5,557 Korzalerke2147483647 Comments

  • Uhh i may have broke the game 5 months ago

    @Graingy It's more or less that, since computers don't have infinite memory, floats can't represent every number, so they represents some of them and rounds the ones they can't.

    Floats reserve more memory for really tiny numbers, so consequently they can't represent many of the really big ones, and so you need to round more often for those.

    This is a problem for really precise stuff like calculating positions of polygons since the game can render polygons at coordinates 0.0000235 and 0.00004724 fine, but then you get to position number 29489359928384783395.0 and floats might not be able to represent that, so it rounds to the nearest coordinate it can represent which might be several kilometers away.

    That's what causes all the weird gaps as you get farther and farther away from the center of the world (coordinates 0,0,0).

    There's a video on youtube explaining floating point numbers, I'd recommend you watch it if you want to understand this better.

  • More suggestions! one year ago

    Don't worry about posting on the website much, one of the top users disappeared for years and when he came back people still liked the stuff he made the same way. Prioritise real life over videogames and the internet.

    Anyways if you want a suggestion, how about a SR-71? It's a cool looking recon plane and I wonder how it could be made to fly well in this game even at speeds that high.

  • i dont like algebra. Edit: it's alright one year ago

    The singular alga is the Latin word for 'seaweed' and retains that meaning in English.[15] The etymology is obscure. Although some speculate that it is related to Latin algēre, 'be cold',[16] no reason is known to associate seaweed with temperature. A more likely source is alliga, 'binding, entwining'.[17]

    The Ancient Greek word for 'seaweed' was φῦκος (phŷkos), which could mean either the seaweed (probably red algae) or a red dye derived from it. The Latinization, fūcus, meant primarily the cosmetic rouge. The etymology is uncertain, but a strong candidate has long been some word related to the Biblical פוך (pūk), 'paint' (if not that word itself), a cosmetic eye-shadow used by the ancient Egyptians and other inhabitants of the eastern Mediterranean. It could be any color: black, red, green, or blue.[18]

    Accordingly, the modern study of marine and freshwater algae is called either phycology or algology, depending on whether the Greek or Latin root is used. The name fūcus appears in a number of taxa.

    Source: Wikipedia

    This is about only the word, I couldn't find who "invented" it, but if you want I can find who discovered it as well.

  • Cursed buttons one year ago

    @BeastHunter @Randomplayer Won't be doing much with this one, I can't imagine the devs will leave it as-is for long and creating more tags would just increase their workload when they inevitably remove all of them.

  • If you feel sad about your points, just remember this one year ago

    @32 It is sad, I wish the points weren't a thing, or were at least replaced by a post counter or something, so people could just focus on making cool stuff instead of what other people think of said stuff.

    I wonder why the devs added the system in the first place, does it actually help encourage people to play? I've only seen the opposite effect.

  • Why are replicas so popular? one year ago

    My guess is that most people will look at an F-15 and a custom plane, see the custom plane as some weird bootleg and download the F-15.

    Edit: Oh you mean quantity not downloads, no idea then.

  • should i quit? one year ago

    Pro tip: Don't see other players as competition, compare your planes only to others you also made.

    It's not like anyone's gonna earn a prize if they reach 500k points or something, everyone is just making stuff because they like to do so, and you should as well.

  • mobile unfriendly F-15C Oregon Air National Guard one year ago

    @ColonelCanada yeah this thing is weird, it has laptop parts even though it's a desktop pc

  • If I've said it once... 1.1 years ago

    I'd advise you to try not to care and dedicate your time to more meaningful things, I don't think people will stop doing that just because of an angry post.

    Why does it even matter anyway? You can just, y'know, scroll past those posts, or even just avoid the forums entirely.

  • Test Map 1.3 years ago

    I wonder what happens if you remove me from the contributors, will I instantly lose 750 points?

    For the good of science, I volunteer to find out the hard way.

    Month-late edit: So I just removed an alt of mine from the contributors on REDACTED and it still has 50 points, could be just a delay but maybe the accounts keep the points they get, which would be a bit odd.

  • F-15 ACTIVE 1.3 years ago


  • Super Plane 1.3 years ago

    @BeastHunter Most of your planes are not though, while the BeastHunter©* brand definitely plays a part in some of the points you get, you also made a lot of genuinely cool stuff, like this, this and this.

