52.5k RocCrafter101 Comments

  • Iridium War 6.0 years ago

    No, I’m not denying heavy losses on my part. I’m denying the fact the nation is set of self destruction.
    Years ago, the Monarchy held most of the power. The Federal Monarchy of Iridium, or Federation commonly reffered as, had the military branch slowly take more and more responsibilities from the queen till she was just a figure head of the nation. Once word spread about atrocities committed by the military branch. The nation split between two large parties: those in favor of restoring responsibilities to the queen, and those in favor of the military rule and reforms in the current system. Both parties do not wish for the nation to fall to foreign hands. For the time being, they’re set on the prevention of foreign forces from conquering the territory and the defeat of the Revolutionary Guard, a group with Communistic ideals supported by Paternian forces. These Revolutionary Guard forces have been drastically diminished to under 700 as part of a war on terror.

  • The Iridium War (Western and Eastern Fronts) 6.0 years ago

    I see what you did there

  • Sparrow Class Ekranoplan 6.0 years ago

    @Pilotmario Duh, a state of war exists. When you try to pull another non lethal quarantine, these things will be there.

  • Iridium War 6.0 years ago

    Much of the information here is propaganda made by Paternian officials attempting to be pushed as canon. I’ll put together a list of misconceptions soon.

  • Sparrow Class Ekranoplan 6.0 years ago

    @ErvenDynamics Paternia quarantined Iridium in the past. Calling it a quarantine as blockade would assume a state of war exists. This quarantine was non lethal and stopped cargo ships through the use of fast light crafts tossing nets into propellers. The only way to stop these things is to fire on it which would result in a declaration of war.

  • Aircraft Carrier Admiral Irene 6.0 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries It’s a fleet carrier, if it can’t do its job better than a cruiser made to perform the same task at 50%. I think I did something wrong.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Yeah, it would probably need an extremely powerful energy source too. But a weapon like that is a really too much.

  • Iridium incident (2027 International Council) 6.0 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter Most of them were held back to prevent an unwanted conflict with Paternia and the CAF without your support as you were not present. I'll add them in soon.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    -Well, railguns can intercept them with matched velocity and high fire rate, hypervelocity shrapnel can shred the projectiles in reentry and cause them to burn up.
    -But this vessel is part of the Federation in the "International Council" RP server. Which prohibits Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons along with weapons in orbit. I don't choose to go to RP servers which employ these kind of weapons as they usually get messy.
    -Along with how this vessel operates in 2025. If it was in later stages, I would be using high power LaWS ([La]ser [W]eapons [S]ystems) to intercept such projectiles.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Not sure, haven’t seen it. But this vessel was designed for air defense. Railguns accelerate projectiles to hypervelocity speeds releasing shrapnel from proximity fuses that are near impossible to dodge by aircraft without fullstop split second capability at long distance. Laser Weapons systems in place of some CIWS guns would easily deal with incoming missiles at Hypersonic levels of speed. Along with the ability to pack 36 medium range SAMs into one VLS cell as each cell can fit either 1 S-Large Missile (ASBM, IRBM), 4 Large Missiles (Zircon X, HSLAM, Sarin II), 12 Medium Missiles (Unknown), or 36 Small Missiles (Whirlwind, Hurricane). Composite metal foam armor is able to withstand heavy hitting armor piercing rounds, while spaced armor around the belt, main batteries, and deck plating stops HEAT rounds. With the lightening of the armor, the ship is much faster than it used to be and can perform maneuvers decently.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter Don't worry
    Iowa and Bismarck are coming soon™

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    @ErvenDynamics They technically are all CIWS guns. They just carry the shape of WW2 AA guns to make it look like Yamato. They have a radar system on them and can independently target enemy aircraft and missile systems.

  • Battleship Yamato Refit No.2 6.0 years ago

    @Johawks1976 Don't worry, I'm gonna release one without AA guns and some radar systems to reduce part counts while maintaining the primary use I intended.
    It should be 50% original size.
    Edit: I added a smaller version in desc.

