11.3k LiamW Comments


    I understand you may be going through a tough time. Now understand the position of everyone else when you post irrelevant content on a site dedicated to a game about making planes. Please seek somewhere relevant for that sort of post. Mods removed the irrelevant content and did their task very well.

  • CLICK IF YOU ARE LOOSIN HOPE (very serious testemony) 5.9 years ago

    But seriously though... S I M P L E P L A N E S... there’s a time and a place for this

  • R E B E L 6.0 years ago

    OK Silver, you're going to be gold soon

  • There Should be Slow Motion! 6.0 years ago

    Fall to your knees and grovel peasants for the master race shall rule!

  • An oversimplified demonstration: sexy airliner airfoils 6.0 years ago

    Detailed aircraft in this game only look good from a distance anyway. It’s impossible to make a perfect nose or wing without scripts. I just focus on making things functional in SP. For my RC planes and quad designs I make things much more sophisticated @BaconAircraft

  • An oversimplified demonstration: sexy airliner airfoils 6.0 years ago

    The airfoil you used is for barely-subsonic, ultra-aerobatic aircraft

  • Sd.Kfz. 303 Leichter Ladungsträger Goliath tracked mine 6.0 years ago

    A wee bit overpowered. Did you shrink a fusion bomb to fit inside there?

  • "Shoot the Attackers" mini game 6.0 years ago

    I don't get what makes this more 'unpatriotic' than dogfights between vietcom/soviet/german/american/japanese/etc aircraft. The end result is the same: you blow up an aircraft and someone dies in a horrific fireball.
    Fun game though! (seriously)

  • 4wd 6.2 years ago

    It looks good in the editor, but it needs much higher suspension travel with softer shocks. That way, it will sink down into its travel and have the same ride height but with better performance. Remember that in the editor, suspension is built at maximum extension, not ride height

  • Motor Mirage 6.3 years ago

    @Berstagator Not exactly how wings work in this game but I know what you mean and that would work quite well

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 6.9 years ago

    like this using back ticks `@melojam

  • USS Beast lander 7.7 years ago

    It looks cool, but I dunno why you called it 'USS Beast lander'

  • I Need Assistance! 4.3 years ago

    That's because the game messes around with mass tensors to smooth out vibrations. The end result is that flipping a 1 gram switch can make a heavy plane rock around like it was hit by a cannon. The tensor system can be turned off in XML but this introduces even worse issues.
    But I see you've already discovered the solution of 'just mess around until it works'

  • A must read: Where are the stealth combat drones? 4.8 years ago

    They're stealthy. You're not meant to be able to see them everywhere ;)

  • Performance SCT V4 4.8 years ago

    @Maximum777 That'd be good. We can decide the next step from there I guess

  • Performance SCT V4 4.8 years ago

    @Maximum777 I'm certainly impressed. Want to collab with a rock bouncer? I'm thinking of coming back to building on SImplePlanes with a heavily revised rock bouncer that's much tougher, looks half-decent and can drive a little better. It looks like you've found solutions to all the problems I encountered with suspension in the past

  • Scale Crawler Chassis V2 4.8 years ago


  • Crawler - A Rocker-Bogie All-Terrain Vehicle 4.9 years ago

    @iwannabeelected not often I see legitimate rocker-bogie suspension. Even heavily modified rocker-bogie isn't supposed to go over 10cm/hour so it's pretty boring most of the time lol

  • Desert Rat 4.9 years ago

    I think they use that configuration because it’s usually more effective. I’ve seen other designs in use as well @CDRxavier

  • Desert Rat 8x8 4.9 years ago

    @CDRxavier Yeah, bogies are pretty bad for high speed vehicles. I just made this for the hell of it. If you want good suspension, look at the highlighted creations on my profile

  • 2050 Lockheed Twister 4.9 years ago

    @CDRxavier Yep, it's weird alright. It's the closest you can come to actually simulating the lockheed twister in simpleplanes. If there were damped rotators i could make it work properly

  • The Real Car 2: Four-Wheel Drive 5.1 years ago

    @Hyattorama The quality of on-screen controls depends on the quality of your screen. An old ipad air with otterbox case (trashy screen protector) is never going to have the same quality as a $280 controller I guess. I never could get on-screen aircraft controls to work on any games really because of the jumpy touch screen (which is completely undamaged too). That being said, I have made some of my most complex vehicles on ipad, even if i couldn't control them.

  • The Real Car 2: Four-Wheel Drive 5.1 years ago

    @Hyattorama Since I'm already used to CAD software, I find the keyboard and mouse much, much better. As for flying, the mouse and keyboard is hopeless. I usually use a xbox 360 controller for flying but I can use my Taranis X9D+ which is normally used for FPV quads and RC planes. I found that simpleplanes physics is too simple to warrant the accuracy of a taranis though

  • Neewbie here! with a Q or two... 5.5 years ago

    Yes and yes. It might be tricky to get setup but you’ll be able to get workaround and adapter programs for it if it doesn’t initially work.