    *BeastHunter©, BeastCorp® and Starline Industries™ are intellectual property of BeastCorp Inc. I do not own these names, and am using them purely for educational purposes. For more information, click here.

  • Super Plane 1.3 years ago

    @BeastHunter You spent a lot of your time upvoting people's creations, much longer than even I had, to the point where you became known for being the first to upvote everything.

    All people are doing is paying you back now, why would that not be fair?

  • F-5E Tiger II 1.3 years ago

    Two billion one-hundred-and-forty-seven million four-hundred-and-eighty-three thousand six-hundred-and-forty-seventh

    Edit: Pro tip: add + Trim * 0.5 after Pitch on both tail rotators to make the trim slider functional. The * 0.5 part is optional but makes Trim not move the tail as much as Pitch, which is better imo.

  • Here we go again... 1.4 years ago

    cheering noises

    Also the colors are much better now, \[T]/

  • 15k, nice. 1.4 years ago


    One day you'll also get to platinum, will be interesting to see that.

  • What are Permalinks? 1.4 years ago

    It changes the link on the url bar to one that highlights the comment, example with Australianbulider676's comment (try opening it on a new tab).

    On pinned comments it just sends you to the comment but it stays blue I think.

  • Test Map 1.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter Maybe moving the entire thing up by a few meters? Worked for my map at least.

  • Test Map 1.4 years ago

    Maybe your map can give people seizures actually

    Are the map corners at sea level? Or does this happen because my graphics settings are on low?

  • Test Map 1.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter dunno, you decide

    I don't think it'll get removed at least, even a simple map takes considerably more effort than this or this, and neither of them got removed.

  • Test Map 1.4 years ago

    at least yours won't give people seizures

  • Test Map 1.4 years ago

    Please verify that you wish to be a part of this.


  • React Keto Gummies Dose It Work Or Not? 1.4 years ago


    The brand suggests that you take only two gummies day to day. You could either take both gummies together or one AM and the second one PM. It very well may be taken with food, before food or after food.

    I think he's just confused about his medical prescription.

  • Joke Competition! (CLOSED) 1.4 years ago

    Oh I remember you, you're that guy I helped with a drone some time ago, how are you doing? It's been a while.

  • Simple Mirage 2000 (Update V1.1) 1.4 years ago

    This is seriously one of the best planes on the entire site, might even be in the top 10.

    For how long did you play SR2 btw? You seem very experienced with building stuff, in the same level as people who've been playing SP for many years.

  • Should I make a livery tutorial? 1.4 years ago

    I don't care much about the points but it'd be cool to know how to make better liveries I guess.

  • Too Many Segments: 1.4 years ago

    dunno what this is but I'm curious, ahem...

    Greetings my good sir, I write this to kindly request that you type my unique user identifier (a.k.a. "username") preceded by an "@" on the event that you share this creation, so that I may be made aware of its availability and therefore, can utilize it.
    — Yours truly, Korzalerke.

  • Work Is In Progress! Pt.3 1.4 years ago

    About the flaps you could try giving the wings containing them a negative liftScale, like -0.5 or -2 depending on how strong you need the flaps to be. (do note this inverts the lift the wings create, so you should put the flaps on a separate wing part if you try it)

    No clue what causes this on the first place, but for me this was good enough of a fix.

    Oh and btw liftScale is a hidden parameter the wings have, to set it, open the wing on overload, select the "Wing" category, add a new parameter with the + button, name it liftScale (case sensitive) and set the value to a number, which is a multiplier for the wing's lift.

  • Rank your planes 1.4 years ago

    #1 TVC-M1
    #2 K46 Jackpot
    #3 FX-44U Shadow Knight
    #4 NF-22X Messor II
    #5 XF-22A Caelum Rex
    #6 XF-77A Striker II
    #7 Meteor 76
    #8 Stuff so crappy I can't be bothered to rank it.

    Frankly I didn't even remember making the XF-77A until now, that one was kind of a disappointment, though it still got me to silver somehow.

    Edit: bruh you edited the title after I finished writing this wall, it'd probably be this, high performance cost, horribly loud and flies as well as you'd think.

  • Should i reupload @Spark1645's planes after his account deletion? 1.4 years ago

    Dunno, would be nice for the community but I don't know what the mods / devs would think about that, you should probably ask them first.

