1,266 Numbers2 Comments


    If you were to look at the hellfire and inferno missile they are the same shape and look @Bryan5


    AGM-114L, or Longbow Hellfire, is a fire-and-forget weapon: equipped with a millimeter-wave (MMW) active radar homing, it requires no further guidance after launch—even being able to lock on to its target after launch (wiki) @Bryan5


    @Bryan5 one variant, the AGM-114L "Longbow Hellfire", being radar-guided. (wiki)


    @Bryan5 The AGM-114 Hellfire is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) first developed for anti-armor use, later developed for precision drone strikes against other target types, especially high-value targets. It was originally developed under the name Heliborne laser, fire-and-forget. I found this from Wikipedia

  • reversi 1.6 years ago

    When you win by getting rid of the other teams colour there's a term called stall that doesn't show but brilliant details and hey technically we now have a Multiplayer thing for mobile but not online multiplayer @PlanariaLab


    The Inferno missile is the Hellfire missile just under a different name for legal reasons

  • New build question 1.6 years ago

    Ok so one version will not have external weapons and the other versions will (aka bomb truck that's the nickname given to the F35 when it's in beast mode) @Bryan5

  • How to make Formation flying builds 1.7 years ago

    I figured it out I've done a rebuild of a very very very very old plane on the website the flying wing @HuskyDynamics01

  • Excuse me what the Hell ?????? 1.7 years ago

    Yes it's a bug in the game so the other parts are most likely to be 100-1000feet above or below that plane it happens to me as well it's a pain when you need the tanker and that happens or when your in a dogfight with a craft like that

  • KC-130 Tanker 1.7 years ago

    Its a KC-130

  • PART HUB CHALLENGE 1.7 years ago

    You forgot everything here in Australia will try and kill us Australian citizens out does everyone in the world @Rocketguy2079

  • F-35A Lightning ll 1.7 years ago

    Hahahah Realism with replication of the F35 ejection seat issue @IcePhoenix

  • Mobile should have a higher graphics option 1.8 years ago

    I think it's not the game but the graphics card the mobile devices have in them is crap compared to a PC in short the mobile is like an F-4 Phantom and PC being an F-14 Tomcat

  • Credits, unlisted and plagiarism. 1.8 years ago

    The biggest concern I have is people are showing thousands on YouTube how to download simpleplanes for free

  • Boeing X-32 remake 1.8 years ago

    Hang on that's illigal then report it @Suubk27

  • biplane (Lake's Biplane fixed) 1.9 years ago

    It was an easy fix @Lake

  • Name change! And other stuff maybe? X-29 project cancelled!? 1.9 years ago

    Issue number 2. The wings had different wing styles semi symmetric, symmetric and flat bottom that's going to also mess the flight characteristics @TRD

  • Name change! And other stuff maybe? X-29 project cancelled!? 1.9 years ago

    Ok. I have fixed someone else's plane which they we're told by a gold user to just give up and it was an easy fix so I'm sure this will be as well @TRD

  • Corona 1.9 years ago

    Isolation @Lake

  • Corona 1.9 years ago

    Last day of iso @Lake

  • F-14 Tomcat (Block Version) 1.9 years ago

    It's not a Tomcat! It's a Blockcat!

  • Finish the plane challenge 1.9 years ago

    all issues fixed @Panzerwaifu69 @Lake

  • Finish the plane challenge 1.9 years ago

    No need to abbandon the craft the issues were as follows the wings weren't attached properly to the fusalarge blocks which was holding the both wings and the magnet is causing a huge amount of drag so ill get rid of the drag using XML @Panzerwaifu69 @Lake

  • SPMP MOBILE!!!1!!!1!!!11! (NOT CLICKBAIT) 1.9 years ago

    How to reck phone

  • AVIATION MEMES!! (Part 2) 1.9 years ago

    I do not know. One time I did manage to drift a 737-800 on the expert server by accident as I was using the auto land function and the airspeed high ended up on the grass and got banned then I put in a thing to overturn it and I won but the things you see on the training server is funny as hell as one time a pilot was too slow or had the speed breaks extended and landed hard that the game detected it as a crash and he wasn't even near the runway. @AnimeGirlLover2010

