2,269 Mickk Comments

  • Not A Jet Plane 5.0 years ago

    I know right?
    The way the motors just sort of hang there is cool.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    @0n33 That's interesting.
    I did that glider vs a powered plane thing and got an interesting, if predictable result.
    The powered plane won all matches.
    However, the glider did manage to get a number of serious hits in during most fights.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    I can't see why not, the rules state that the MAXIMUM number of engines is four, so technically it obeys that rule.
    I can't see it lasting very long in a dogfight though.
    *has a thought....
    I have a rather good glider I can do that with. I think I'll put guns on it and see how it does against my entry, just for giggles.
    Edit: My entry is as done as it is going to be.
    Be afraid, be very afraid. (guess which movie that very badly misquoted line is from and win a cookie!)

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    @EchoWhiskey11 Thanks for the info :)
    Are lightened parts allowed?
    *thinks 'probably not'.
    *goes back to checking his aircraft

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.1 years ago

    A surprise is coming, Warrior may not be competing in the competition, the aircraft that was the inspiration for it may be.

    Edit: I just realized that I need to check it over for any XML stuff I may have done to it that would make it illegal. *goes to check for lightened parts

    EditToo! Question! Rule 6 states HP/Weight cannot exceed 1.
    Further down, it states quote "Prop planes can have an HP/Weight Ratio not to exceed .5."
    I'm a little confused here.
    My current entry choices come in under HP/Weight of 1 and both are propeller driven. If they had to come in under 0.5, it would be disastrous as both would be so under powered that they would not be competitive at all if they could even get off the ground.
    So which is it, 1 or 0.5?

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.1 years ago

    The extra power is going to be a bonus for sure, but being able to use XML in the build itself will be a bigger one. ;)

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.1 years ago

    Evil Grin
    Looks like I get to tweak or rebuild Warrior for the new specs of this contest.
    It could be interesting by the time I'm finished with it.
    Warrior MkII. ;)

  • [CLOSED] Dogfight tournament! [25 upvote prize] (WW2 Fiction & Replica) 5.1 years ago

    It should be allowed I think, it is technically a propeller engine, even though it is driven by a small jet engine.
    I'm about to (I hope) submit an entry that uses them myself, if I have managed to download the appropriate part. :P

    Edit: Well, I did something right, the auto credit is there ;)

  • [CLOSED] Dogfight tournament! [25 upvote prize] (WW2 Fiction & Replica) 5.1 years ago

    Thanks DerekAdair, I'll try that when I get home from work.

  • [CLOSED] Dogfight tournament! [25 upvote prize] (WW2 Fiction & Replica) 5.1 years ago

    I'm having an issue with your download for this competition.
    I download it, the game starts up, but it just goes to the normal start up screen, play etc, it does not go into the editor like it does with other downloads.
    Am I doing it wrong or are other people having issues as well?
    Edit: meh. Will try again tomorrow.

  • [CLOSED] Dogfight tournament! [25 upvote prize] (WW2 Fiction & Replica) 5.1 years ago

    I'd enter the Nobler, as it was designed just a few years after WW2 finished and it looks a lot like a WW2 aircraft, but I'm not sure it would do really well vs a proper WW2 aircraft.
    Maybe I'll do a rebuild of it from scratch and enter a version of it just for giggles.

  • Round End Bi Plane 5.1 years ago

    Good question!
    One I don't know the answer to, but I guess it could be called a monoplane, technically speaking, mind if you unfold the wings they would be pretty long and give the plane absurd gliding capabilities, not that it doesn't glide fairly well now.

  • Mystery 5.1 years ago

    I mentioned this reminded me of a Manta Ray, right?
    Guess what is coming next, Soon(tm) for a relative amount of Soon(tm).
    Need to clean it up and try to get the colors close to right.
    The 'tail' was fun to sort out.

  • A Teaching Tool - Big Wings 5.1 years ago

    Yep, exactly.
    There may be some flex on the control surfaces, but because they are so small, it should be insignificant.
    When I first started out I was frustrated with not being able to build fast planes because the wings would rip of at speed.
    People who don't have access to XML editing will probably find this useful too, if they do not already know how to do it.
    Edit: I'm going to mess with engines and see how fast I can get it go before the control surfaces start flapping around.
    Edit 2: Best speed about 1000 mph.
    Wing flex is noticible, but does not effect control of the aircraft.

