450 Mattvan28 Comments

  • Raptor F-22(Read instructions plasese) 3.1 years ago

    Did I overlook something? Or was it a typo ? I thought the f22 was the first 5th gen aircraft

  • China PLA FC-31 fighter 3.1 years ago

    @Dllama4 "classic" the old I copied u copying me . Neither of the two know where that egg came from .

  • Yakovlev Yak-23 "Flora" 3.1 years ago

    I thought this was fictional at first . I've never heard of this one . I thought I had knowledge of all soviet military aircraft . I guess I'm less informed than I thought i was . Looks awsome.

  • F-16 Fighting Falcon 3.1 years ago

    Everytime I come across a decent looking f16 I give a spin . I currently have 23 saved . So on a scale of 1-23 I would place this one at 3rd . Nice job

  • FS-21 Flanker Eagle 3.1 years ago

    I have made a few hybrids , always a simple pick a part and paste aircraft. Never have I thought about fusion . My tagline for theese is " I took an f35 bat and hit an f16 . This is next level stuff u have here . This is more akin to flying an f15 into an su27 at mach5 . A standing o from me

  • F-14++ Advanced Tomcat 3.1 years ago

    This is the most aestheticlly striking modernization of an old fighter.. havent downloaded yet but it would have to explode when throttled up for me to dislike it. Here I geaux

  • Brutus 3.1 years ago

    All attempts to reverse engineer this thang have failed. Im gonna try to anti engineer it next . . . . . .. as soon as I. Figure out how and/or what antiengineering is. Stay up-to-date on all neglegent reports.

  • General Dynamics F-16XL [Push To 25k!] 3.1 years ago

    This comes from an alternate universe where NASA , has seized power on earth and now the aerospace wing ,has large amounts of experimental jets that are armed to teeth. On a brighter side, this reality has completely colonized our solar system, has 2000 light year radial territory with 42% of the territory ,is partially colonized . Neglegent reports suggests that the klingnon empire is scared of NASA and they genocided themselves when chuck norris showed up at their home world . Even planets blew themselves up like prax'xis

  • Ford island 3.1 years ago

    If u add engines and wings it will fly . Just spent 1.5 hrs giggling . Themost fun I've had this year

  • Airborne Carrier - USS Macon II 3.2 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri comes thru in the clutch 👍

  • Warbird Dynamics | F-21 | Raven 3.2 years ago

    When I saw'd this.i instantly assumed it was an f 14 evolution. Then I saw'd the f 21 designation confirmed it . If you double f14 +f1=f21 everyone knows 14 +14 =21

  • Me-262 Night Fighter 3.2 years ago

    Personally I think this one shoulda been top 3 at min . Best lookin in my opinion . The 1 flaw I found was , at speeds less than 30 mph i the handling Characteristics were similar to a reliant Robin and if ya don't know what that is go look it up , funny as hell

  • Warbird Dynamics | F-14 | Leviathan A 3.2 years ago

    Was there a three way collision with an f 16,f 22, f35 or did u hit ur f 16 with ur f22 and f 35 hammer?

  • Possible S P speed record? 3.2 years ago

    @DumbPlaneMaker and still control it ? If so I will be at the drawing board for a while

  • Covetous XII 3.2 years ago

    @Atomicdragon "life lessons " ya start some crap then get mad about getting harassed. With all due respect (not much ) you started it

  • P-31U ''SeaDragon'' NexGen 3.2 years ago

    Performance is average, + but the sheer awesomeness is so off the scale , the only way to vaguely describe it is ( insert all chuck norris jokes and replace chuck norris with awesomeness 360

  • XT-OM 04 Sleeper 3.2 years ago

    I cant find words to describe my astonishment with this. Well........ if I say , words can't describe my astonishment with this is actually finding words to describe my astonishment with this. I am simply astonished with myself for being the chuck (chad) norris . Praise me 🤣 just kidding, I am blown away by this butterfly . Amazing

  • EQ-7 Eagle 3.2 years ago

    @QuesoAirlines naw it looks more like ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🆚️⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ . What I wanna know is ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛

  • Piston Powered Plane 3.2 years ago

    Holy crap was all he could say ) When I throttled up I was suprised. It reminded me of the baby birds I rescued for the last the few years. When ya pick'em up they start frantically flapping their feather less lil wings as if they are trying to fly while they are still pink wit no feathers and can't see

  • North American F3J-2A Lynx 3.2 years ago

    Does anyone else know y the motor stops then starts again with just enough time so that I dont land(ha) in the ocean

  • CVN "Infinity"(Realistic Catapults) 3.2 years ago

    Is this the one piece?

  • CVN "Infinity"(Realistic Catapults) 3.2 years ago

    @snekpilot the best ideas are elegantly simple and outside the ⬛

  • Blasto Y24 3.2 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier if health is invincible, then logic dicktates, health no longer exists as defined 🤔......what to call it that's accurate 🤔........ invincitized health or !HEALTH! , invincibated .....🥸I got it we call it ...... !Invincible health....



  • u.s.s the Chinese do it 3.2 years ago

    Either noone got the star trek reference or its not worthy of the smallest chuckle . 😭
    I might as well end it all bye cruel worl..........nevermind

  • Acao-4D 3.2 years ago

    @Cyieed462 outside of a lift body/flying wing like the b2 I imagine it's possible with the computer design and 3d print ability its prolly a certainty. There may b one flying today . The sr71 flew many years before it was revealed. I think the f 117 destroyed targets in Iraq before it was made public .