  • I think my PC just exploded. 5.5 years ago

    @DepressedTortoise If you were Australian I’d say it was a possum falling off a tree onto your roof

  • This whole “SimplePlanes is dead” must stop! 5.6 years ago

    I just don’t see why you would bother complaining that it’s dead. What do you expect to happen to happen when you complain? I don’t think a game is dead until there’s only a handful of people playing it and there’s still thousands of simpleplanes players

  • Ural 4320 Troop Bed 5.6 years ago

    Extend the suspension. You've built the suspension to sit at ride height in the designer. It should be sitting at max extension in the designer. Trucks sag a long way into the suspension travel to get the suspension soft enough to absorb small bumps. You’ve got it with almost no sag so it is very stiff. This vehicle, good looking as it is, has 50% less suspension travel than it should and isn’t very good off-road. That being said, damn it looks good

  • Teaser: T-2.1 5.6 years ago

    Looks great but suspension is not very good

  • |I had I realization|some serious stuff |Website bugs| 5.7 years ago

    That’s not a bug. Maybe it isn’t intentional but it's been like that for as long as I can remember.

  • Discord? 5.7 years ago

    For which server? There’s dozens of simpleplanes servers

  • Should I recreate this in SP? 5.7 years ago

    Nah it’s fake. You can see the puppet string at the back

  • How to make a hor- I mean great plane 5.7 years ago

    I wouldn't say that the C-130 is their only good thing. I disagree with the application of their creations but Skunk Works has made some pretty insane stuff. They created the fastest manned jet aircraft, highest flying jet aircraft, P-38, multiple other record-setting UAVs.

  • Answer if you can. (Not off-topic) 5.7 years ago

    I thought so too but I couldn’t replicate it. I honestly don’t know at this point @ThePrototype

  • Uhhh... 5.7 years ago

    That happens to websites sometimes. Usually you just wait a few minutes and reload to fix it. Nothing special, your browser is just faulty

  • KRAKEN SAYS ITS DEAD 5.7 years ago

    Wut be this

  • Simpleplanes feels dead now 5.7 years ago

    I thought everyone had finally stopped these posts

  • Wings fail 5.7 years ago

    Use structural wings XML modded to allow control surfaces

  • Black Phantom (UCAV) 5.7 years ago

    I think you overdid it with the weaponry but it’s otherwise pretty good

  • help me whit a plane 5.7 years ago

    Sorry, I had to do that. What do you specifically need help with? I won’t do any building for you but I can give you tips

  • Built My First Plane In Real Life! 5.7 years ago

    @SaturnV ouch. I'm still flying my first planes because they're made of EPP. They've lasted over 3 years and have been torn in half a few times but they've glued together perfectly with no warping at all. My friend bought an expensive EPO plane that was completely destroyed within a week because the foam crushed and wouldn't return to its original form.

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.7 years ago

    @FLYGUY101 Just XML modding. If you have overload or an XML editor, just type "Activate1" into the input

  • Can someone help me pls? 5.7 years ago

    Download Overload mod. Using that mod, set the range of the rotator to “Infinity” and speed to “10” (or anything you want to change speed). Then set the input to “Activate1”. If you follow those instructions exactly, you should have a weapon that spins infinitely when you press 1 and deactivates when you deactivate 1

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.7 years ago

    @FLYGUY101 thanks

  • 4000mph VTOL School Bus 5.7 years ago

    You could have put a bit more effort into it. At least nudge the vtol engine inside the bus so it’s hidden and doesn’t obstruct the view

  • Radio control shenanigans and S A D N E S S 5.7 years ago

    But anyway, here’s my weekend:
    Waaayyy too windy for planes, but alright for quads
    All my quads are being refitted/built on the workbench
    Plays liftoff and simpleplanes all weekend

  • Less wobbly joints 5.7 years ago

    That's just realistic mostly. Ornithopters are typically very heavy and very twisty and don't work very well. You could try diableInertiaTensors but that could make it worse. To make rotators less wobbly, add damperMultiplier in multiples of 10 at a time until it works or gets worse (eg, 10, 100, 1000...). Try preventBreaking on pistons to make them stronger

  • KA-1A Cyclops 5.7 years ago

    Believe it or not, there is no white. It’s just the lighting that makes grey look white @randomusername

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.7 years ago

    Sounds good! @FLYGUY101

  • KVA-1A 'Bear' 5.7 years ago

    Sounds good @FLYGUY101