  • Sweet Revenge 1.4 years ago

    We have a problem

    Edit: The link no longer works since the post was removed (probably because of a word in one of the screenshots), but it was basically warning that Ver***** wasn't the only site doing this.

  • [VER**PRO REPORTING] What it is and how to stop it 1.4 years ago

    Not actually how that works, since this account didn't get infected despite me literally sending the password and email to the verifpro site, but still good to spread awareness of this mess.

  • New idea 1.4 years ago


    One game appeals to people who want a serious space exploration game, the other appeals to a more casual community who just wants a fun building game.

    Merging the two together could make both communities unhappy, it's best to keep them separate.

  • Butter 1.4 years ago

    @BeastHunter I forgot there was a third movie until you mentioned it now.

    Don't think I ever watched it either.

  • How do i stop wobbling at high speeds(Mach2+) ? 1.4 years ago

    What starts wobbling? The plane itself or just the wings / stabilizers?

    If the latter, open them in overload and set partType to Wing-2, that should fix it.

  • Updating published aircraft? 1.4 years ago


    Notes: You need to be silver (1001 points) or higher to do this, and you can only update the craft, not the screenshots or specifications, so the post may get removed if the updated craft becomes too different from the screenshots.

  • Confirmed!!!!1!1!1!!1!1!!!!!1!1!1!!!¡1!1!1!1!1¡ 1.4 years ago

    Too ambiguous to say for sure, but it's nice to know they are at least considering keeping SimpleRockets 2 (now Juno I guess) and SimplePlanes separate, even though they are similar games in many ways.

  • Dark theme script 1.4 years ago

    Is there a way to make this load before the website so I don't get flashbanged every time I open a new page here?

  • ... 1.4 years ago


    This is what I got by converting the numbers from decimal into text. Looks like a link but not sure to what site, tried youtube but it didn't work.

    Googling gzmph only got me a link to download a font called "Real Enemy".

    The last image on your bio (the same as your pfp but uncropped) seems to be a scrambled version of something, but I don't know how to unscramble it.

    That is all I could make from the nonsense you typed.

  • Update Suggestion 1.4 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer A part that played aircraft warnings would be cool, especially if it was a highly customizable one like the control base, letting you play different sounds, use different inputs etc.

    Not sure if playing music with a part would work out though, maybe a way to replace vanilla music would be good enough.

    Regardless, your idea would be a cool thing to have.

  • Update Suggestion 1.4 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer I very much would like to listen to a muffled-cockpit-audio version of Danger Zone while flying one of my jets, would add to the immersion not having to tab out to youtube to play the song.

    Not entirely sure what you mean by alarm sounds, is it like the "whoop whoop, pull up" stuff? If so that'd also be cool to have as a part that could play a bunch of these and accepted FT inputs.

  • GAMF-02R Camille Pro [FT Remastered] 1.4 years ago

    Walkers are cool, I should try making one.

    Well, one that walks at more than one knot that is, making something walk like a human in a game where you're supposed to build planes ain't easy at all.

  • 2023 What’s planned for Simple Planes for the next year 1.4 years ago

    There have been many of these posts but updates are less and less frequent now.

    Either the devs will have to spend a lot of days thinking about which of the requested things are the most wanted and worthwhile to add, or they'll spend those days thinking about how to phrase the "A sad announcement" post talking about how SP is done and you should move to SR2.

  • Forum Post 1.5 years ago



    Too bad the script broke, maybe because I'm not silver yet.

  • New features 1.5 years ago

    wdym bro the Ks make it kooler

  • New features 1.5 years ago


    I wanna see how this will look when it's finished (nice paint btw lol)

  • Fun fact: you can teleport anywhere 1.5 years ago

    @Dathcha Yup

  • Fun fact: you can teleport anywhere 1.5 years ago

    @Dathcha Other than teleporting yourself, this does not affect anything from other people's point of view, so all those things will still be in the right place for them.

  • Opening the .obj file on exocad is one of the coolest things i have done on sp 1.5 years ago

    Indeed looks cool

    For anyone who wants to try this, open the plane you want on sp, click [3D Print / Export], click [Export], then go here, open the obj file that was exported, don't pick a texture file (its the png on the same folder as the obj file), once it loads click on the thing on the left menu that looks like the First Order symbol. It should show up like this.