  • The pc test 5.1 years ago

    I didn't think of that.
    My PC runs GW2 very happily, even with all the bells and whistles running.

  • The pc test 5.1 years ago


    I know how to do links properly, but brain is fried right now. lol

    EDIT: added a bit of bracing to kill the major wobble it had.

  • WAC-31C Mk ii 5.1 years ago

    This is now possibly the fastest 'air breathing' plane in my inventory.
    It is truly fast at around 80,000 feet, over 3000 mph.

    I think it might be able to outrun an unmodified Interceptor, but I can't say for sure.

  • The Plain Plane 5.1 years ago

    My bad, turns out I have uploaded it, 4 months ago, under the name name 'WAC-31C'.
    I'll dig that out and take it for a fly and see what can be done to make it better, I'm sure such an 'early' build from me has a few problems that need fixing.
    WAC is short for 'Wintermob Air co.' a made up aircraft company I sometimes use for planes I make that I reckon are good enough to add to the 'company hanger'. lol

  • The Plain Plane 5.1 years ago

    A little I guess, I was not trying for that look though.
    It did have the tilted tails at one point, but the autopilot hated them along with the oddly shaped wing surface, so I put them straight up and down instead and the autopilot is fine with that.
    Not that you need autopilot with this.
    I have made a Firefox 'clone' and I think I uploaded it.
    It was ages ago though.
    Edit: Nope, turns out I didn't upload it, maybe I'll revisit it and tweak it a bit with what I have learned since building it.

  • The Plain Plane 5.1 years ago

    Sometimes simple provides interesting results.
    I did not expect the sort of performance this has at all altitudes speed wise.

  • Porsche 911 930 RWB 5.1 years ago

    It's a Porsche!
    *re- installs "NFS: Porsche 2000"

  • Herr Drill 5.1 years ago

    Anyone pick up on the joke?
    In anime, there is sometimes a female character, usually rich and pretty with hair that is similar to the wing here.
    Hair Drill..?

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    Best of Show too?!!!
    That was unexpected, thanks.

  • I NEED HELP 5.1 years ago

    Peace Maker has a similar problem at very high speeds.
    I just made it so that you can't reach the speed where it has 'wobble' issues at altitude.
    It still has that problem down low from memory, but as soon as you go to about 30,000 feet they go away, until you are going really really fast.
    You will also find if you go up high that you can go faster before it happens.
    Edit: Just looked under that link.
    Killing the drag on the wing may help and the plane will go even faster with less drag.

  • Final Round | Thunder Dome Challenge| 5.1 years ago

    Good video.
    Final fight was pretty close, it could have gone either way.

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    This won the challenge.
    Has some stability problems and could use more power.
    More vertical stabilizer area may help.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Yep, next Tournament.
    I'm in.
    Idea for next one.
    Have the champion of the next one fly vs the winner of this one or just store the winners then when you have half a dozen or so, stage a 'Champions Tournament' where they each fly against every champion from previous tournaments.
    Edit: Working on a upgraded version of Warrior (Mk II) as we speak.
    Hopefully I'll be able to make it more stable and scrape some more power out of the engines.
    I'm thinking a jet powered version would be quite interesting.
    Also, Twin fighter is getting an engine replacement.
    Turbo Props will change things around a bit.

  • GUNZ ONLY plane Challenge 5.1 years ago

    Hmm, that presents a problem, sort of.
    Meh, I'll make a new one, I've been firing on all cylinders recently. :)

  • GUNZ ONLY plane Challenge 5.1 years ago

    XML allowed?
    Just so I can actually put a lot of guns on my plane, I looked thru the aircraft I had, found one that can deal with Daredevil with a bit of tweaking, but it is rather tiny, so it can't carry a lot of guns. lol

  • Herr Drill 5.1 years ago

    The name is a joke/pun.
    People who watch anime will/should get it. :F

  • Strange Wing - Mickk's Fuselage 5.1 years ago

    I'm going to take this a step further wing wise.
    It could be total fail or...

  • Strange Wing 5.1 years ago

    *Downloads because someone added a body.
    That went well, better than expected in fact after I looked at the centers.
    Good job and a little imaginative too, never would have thought of putting ailerons on separate wings like that.

