41.4k MrVaultech Comments

  • Alternate WWII 10 months ago

    Thats neat

  • VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. C one year ago

    Yeah, I barely remember making it. Surprised you've even found it.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.2 years ago

    Would it be too soon to suggest development of another Universal AFV project?
    Something like an APC or IFV would be interesting to develop.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.2 years ago

    Yes the Leo 2A6 has that arrowhead addon armor, though I'm talking about the Leo 1A6 which has flatter face armor addons.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.2 years ago

    Blocky addon armor in the vein of the Swiss Panzer 2000, the South African Olifant, and the German M48 Super and Leopard 1A6.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.2 years ago

    I know the whole point of the A.910 MBT is to provide a universal MBT for a modern era, though I personally feel that Soviet-style MBTs don't provide quite adequate protection or firepower for what should be a modern tank, even if it comes somewhat cheaper than Western-style tanks.
    I know another point is for member nations to be able to freely modify the A.910, but would it be acceptable for me to provide a semi-official variant to compliment the base MBT that would add upgrade packs found on many Western cast turret tanks?
    Mainly I'd like to add blocky addon armor and a main gun compatable with NATO ammo stockpiles, as well as possibly add more complex fire control systems, even if it makes the variant more expensive.
    Even if the idea of a complimentary variant is unnecessary, its something I'd like to develop when I have the time in the coming month.

  • All Fictional nations, ASSEMBLE! 1.2 years ago

    I've got an older nation which needs some info updated, the Ostpreußen Reich. Its got a flag and lore which needs to be added to the prior listed forum, capability to produce domestic vehicles, and I've been past gold longer than a fair few people on the site.
    I would be interested in contributing to a new MBT since developing AFVs is what I've spent most my time focusing on the past few years.

  • Basic Flying Wing *Tutorial* 1.2 years ago

    Wing surface as in the overall size of the primary wings. What you have looks to not provide enough lift fof the size of the plane, so just stick a large wing in there without ant control surfaces so it doesnt mess with the wings already there.

  • Basic Flying Wing *Tutorial* 1.2 years ago

    Sorry about the delay, I don't check the website very frequently.
    So I tried downloading your plane and it has a mod thats pretty irrelevant since fuselage slicing was added, I wasn't able to test fly it because of that fuselage bomb bay mod so I can't exactly see what this "bending forward" problem is.
    Edit: after connecting the pieces together with the connection editor so it doesnt fall apart, it seems that your rear gear are too far forward so the tail collides with the ground and causes weird physics. Not to mention you've got very little wing surface and small elevators for such a heavy aircraft so that would really need to be improved.

  • Basic Flying Wing *Tutorial* 1.2 years ago

    I currently have no plans to remake or remaster this tutorial. My priortities are working on various AFVs that are all linked on my bio.
    Though when it comes to yaw problems, just make a very large rudder piece with no control surfaces and then scale it down until its almost impossible to see before nudging it into the airframe. It greatly helps with yaw performance. Roll on the other hand, the ailerons really should be on the outermost edges of the wing, and as long as the flying wing isnt terribly wide then control surfaces that cover maybe the outer quarter of the wing should be more than enough. If not, then just nudge several wings with roll control inside each other or make one really big wing and scale it down so it fits inside the wing shape youd like.

  • Basic Flying Wing *Tutorial* 1.2 years ago

    They hadnt worked for years because of a bug with links from Imgur. I dont plan on fixing it because of how grossly outdated this tutorial is.

  • AT-7A1 1.4 years ago

    Just from glancing over the images and the MBT in the designer, the first critique I can make is that the hull dimensions seem to be on the larger size for the size of the turret. Either the hull would have to be trimmed down or the turret widened to look more "proportional" to each other.
    The turret shape looks pretty solid, the pop-up missile launcher and dual gun setup is a pretty neat idea, though if you wanted to go more realistic then it would be good to scrap the missile launcher all together and change to a single gun to make space for crew and main gun ammo.
    Lastly, I'd think this MBT and any future ones you make could really do with hatches and optics. They tend to be kinda small details in the grand scheme but they greatly improve the looks of the tank and that "realism" everyone strives for in the MBT-building sphere.

    Aside from these little nitpicks, I personally think the overall design is pretty solid, plus I really appreciate you placing some basic interior details like the engine and fuel tanks, it just needs detail work to make it pop and get some attention.

  • P.01b-50m Mit (M.1932) Light Tank 1.6 years ago

    I have no interest in making unmodded versions of any of my modded vehicles due to being busy with other projects, sorry.

  • MCV1-IMP1 "Challenger" Main Battle Tank 1.6 years ago

    Do both ammo stowages have blowout panels? I dont think I see any modelled on your vehicle.