  • M134 Rykova Minigun (Auto Cannon) 6.0 years ago

    @Patton2 Meh
    Effort=/=Quality. If you get good at something, less effort is required to make quality. Not saying that I'm good but Pilot mostly has been saying that since I spend such little time on things for "just good enough." Probably I could do things better if I spend more time. I do put effort but not much and in my opinion it looks decent and performs quite well.

  • Bike v2 /TEST 6.0 years ago

    Woah, this is cool. Any time I’ve tried to make a bike it always ends horribly lol. Good job 👍

  • M/AK-80 Assault Rifle 6.0 years ago

    @Pilotmario Lol, it technically is allowed.

  • Helicopter Carrier Kusaka 6.1 years ago

    @Kaos Yeah, I’m used to inverted controls. Along with how slow things are a bit frustrating in SP for me. If I want to be realistic, I would just slow down the throttle.

  • Helicopter Carrier Kusaka 6.1 years ago

    @Johawks1976 I was gonna make a heavily modernized Iowa class but went for smaller vessels since I participate in SP RPs. Though SP RP imo is a bit, toxic...

  • Tadei MRF/ASF Venom I 6.1 years ago

    @TheEggman Yeah, I'm not that great at making plane controls. Getting better though. You should have seen my Arukiri.

  • Federation Attack Drone Talus 6.1 years ago

    @DeidaraEnterprises Yup, except since theres no version of the ground engagement missile we use in game (Actually there is, I just wanted to keep part counts low). I just used something that closely resembles it.

  • Aircraft Carrier Admiral Irene 6.1 years ago

    @JackTheBestBoss https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/77I27V/Irene-Class-Fleet-Carrier-Downsized
    Here we go! A version of half size. I hope this helps!

  • Aircraft Carrier Admiral Irene 6.1 years ago

    Thankyou everyone for 46 Upvotes! ❤️

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    Sry bout that. Fixed the credited areas.

  • ORP Prawn 6.1 years ago

    Cool, glad people are making variations of my things xD

  • BAD APPLE ! ! 6.1 years ago

    Oh my god. This is amazing. I have no words that can describe how awesome this.

  • Federation Topol-M (Mobile ICBM Launcher) 6.1 years ago

    @minigun217 No, sry. I have though done experiments with making better missiles, MIRVs, and the Tsar Bomba mod. The problem with that is that it crashes my computer launching 10 nukes across an area lol.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    1) Actually, we split our forces in numbers by threat level in the area with NSF and ESF being roughly equal in threat. So we split them equally between the two. WSF, SSF and CF are currently classified.
    2) You never mentioned the SAS forces or the night raid attacking the islands. I don't accept it as canon as you're changing the past. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ODkziY9RLIwMUfNGdcSQE1rP8ut9LZNoxGSlRCTMuh8/edit?usp=sharing
    Here is the original that I accept as default canon till I release my version for the voting in council.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    Two years of preparation is not considered hasty.
    And what happened to responding in multiple points.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    1) Actually, the Queen panicked at this information and ordered the Iridium Military Central forces to mobilize toward the north and for the Northern Forces yo prepare for combat.
    2) We know they didn’t believe us, we explained to the people that the supplies were going to the Federation and provided details. We got through to a lot of people. But it wasn’t that huge of an impact. Shipments carried on as no one successfully stopped them.
    3) Korama and it’s citizens are aware of the state of the Federation. The below statement about the Federation Markings shows where they are going to.
    4) The weapons were marked with the Iridium Shield.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    1) We had Civillian reports and military reports from fishing boats that had radar equipment. Along with radar buoys and SOSUS arrays. Our North Sea class spotted the incoming force and quickly reported back.
    2) I know, you didn’t. But we count the islands near the coast as Mainland.
    3) In my story, we made a more realistic Operational Airforce amount.
    4) We also boosted our airforce numbers as our Central forces joined the battle.
    5) We warned them and stated our true intentions to them. If they fired on us, they were arrested or killed. It’s sad to say that many of them refused to believe our information and continued attempts to stop us. We had to deal with them. Compensation has been sent to their families. Korama had told the NG to stand down. If they didn’t, they were shot for treason. We exposed Paternia’s lies to the Koraman civilians, they believe Paternia is at fault for the deaths. We have no reports of being successfully haunted by local police forces or the National Gendarme. All shipments were successful.

