38.4k UltraLight Comments

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy haha yes

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @Sklimber thanks!

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @Stanmich I think I was following like an Etsy post or sum lol so not my idea but thx

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming ikr! There is a slight gradient tho, it’s lighter blue on the left side

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes yep, here and that’s the whole reason why I built this plane lol

  • Office Supply X-Wing 1.7 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot just asked for it to become a successor. This is my entry.

  • [CLOSED] Challenge of the Air Forces of the Primary School 1.7 years ago

    Nvm I'll give it wings anyway

  • [CLOSED] Challenge of the Air Forces of the Primary School 1.7 years ago

    Does it have to fly?

  • Ultra R7 Inspire 1.7 years ago

    @rexzion ha thanks yeah they were scary to make as well

  • Ultra R7 Inspire 1.7 years ago

    Some of the stuff is glitchy, sorry. This is out of my comfort zone(and device performance lol). Also ummm... don't leave the 3 cockpit cams!

  • NACA3D Stunt Aircraft 1.7 years ago

    Its fine

  • Cool Dash 1.8 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder thx

  • Cool Dash 1.8 years ago

    @zwen oh thanks! I was really wanting to do that so I’ll fix it tonight. Just didn’t know how

  • Cool Dash 1.8 years ago

    Just realized the "Ignition" switch should be labeled "starter" Sorry, stupid mistake

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @KangBaksoSoeharto probably not, Im working on a different project right now

  • Scout Miro 1.8 years ago

    Also we still can’t do differential braking besides with airbrakes—bummer since a lot of small aircraft have free castering nose wheels and can only steer on the ground with brakes!

  • Scout Miro 1.8 years ago

    Ok when I saw “parking brake that actually uses the wheel brake” I was really confused. So I tried to figure out how you did it by checking the wheel’s xml but then I realized the buttons input is just brake! Genius, I never would have thought of that.

    Unfortunately though, it’s not exactly perfect because it still slides a little—the engine power is stronger than the brakes and increasing the braketorque is obviously bad so pistons might still be better.

    They really need to let us use ft expressions for braking power but still nice idea, I’m definitely going to use that

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    HahA @MrCOPTY

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER gracias

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @MrTrolling09 so unfortunate to hear

    I go on vacation in my dads '16 Tacoma

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @MrTrolling09 lucky!

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    Requested tags below


  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago


  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago


  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER @ollielebananiaCFSP btw you could just upload the images online to something like imgbb.com and then I could just click the link but whatever it’s ok

  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima could you please do screenshots for me on this? That would be awesome

  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER just like a thumbnail shot, anything that looks cool and captures most of the plane. Then maybe a few more to put in the desc

  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP and if I don't have discord?

  • Calling All Screenshotters 1.8 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP I heard you make teaser videos and screenshots for people! Can you do that here pretty please?

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo it’s because they want to churn out the best pilots on the earth rather than the best autopilot operators haha

    Kind of like the explanation for top gun, where they are trying to teach strategical dogfighting tactics rather than using long range missiles and just relying on having bigger engines and better g suits

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @pilotman10 yeah that one doesn’t even come close to working for me sorry

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @IMULAerospaceIndustries oh yeah

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @ReturnOfJeffChandler ok lol great...
    1. Terrain avoidance is impossible because there is no radar -- just the AltitudeAgl but thats just directly under your plane
    2. Wing flex is REALLY commonly used by the airliner building section of the community, so I'm not gonna pretend I invented it lol
    3. High Alpha, Stall Recovery, etc is GuyFolk's stuff. Talk to him
    4. Auto takeoff? Push the throttle to full and set trim to the bottom lmao
    5. The waypoint thing is a fun idea but also VERY simple. Just plug a trig expression into a heading hold expression. I can explain it to you and you can probably do it yourself.

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo just an increasing pitch input as your AltitudeAgl decreases. It is very rudimentary and relies entirely on the perfection of the glideslope and autothrottle. Hopefully one day I can sit down and really make it work, coding to maintain a vertical speed which decreases until 0 as you touch down.

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @pilotman10 I tried that. The issue is that the data on target elevation and heading is vector based, so as you get closer it becomes more sensitive. So as you get closer, the oscillations get very bad and the autopilot loses stability altogether. Plus, the accuracy necessary to capture the drogue is insane. So I guess you're stuck with hand-flying for now.

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    @TRD yep! You may need to adjust the gains a little but just copy the variables over!

  • Formation Autothrottle 1.8 years ago

    I guess this is becoming part of my wasp autopilot demos series lol. Let me know what else you want to see me force the plane into doing for you!

    Btw my Citation has autothrottle added into the approach codes. It slows down as you approach the airport. Also a very primitive automatic flare, despite being unrealistic for the CJ4

  • Map of the United States 1.8 years ago

    @realSavageMan oooh that would be cool. And actually pretty acheivable since we are just a rectangle

  • Map of the United States 1.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANEScdxxLXIX haha same, I now regret zooming in

  • Map of the United States 1.8 years ago

    Wow, you really nailed my state. Some people struggle with Colorado but this is a different story

    Make Grand County, CO now!

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 1.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii weight saving for shorter takeoff distance. Only implemented in the newer Gen 2 models

    Others may call it being too lazy and wanting to experiment with ft instead but you know

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 1.8 years ago

    @ReturnOfJeffChandler You

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 1.8 years ago

    @NARGII @Bryan5

  • Testers Needed! Fly this beautiful plane! 1.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter @Rework @rexzion

  • ILS Auto Approach 1.8 years ago

    @AlexRol05 yeah idk how to hold current

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 yeah the only “doors,” which I wouldn’t even consider doors, are the ones connected to the gear strut. The pivot points are probably different for the two but it’s not that difficult.

    Although I do typically overuse XML so lg is always rlly buggy for me.

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 if I focus then I can usually get main wings to a good standard. Main gear WOULD be tough bc of the whole folding into the wings thing, but at least there is no doors so the wheel can be showing on the bottom. Ill find out in the next few days ig

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @rexzion ok so just to be sure, I’m going to, umm

  • Cessna Citation CJ4 1.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter @Rework @NARGII 50% chance I remember those haha usually don’t do a teaser like this

  • ILS Auto Approach 1.8 years ago

    @AlexRol05 well the variables HeadPi, AltPi, and RatePi are for the respectable autopilot functions. Just copy those variables into a new plane and then add the pitch ones into the elevator inputs and the heading ones into the aileron inputs.

    If you're wondering how the code works, I basically just made a system which makes the aircraft wings level. So if it senses it is banking to the left, it'll add right aileron and if it is pitching down, it will pull up. Then say, to make it roll left 60° I will just subtract 60 from the RollAngle, making the aircraft think it is rolled 60 degrees right and it will correct for that.

    So to make it hold a heading you just have to have that artificial error be put in by FT expressions, like clamp(deltaangle(Heading, Trim * 180), -60, 60). So it will take the difference between your Heading and Trim * 180. Then I'm just clamping it to between negative and positive 60, so even if the heading is off by 80° it will onlyy roll 60.