  • Strange Wing 5.1 years ago

    I have an idea why it does it, but it is still really interesting, to me at any rate.
    I did not plan it to do that, I just made a wing that was curly. :)

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Umm yeah.
    See my previous comment.
    It was fun building the wing.
    Now to figure out a body that fits with it.
    Or maybe I should just post the wing and let other people build a body they think fits with it.
    It is just a bit fancy.

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Lets see if I can make a really curly wing.
    Should be fun.

  • Delcom Orraa-02 (U2) 5.1 years ago

    Not bad, not bad at all.

    Wing structure looks good.
    Love the engine, very nice.

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    I'll just leave this here.....

  • Pretty Wing Mk 2 5.1 years ago

    Yep, done by using the smallest width wing, then cutting that in size by 50% with 'Overload'.
    Lots and lots of tiny wing sections.
    Came out pretty nice, the wing looks amazing in game.
    Thanks for the upvote ;)

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    *wonders which aircraft was sent to the competition....
    Does not really matter, Warrior is the better flier of the two, but Twin Fighter is better looking possibly.

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    I'd like to avoid using mods if at all possible, I know there are a bunch of people who can't run mods because they are on iOS or something that does not let mods run.

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    An interesting idea that I will have to try out as a possible alternative to what I have already.
    Thanks for the info, that is something I did not know.
    Using a keyboard/mouse combo to control the turret may just work.
    I have a turret system set up, just need to work the kinks out of it and work out a reasonable control system that won't drive people crazy. heh

  • Turret Control Question 5.1 years ago

    The next question would be;
    are there keyboard controls for the VTOL and Trim sliders?
    This is me being lazy by the way, I'm sure if I did a search something relevant would pop up, along with a billion non-relevant thing to go through.

  • How many planes should we be allowed to upload per day? 5.1 years ago

    If you are building three flyable, as in they fly well and don't instantly turn into a brick if you are not paying attention, reasonably good looking aircraft that are actually worth uploading in a day, you are doing pretty well in my book.
    Also, 'patience grasshopper'. I can't remember where the quote is from.

  • Thunder Dome 200 part Challenge - Warrior 5.1 years ago

    The main thing I did not think I could do was the odd wing structure.
    I had to think quite hard before I figured out and then I was like 'How did I not get this right away it is so simple!'.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    I used all 3 of your suggestions and it worked a treat.
    I had forgotten to max out the horsepower on the engines. D'oh! /Homer off
    It flies quite nicely now, even though it does need some trim to flight straight and level and I reckon it will scare the poop out of a lot of the aircraft it will be facing.
    It did well against most of the aircraft I tested it against.
    Sometimes I wish there were PM's on this forum but it is good there isn't, all communication between players is out in the open. ;)
    I'd like to formally request of removal of the Nobler Twin Fighter from the challenge.
    I will upload my new aircraft after adding some eye candy.
    Good luck everyone!

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Good news, bad news.
    Good news is I got the other aircraft to work, the wings don't flop around and it flies pretty well.
    Bad news is the dogfight AI has zero idea how to fly it and it ends up in a flat spin every time.
    I've been testing against a Mosquito Fighter Bomber, just to start out with.
    Funny to watch the AI go into full attack mode right away and discover it doesn't have the power it needs to do it. lol
    Might upload it just so people can see what can be done without the aid of XML.
    I'm quite surprised I managed to pull it off.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Thanks for the reply.
    I figured that would be the case, but I wanted to check anyway.
    I might withdraw my entry for a replacement, if I can get what I am working on to not have folding wing syndrome, otherwise it will be a good learning experience.
    Pretty sure the wings won't fall off of my entry, I tested it against a few of my more agile aircraft and they managed to hang on.
    Forgot to take the missiles off of the Oberon and died pretty much in the first 10 secs, not that it lasted much longer without them lol

  • 200 part Challenge - Nobler Twin Fighter 5.1 years ago

    Thanks :)
    The model Dad flew was often landed upside down due to fuel issues and it was mostly a case of of brushing off the grass and refueling it before you could go flying again.
    There were times when it happened on asphalt though and the tail fin had to be rebuilt.

  • Thunder Dome Challenge: 200 Part Prop League 5.1 years ago

    Just a question about wings.
    I know I said I had it sorted earlier, but I'd still like to know;
    Does the 'no xml mods' extend to the wings?
    It is fairly common knowledge that the stock wings don't like high stress and can tear off, while a structural wing xml edited for control surfaces does not.
    The other question is can we enter more than one aircraft?
    *goes back to sleep