  • Federation North Sea Class Submarine 6.1 years ago

    @AnoniMosu Yeah, I try to keep part counts minimal but still looking pretty good.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    1) I’ll explain the tactics used in my story.
    -Also, you can’t seriously think it’s possible to establish a beachhead on a Mainland without years of warfare. You were detected by various radar buoys long before. With midair refuelling, we had had central forces able to enter the fight mid battle.
    2) The drills were based on launching as many aircraft as possible and servicing them. 2 years of extensive training with fake (but weighted) missiles, pilots dropping them, and coming back to be serviced.
    3) The Paternian blockade was effective over seas. Bulk shipments happened within territorial waters to the border at the Gulf of Ob, then moved across into Federation Ports. The thousands of flights and freight trains via underground railway system assisted very well. Like I said, the whole operation required a vast amount of money to pull off. The Federation owes a lot to its supporters. The shipments were not able to be stopped as they weren’t to the Federation, they were sent to ports in the Gulf outside Federation Borders, then moved across the territorial waters border into Federation hands.
    4) Aurora was released 6 years ago into the Federation Airforce. Longbow was released 5. Predecessors are actually company aircraft that have been designed by/for other nations for years. The Federation commissioned them for assistance. Along with heavily modernised facilities, we were able to amass them in large enough quantities.

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    Theres a bit of problems with this story the contradict with events that took place and our tactics and procedures.
    -The problem with writing this story is that it ignores our tactics and procedures. We've been preparing for an invasion for 2 years. We've proven multiple times we can launch around 500 aircraft.
    -The Paternian blockade was effective at blocking naval transports. It doesn't cover overland effectively. You were able to get forces there such as bribed local police forces, and other organizations. We assure you, we didn't fire on them unless they fired on us. We can also assure you, they were easily defeated as Military>Police
    -We were able to fuel aircraft at pretty low costs due to our fuel surplus allowing for air transport of supplies and V.I.Ps who played a very very crucial part in building up our industries.
    -Underground Metro systems were also used to transport large amounts of supplies across the border undetected.
    -About the radios and your claims that our military used commercial electronics. We know that commercial electronics won't cut it for military use against Paternia. We forbid their use for military purposes. We made deals with multiple nations for military grade technology by providing a technology exchange. Blueprints of our weapons systems, for electronics and assisted build up of industry to produce the weapon systems. In which we gave part of our forces in return. With the modernization of our facilities, we were able to produce large amounts of military grade electronics.
    -The Aurora and Longbow have been proven to be much faster and more maneuverable than Paternian aircraft. Our pilots though had around 4 years of experience with the aircraft. Which is assumed to be less. But we can assure we launched at least 500 fighter aircraft. The nation owes quite a large amount of vessels and weapons systems to its aiding nations.
    -The first wave of Longbows charged in to spot the Paternian force and engage aircraft. The Longbows reported being able to evade many Paternian missiles, only being destroyed by being overwhelmed. Once the force was spotted, long range attacks would take place with Z-X Hypersonic Missiles launched by Okhotsk missile boat force and our Abyss Class ballistic missile subs. The missiles were launched around the general area avoiding radar detection and coordinating with each other. A couple missiles took a longer route around to confirm the location of the forces, which of course ran out