  • ACS-57 Sea Demon 3.2 years ago

    I would suggest u tell the truth about how this was created . Using the large Haddon collider to create things like this is cheating. Slamming a ww2 Era plane with a 5th gen fighter at almost the speed of light is irresponsible . It could have made a black hole and kilt the planet . U got lucky it took me 544872968 attempts to realize it was impossible to perform that many attempts whilst covertly changing topic, making it look like im crazy untill u notice the change I'm not chuck norris but ........ science.....

  • Rotator Powered Rotary Plane 3.2 years ago

    The ultimate means of travel for stickmen and stuckwomen

  • Siren Head's Fighter Jet 3.2 years ago

    I must say this adds to siren heads attack potency . the foundation is gonna get involved now . I wonder tho if this pair is capable of xk scenario

  • A-425, working MCAS prototype 3.3 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 I can say I never got the operators manual on how to funky trees. I did figure out it can't be inserted in any person

  • Community makes its own airbus 3.3 years ago

    @Kipo yes I was . I overlooked some of the later comments . I will say this, if on the edge means suicide ,ya might wanna rethink that cause u won't be able to see the extreme levels of pain that decision creates . I hope this helps you like it did me when I was on that edge . Any situation that causes those thoughts has a resolution. Those problems are temporary ,and suicide is permanent. A permanent solution to a temporary problem is not a solution at all . Some of my first comment may sound like im an a⬛⬛ that is not the message I m sending. U should carry positivity with u at all times it makes life a lot easier and better equipped to deal with negativity .

  • A-9A Tigercat 2 3.3 years ago

    @Kipo im sorry for butting in on the ridiculous drama . I'm giving u perspective , so don't take it negatively cause its just an exercise to open minds . 1st u have no right to order him to comply to your sensitivity its rude . Your "sensitivity is ur prob not his , get over it. cause noone gives a f⬛⬛⬛. 2nd u should apologize to him ,u started it . 3rd report him , seriously....threatening the guy that is crossing a line u shouldn't have. 4th the world doesn't revolve around you, you revolve around it . You should run some self diagnostics . Hopefully u will listen to my advice, be more tolerant, find a silver lining in any situation , positivity is always present in everything . Like I said u should f⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛g apologize for being a d⬛⬛⬛head . Just cause ur a p⬛⬛⬛y doesn't mean other people should have to conform to ur problem . Your probs are urs alone . I hope u understand the issue here .

  • A-60 Warhog (Braaaaaaaaaaap ) 3.3 years ago

    @mLk17 i was thinking the same thing

  • A-60 Warhog (Braaaaaaaaaaap ) 3.3 years ago

    It has a fuck-off cannon as well

  • Supersonic rotator powered propeller aircraft 3.4 years ago

    Not sure y but as soon as I throttle up I blow up then show up and repeat. I tried continually for 3359 hrs straight and no change . I just assume the download button is thwarting my plans to rule the world with air superiority . How can I fix this without nuking my download button?

  • Supersonic Prop 3.4 years ago

    Do u mind if I conduct an experiment?

  • Supersonic Prop 3.4 years ago

    Sound travels at 765 mph 😬🤓😅🤷‍♂️

  • Supersonic Prop 3.4 years ago

    Kyle 12 ) wtf gives u the right to experiment on a person willing to be experimented on. Also that has to be the dumberest experiment ever created. Its rude , out of line , despicable thing to do . Or maybe ,you figured a way to talk s⬛⬛t to someone that will not get mad at u and to top it off its , .........🤔..........(💭huh , genius strategy 💭) . I am gonna start doing this with or without permission .


  • Supersonic Propeller Plane 3.4 years ago

    I know its variable but in the range of most aircraft, sound travels at 764mph , unless u somehow are teleported into a virtual world with a dimential pocket that allows u to create whatever u want with unlimited resources and also has a shut-off button for physics that also allo...........😅 nevermind

  • P.1 stealth fighter 3.4 years ago

    And only 96 parts".
    That was my fan fic of ur extended descrip downloading now

  • F-117A Nighthawk 3.5 years ago

    @Theflyingtrex disregard previous comme meant to ...........crap

  • F-117A Nighthawk 3.5 years ago

    @Theflyingtrex with all due respect , "bullshit" is mostly what people say wh..........oh that woulda been embarrassing for me wait ...... I just won't post this comment . Deleting no

  • XF-16 VT 35 L 3.5 years ago

    @DimitriIqbal91 i don't know why but when i did it , it duplicated everything. I tried switching sides , moving the placement, i even deleted everything past the main fuselage on both sides but it would always duplicate. I didnt want to go thru and delete all the extras so i said " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i haate uuuuuuuu " but my phone ignored me so I quit

  • F-24 Tomcat II 3.5 years ago

    Really nice

  • AS-AC-10 3.6 years ago

    This is what an aircraft carrier would be if texas remained an independant nation and decided to build a small aircraft carrier

  • The USS Beast at 100,000ft+ with an OP gun 3.6 years ago

    And people think getting to space is hard

  • How big is the U.S.S Beast? 3.6 years ago

    @VanNate and smashes the scouter

  • Hull 3 "research" ship 3.6 years ago

    My phone crashed just opening the download page

  • Red Resurgence class aviation capable battleship 3.7 years ago

    Can u please describe what, "a better description comming soon" means or just describe description 🤩. Oh and question, u couldnt add or subtract a part ? Or was this intentional and if so how can u know how many parts u have before u have all the parts? Does asking theese questions make me look smarter or faster 🤔?

  • Queen Arabella-Class Battleship 3.8 years ago

    I didnt even try to download. Upvoted due to the overwhelming unmitigated gaul to post this as a unicorn chasing a 🥕 dangling in front of the unicorn tied to a string thats tied to a stick . So close , yet infinitely far away . ( picture a man taking his hat off and tipping his head to show respect )

  • Queen Arabella-Class Battleship 3.8 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 u mean 26 people ATTEMPTED to download?