  • New Moderators 1.9 years ago


  • Now accepting moderator applications 1.9 years ago

    Ah right @XtarsAgency

  • Now accepting moderator applications 1.9 years ago

    Any time I know from experience of being a school student leader @XtarsAgency

  • Technoblade statue 1.9 years ago

    Yeah but I've seen the posts taken down by mods even though some users don't follow the rule mods still enforce the rule however the exception to this rule was any memorial builds before that rule was in place are allowed to stay up @teodor99

  • I had a weird dream about SP 1.9 years ago

    @BeastHunter @X99STRIKER if it does deja vu

  • Now accepting moderator applications 1.9 years ago

    I wonder as well if people have set up "fake accounts" (people who never wanted to be on this website as a user) and put in a mod application. Whilst there is 66 upvotes some of them are either mods or devs and 55+ more just users, then you also have a countless of other people who look at the post, but the number of times your forum gets looked at never shows, so this would be interesting in terms of the real amount of applicants. @asteroidbook345

  • Kamov-XX25 1.9 years ago

    Modern warships player eh? Same here!

  • Rip Chris Darnell 1.9 years ago

    Damn the shockwave truck is gone and so is Chris I've heard of the truck long ago it's been featured in documentaries and even the old Microsoft Flight simulator X if I have the correct flight sim series of the Microsoft Flight sim that's a lot of time and money gone with a life with it

  • nothing to see here... im not making anything 1.9 years ago

    Fair enough @sam1333

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B 1.9 years ago

    @xNotDumb @ZeroWithSlashedO Ok so MrTrolling09 does give credit like I thought. Next time just be open minded about a situation because this is why controversy happens. NOW FOR ANYONE ELSE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF THE BIAS IT IS OVER, @MrTrolling09 Has explained what he does and I don't think he's braking any rules he still gives credit but only once the final release is out.

  • Just a simple question 1.9 years ago

    It's like a meme build really someone saw the funny side to the build and obviously the trend started to catch on and so it became popular but it's died down but like old ded trends it lingers on

  • SP Combat Under Fire, A Tutorial. 1.9 years ago

    "commercial airliner pilot" ok fair enough we learn from this incident 2003 Baghdad DHL attempted shootdown incident @FujiwaraAutoShop

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 1.9 years ago

    Thanks mate @Walvis

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B 1.9 years ago

    And you have every right to do that but what im curious about is why he credits some users but not everyone and look you are right it's respectful and polite and he does say he changes builds but I'll get to the bottom of this and be careful with wording stuff "In other words, stealing." Because it may not be the case it could also be a system error just have an open mind because with his new release 13hrs ago he has credited bogan so it could be a system error or it could be because this isn't the final release ect... @ZeroWithSlashedO

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B 1.9 years ago

    @MrTrolling09 hey mate im just commenting on the concern of @xNotDumb @ZeroWithSlashedO not giving credit to other users why is that? because you've credit other users? I'm not angry or anything I just want to understand bud so i can help

  • Su-50 Firefox Teaser 1 2.0 years ago

    Tomcat shots down SU50!

  • Should Jundr00 make the min age start at 10 2.0 years ago

    Our Services are not directed toward children under 13 and we will not knowingly collect information for any child under the legal age to provide consent to data processing (13 in the US and up to 16 in the EU). If you are the parent of a child under the age required to provide consent and have a concern regarding your child’s information on our Services, please contact us at games@jundroo.com. so you can have an account but you need a parent's consent look at the privacy policy of the website that's where I got my information from and have also talked to a mod about this as well and as long as you have a parent's consent they can't block you but if you don't have consent the mods will block the account till your 13 or 16 if your in the EU and the reason for not having an account without parents permission is due to data laws set by the governments

  • An idea but it sounds a little far out. 2.0 years ago

    I at least want to see a Hud part

  • I created a new word that got into the dictionary 2.0 years ago

    In 1755, the word “plagiarism” was included in Samuel Johnson's dictionary and was defined as: “A thief in literature; one who steals the thoughts or writings of another.” The heightened interest in plagiarism can be tied to the Age of Enlightenment, which is considered to be between 1685 and 1815. Well done this is false and misleading information that you have made carrot

  • SP Combat Under Fire, A Tutorial. 2.0 years ago

    Correct it does depend on how they were built but even then you test the plane in sandbox fix little dodgey errors then proceed to dogfight but in saying that the Ai is dumb thats why i want mp so i can do PvP dogfighting but in being realistic that may never happen with mobile @ZeroWithSlashedO
