower case) = 42 combos per character
    42 to the power of 6 (6 digits) = 5489031744
    that's five billion combinations to try randomly. I think they'd notice the server melting.

  • When you just realize how the airports are named.. 6.0 years ago

    They used to be named after developers but they felt modest and changed them in an update.

  • Question about hinges 6.1 years ago

    "Hinge Rotators" are available stock. When set to 0% speed, they become "floppy", and the "base mesh" hides, leaving only the hinge part showing. You can use XML modding to set the disableBaseMesh property to true to make it look like this all the time.

  • Craft Generator Script 6.1 years ago

    @sexylips35 has it not occurred to you that I might be deliberately not noticing your increasingly silly questions?

  • WaffleCakes's Profile Picture 6.2 years ago

    To be honest, I was hoping someone would build on top of the base I formed, and make something better, rather than use it to exhaustion...

  • Advanced AI Mod request 7.0 years ago

    I'm currently working on a autopilot, which could perhaps PERHAPS become something akin to the AI. Also, they do try to dodge missiles. By diving into the sea.

  • Nukes 1.3 years ago

    @Kendra nope

  • Funky Trees! 1.3 years ago

    @temporaryplanetester FT is only an expressions language, and if/else blocks typically group statements (instructions). What you can do if you want is to use the Activator field on a variable setter (click the downwards arrow to expand it) to only set a variable when a condition is met, and then have another setter for the same variable with the opposite condition. Or, if you want to format your code nicer, you could edit it in an external editor and split your ternary operators across multiple lines, like

        ? value_if_true
        : value_if_false

  • Mods are comig. To iOS (no, not clickbait) 1.5 years ago

    Unfortunately it's not that simple and has never been. "3rd party app support" would I assume mean allowing people to install apps from outside the apple app store. Not mods. iOS has a security policy that prevents apps from writing to executable memory pages. So, the only code that can run is code that was compiled with the app before it was distributed. This means that the JIT compiled runtimes that would be required to load mod code at runtime can't run on iOS. This announcement says nothing to imply that would change. Even in the very unlikely case that restriction were lifted - since that has never been supported, Unity has never supported using the Mono JIT runtime on iOS because it would never have worked, so you'd have to wait for them to implement support for that before we could do anything. And trust me, Unity has a lot else on their plate right now and I can't see them spending what is quite a lot of work and time spent testing on a feature the core of the engine that would benefit such a small portion of their users. And even in the extremely unlikely (pretty much fantasy-level) case of that happening, it'd be in years and probably in a newer version of the engine that would take us a bunch of time to upgrade to which could cause bugs and we'd have to find an alternate app store to distribute it on and then do two iOS builds for every release.


  • Bug with the windows. 1.5 years ago

    The hollow glass has different paint layers for the outside and inside surfaces. Try painting it with your layer set to all.

  • The world from extreme altitude 1.6 years ago

    @OkaNieba the sea is a flat circle that follows you around. You normally can't see the edge because it is beyond the fog distance

  • Underwater Camera 1.8 years ago

    @Prerewsertre still won't work. That's the old version from when android did support code mods. Trust me, just because the square block fits through the square hole, it doesn't mean it'll do anything good in there.

  • PETITION: One Part Assemblies (OPAs) 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming no, it does not use the subassembly system, it automatically combines parts at all times, behind the scenes.

  • Slingsby Venture G-BVKU 2.2 years ago

    @SkullKid25 idk man I'm from the UK

  • Cessna 172 2.3 years ago

    Very nice plane, a few notes for the VR users though:

    • Would be nice to have a first person camera that is levelled - currently feels like the whole world is tilted down because the camera is
    • Lots of decorative controls set to "0" - this isn't a valid control input and causes error spam, setting them to Disabled is the recommanded practice.

    Unfortunately the code doesn't seem to handle the 0 Control very gracefully and actually logging so many errors every frame is causing a significant amount of lag, so you might get a decent performance boost from setting your controls to Disabled instead of 0.

  • Avalon Industries TWC-1 ''Richard'' Tactical Wheelchair 2.5 years ago

    Tips on getting it to work in VR:

    • As said below the connections at the ControlBase need reworking so the user can move it in VR.
    • I tried out how it would be if you fixed the connections, and I get another issue - the piston when sideways is a pretty weak joint with a fair amount of flex. This isn't an issue normally but because of the way the control base works it actually leads to a feedback loop, where the back of the gun is always trying to match the position of the hand, but the flex in the piston joint causes it to spring a bit, which changes where the gun is trying to point, and it feeds back into itself. To fix that, you could either avoid using a piston and have rotators instead, or another way would be to actually have the gun be controlled by head movement. You can do that by setting the output variables of the camera on the chair, and then aiming the gun based on those variable names you set for the camera to output.
    • You also have both pitch and yaw on the gun set to "none" which then creates a variable called "none" and means that they are linked when you're not holding it, so it doesn't hold it's position when you let go, you could fix that by just setting them to different axis names.

  • bruh. 2.8 years ago

    @Shoukaku nope, but there will probably be a new Gator

  • Player Power 3.2 years ago

    @SupremeDorian It's alright I'm offsetting the usage of his flux capacitor

  • McDonnell F-101B Voodoo 3.2 years ago

    WHY ME

  • It feels like only yesterday... 3.2 years ago

    When you realise you made your first mod 5 years ago

  • What happened to leaking fuel from the 1.7 update? 3.4 years ago

    The fuel tanks can leak when they are shot, they don't have the same visual effect as in that trailer though - instead it's burning fuel (fire with black smoke trail). It is a random chance as to whether they leak or just explode, so it doesn't happen every time. @JamesieMcPlanesieThe2st I have just tested and it works fine in the latest game.

  • Advanced Targeting 3.5 years ago

    @Mikalegan you don't need to download the mod or enable it. Overload and Fine Tuner are bundled with the game so will work, whereas the features of this mod are in the base game already.

  • Regarding posts in the Mods section 3.5 years ago

    @Pizzaschnitzel do you really though? Do you want to check? It might have magically changed.

  • simpleplanes has a terraria reference in it??? 3.5 years ago

    @DerpTheSoyacfartala isn't it funny that shattering sounds like shattering, and tire screech sounds like tire screech? There must be something going on here...

  • Rotator with auto aim 3.6 years ago

    @SilucaBloodfallen yes, you can. But put capitals, so it's TargetHeading

  • TrollShield 3.7 years ago

    @Freerider2142 It shouldn't be related. But it seems that it is weirdly. I might try and restructure the mod to see if that changes things.

  • Are there bots on the sp website?? (Solved I guess) 3.7 years ago

    It's fine, a lot of people just want to browse the website and get notified about new builds from people, but don't feel the need to post or engage in conversation.