  • He-119C with TV Guided Missile (Re-Uploaded) 1.6 years ago

    After really looking at this, all I can say is my initial reaction was incredibly rude and definitely an overreaction. What initially weirded me out about your successor build of my Rastus was how it was almost entirely invisible in the hanger and the three-view on the website here. I apparently didnt think to test fly it to see if it was the same there, but in reality it looked perfectly visible.
    Looking at it there, I can see a respectable amount of work went into rebuilding and combining various different users parts into what you uploaded, minus two spots I saw (single bar by the cockpit that belonged to the ladder and an unpainted tail wheel) that felt out of place on it.
    In all, while you may of accidentally managed to bypass the successor system my reaction was definitely uncalled for when yoy made a pretty impressive rebuild of my original work.

    Hopefully this apology makes up for me being incredibly rude to you in your original upload, I'm sorry.


  • He-119C with Ar.E 381 TV Guided Missile 1.6 years ago

    I appreciate you uploading this as a successor of my Rastus first before deleting it just to reupload it after bypassing the successor system.

  • MCV1-IMP1 "Challenger" Main Battle Tank 1.7 years ago

    Is ammo stored in the hull or turret of this? Or is it kept in both?

  • P.01a(CM)-50m Light Tank Destroyer 1.7 years ago


  • Bus 1.7 years ago


  • P.020d-128m "Žaneta" 1.8 years ago


  • P.020d-128m "Žaneta" 1.8 years ago

    Forgot to ping yall when I uploaded, sorry!

  • P.020d-128m "Žaneta" 1.8 years ago

    Forgot to ping yall when I uploaded, sorry!

  • I Am 6 Years Old 1.8 years ago

    Welcome to the old folks club dude

  • What Wing tip design is better? 1.9 years ago

    Right looks the nicest imo

  • The REAL Andrew Garrison 3.5 years ago

    Andrew Garrison is secretly a paid actor

  • Yeah I found this website 3.5 years ago

    You can use such symbols if used for an aircraft to represent that specific part of Germany's history on a vehicle, historical or fictional, just it's mainly oriented towards stopping people from trying to use it just as shock value or offensive means on vehicles that aren't from prior mentioned part of history.

  • Which tank would you like to see from me? 3.5 years ago

    Something that looks vaguely Swedish?

  • How to get featured? 3.5 years ago

    yeah, tell me bouts it

  • How to get featured? 3.5 years ago

    Idk, mods just tend to feature what they like, but considering how rare features have gotten over this year they must not like much anymore.

  • THIS MEANS WAR 3.5 years ago


  • Holy crap... 3.5 years ago

    Thats just been a bug for years in SP, just don't spam click the undo button and save before mass undoing stuff

  • AMA 10k, 100 follower, gold, platinum, i dont know, being alive Special 3.5 years ago

    What're your opinions on those "Round Moon Conspiracies"?

  • no drama zone 3.5 years ago

    Sounds pretty dramatic

  • How do you guys post so much? 3.5 years ago

    You don't, probably.
    Anyone that says otherwise is secretly a Lunar Communist from Mars

  • P.032b-128m "Waffle" 3.5 years ago

    You rite, next version gonna be an actual pancake

  • P.032b-128m "Waffle" 3.5 years ago

    A pancale with abs means extra flavor

  • P.032b-128m "Waffle" 3.5 years ago

    and comedy gold

  • Tires bug 3.5 years ago

    I'm pretty sure it just looks like they just reskinned the old solid landing gear for the new wheel.

  • Post WWII German Designs 3.5 years ago

    Basically what did become actual aircraft during the Cold War in some way or another was influenced by German prototype aircraft.

  • What’s the record for most comments on a single SimplePlanes post? 3.5 years ago

    Probably an unlisted RP post has that record

  • weeeeeeeeeeeee 3.5 years ago

    Betcha if you added more deck guns it'll sit more stable during those waves

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 3.5 years ago

    Personally, despite the floats not coming out how I originally wanted, I'm pretty alright with how they are now. Not the best, but definitely still work.
    And yeah, I predominantly make AFVs over ships and aircraft as of recent, and try to link as many of what I finished onto prior mentioned forum post.
    And hey, if you do upload something eventually, do be sure to mention me so I can get a look at it!

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 3.5 years ago

    Oh, right, rotating 45°.
    Yeah, I tried that, but it didn't look terribly amazing so I made it like you see now.
    And have messed with Tracks 2 quite a bit, even back when it was on mobile, just not very much if anything gets uploaded.

  • New Weapon System Improvements 3.5 years ago

    I have it unlisted on my OstP equipment forum, which is linked somewhere on my bio.

  • Planes that look good in thumbnail but look like potato in cross section 3.5 years ago

    Almost always depend on those when looking at stuff with custom thumbnails or custom designers.

  • Bullpup SMG? 3.5 years ago

    Be sure to tag me pls!

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 3.5 years ago

    Glad you've enjoyed it so much! And to be honest, not the biggest fan of using other peoples styff usually, but wouldn't hurt to look at those floats when I get the time.

  • SimplePlanes Explained: Aesthetics and Realism and Which to Prioritize 3.5 years ago

    Prefer a bit of both when building stuff

  • Type 45 Landfire 3.5 years ago

    Np m8!

  • Is SP good? 3.5 years ago
