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Iridium incident (2027 International Council)

52.5k RocCrafter101  6.0 years ago


Federation 2iC (Awaiting RP Name) attempted to merge the Philippines Republic with agreements with President Demis. After attempts to get support have failed, 2iC supposedly gained intel on sensitive documents. After failed attempts at contact, the Federation locked down the capital and its borders, cutting off all outside communication.


Philippines Republic and The Revolutionary Guard

Philippines Republic cruisers stationed in Japan attempted to push through the defensive lines at the Sea of Okhotsk. Quickly were turned away after warning shots and threats were fired. Later to return to assist a group called "The Revolutionary Guard" in their attempts to rescue the now labeled a defector 2iC. Vessels quickly withdrew to Japan after taking heavy fire from defensive batteries with the reported loss of at least five cruisers. Revolutionary Guard aircraft with outdated technology were quickly destroyed by defense batteries and Aurora squadrons.

Awwami Royal Command (Formally Maywar)

Maywar unprovoked launched multiple attempted strikes over the border into Federation territory with cruise missiles and bombers. Cruise missiles were quickly destroyed by LaWS equip Nakajima heavy load aircraft. While bombers withdrew with few losses after strafing runs and missile strikes from Aurora squadrons.


Information was passed to Paternia by unknown means. With any feasible rescue attempts being met with long range fire. Nevertheless, the information had gotten into Paternian hands, sending a broadcast world wide about Federation actions such as the bombing of a city controlled by "The Revolutionary Guard" which resulted in the deaths of thousands of citizens, covered by false information that the Revolutionaries had detonated the warhead. Along with the Dark Skies program which called for the mass release of debris into space as a last resort, to destroy satellite targeting systems.

Paternia later declared war on these actions and prepared mobilization of units toward Federation territory.

Manila Bay

The Irene class Fleet carrier (Name classified) stationed in Manila Bay without orders from Federation Mainland was completely unaware of the incident. Philippine troops were closing in on the carrier via patrol boats. Firing on deck personal, figuring war had broken out and the lack of orders from mainland. Along with Philippine troops storming the deck. All remaining forces abandoned ship while Prestigious Academy units, loyal to the end, initiated the self destruct of the carrier. The Thermobaric warheads in the ICBMs detonated and destroyed the ship. Being Nuclear Powered, the vessel released lethal radiation across the area. The condition of the city is unknown though the blast radius of the Thermobaric warheads had the city well within range.

Soon after, Abyss Class Ballistic Missile sub received signal of the detonation of the Irene Class. Later launched its full payload to nearby infrastructure and Paternian bases besides a single warhead which was to be used for the scuttle of the vessel. After the Ballistic missiles were launch at short range, the vessel set its self destruct and abandoned ship. The crew of both the Irene and the Abyss class are classed as deceased as they were unlikely to have survived the blasts. Bodies were not recovered.

To Be Continued.

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    36.1k DbE

    @Alienbeef0421 we have been dpig most of the stuff in discord

    6.0 years ago
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    36.1k DbE
    6.0 years ago
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    Oh, and if you ever need support in a war, let me know. I can provide some high-end weapon systems or even intel.

    6.0 years ago
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    And KI is watching all of this unfold from the high earth orbit utility station and spaceport Alpha-6A/g. Not that it wants to be involved in a war.

    6.0 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Most of them were held back to prevent an unwanted conflict with Paternia and the CAF without your support as you were not present. I'll add them in soon.

    6.0 years ago
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    55.3k Beefy

    After the SimpleLandia RP, this?

    6.0 years ago
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    u forgot the CAF batalions present

    6.0 years ago