  • Battle of the Arctic Sea 6.1 years ago

    There’s quite a bit of mis information here. I’ll get a full list later.
    -But the un-identified submarine force is the North Sea Class.
    -The Federation was in no shortage of supplies. Supplies were shipped by underground metro, convoys, and cargo aircraft. Over land borders where Paternia can’t legally interfere as they would be trespassing.
    -We received extensive aid from other nations in the modernization of industries. Those nations will be kept secret for their safety.
    -We we’re not short of morale as Paternian acts infuriated citizens and many military pilots were extremely eager to take action.
    -The electronics imported were of military grade quality. We gave a lot to get them to get this. Our Modernized facilities could produce them easily.
    -Our economy didn’t take as severe of a hit. I’ll explain the measures we took later.
    -Our navy could fight the blockade, we could easily bust through with armed convoys. But we chose not to as it would be an act of war.
    -All airbases and carriers reported empty hangers. Routine checks have reported the aircraft we claimed are all operational and ready to launch. Naval forces, coastal radar, ATC, AWACs, and ground force radar systems have all reported an average of 917 fighter aircraft were launched. We’ve prepared for an invasion by Paternia for years.
    -Federation reports the loss of 7 Missile Boats. Emergency floatation devices stalled the sinking long enough for them to be towed to port for repairs. Though 9 are considered unrepairable.
    -The Cruiser Hariken and destroyer Aki that we’re reported sunk. Had emergency floatation inflated and towed to port in radio silence. Aki sunk in the harbor but was raised and salvaged.
    (Anyways, we’re holding a vote in the SP Int Council to see who’s story should be canon. I’ll post mine later, but I’m not as skilled in the website features and writing)

  • KIROV REPORTING! 6.1 years ago

    Woah, how does this fly?

  • MPADS FIM 92 Wasp 6.1 years ago

    @EliteArsenals24 I don't really join competitions. Sry

  • Federation Missile Frigate Barracuda 6.1 years ago

    @BeefyBoy4516 Yeah, thats why theres the Okhotsk and the Sturgeon with lower part counts you can find on my uploads. They're basically the same

  • 8000 mph warship 6.2 years ago

    Lol nice

  • Federation Hariken Class Destroyer 6.2 years ago

    @yoshicraze Yeah, I felt there were quite a lot of radars. But for an RP, these serve a purpose.

  • Federation Hariken Class Destroyer 6.2 years ago

    Sorry about the part count. The CIWS guns and that “forgot its name” net looking radar take up quite a bit of part count.
    Also it’s missing one of the targeting radars in the mid of the ship whoops.

  • MBT-80A1 6.2 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 Its not stolen. I've checked it out. Looks nice though.

  • Federation Phalanx Tank 6.2 years ago

    @toofast2002 Thank you, it’s mostly because I try to make things look good by using as little parts as I can since my computer and phone hate me. Phone tries to kill me at 250 parts, my laptop can only handle 600 effectively.

  • Federation 3M22 Zircon-Hypersonic Anti-ship 6.2 years ago

    This isn’t even the Zircon.
    It was all a trick. I deceived you.

  • Federation Arukiri Supersonic Strategic Bomber 6.2 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter Yeah but then they become jelly and screw up stability.

  • Federation Arukiri Supersonic Strategic Bomber 6.2 years ago

    @PyrusEnderhunter Actually I can get it up to speed. BUT, the problem is that the wings wobble and shatter, or maneuverability is utter crap.

  • Federation Destroyer Aki Class 6.2 years ago

    @KeemstarPlanes Add health to the locations the gun hits. Add the attribute “damperMultiplier” to the rotator inside the gun.

  • Federation Interdictor F-111 Hayaidesu 6.2 years ago

    @phanps During my tests with the landing gear forward, the plane usually slammed its engines into the ground.

  • Federation Nakajima Gunship 6.2 years ago

    Yeah, I’ve done bad things with this aircraft.

  • Federation Nakajima Gunship 6.2 years ago

    @Pilotmario lol true.

  • Federation Destroyer Aki Class 6.2 years ago

    @KeemstarPlanes Yeah, that was a problem. I can't make it not hit the bow of the ship without decreasing the rise. Try xml editing the bow to have a lot of health if you like. Also, I learned a few things. Add the attribute on xml "damperMultiplier" and set it to 20000. Which would allow you to set the speed really high without wobble.
    @xYoshiLP Oh its simple, I just set the attribute "function" then set it to "AirToAir"