25.3k Kendog84 Comments

  • Sinkable ship damage model (buoyancy) - Description Redone! 1.3 years ago

    Thanks! I owe a lot of ideas in this to ship building games I used to play (such as BSC and navalcraft), as well as SP tank armor/damage model by another builder named wernster.
    I'm really hoping people try and develop this concept further. I gotta work on my demo ships too though, I want to show people that we have already everything needed to build ships that can sail on its own on a set path, and aim and fire cannons with FT autoaim (AI used cannon after they expend their missiles (they must be air to air or multirole). Can't wait to have actual ships combat in SP:]
    Let me know if you got any cool ideas, too!

  • Sinkable ship damage model (buoyancy) - Description Redone! 1.3 years ago

    Haha thanks, AI ship that can fight you or other AI, is already possible (I'm slooowly building one as a demo build). And don't worry, domination of, not just SP, but all lands on earth is on my agenda. lol

  • LJN logo 1.3 years ago

    I hear a song in my head
    He's gonna take you back to the past...
    To the play the SimplePlanes and make stuff...
    He'd rather have...

  • Blast radius tester (Bomb tester) - 1 explosionScale = about 80m (74m?) blast radius, I think (Boom 50/Boom 25 facts) 1.3 years ago

    Speaking of which, have I shown you this yet? I did some testings on explosive cannon damage, and the result was kinda confusing. I need to do further testings to know what's up with it, but my plan to utilize explosive shells for the ship combat thing seems to have hit a wall. I just can't tell how the damage & insta-kill trigger scales with the explosion scale/caliber.
    Cannon: 100mm/explosionScaler 0.1
    (impactDamageScaler is set to 0, and muzzle velocity has no effect on damage. 500m/s shell and 999999m/s shell gave me the same result)
    1 HP - takes 1-2 shots (1-0.5 damage)
    10 HP - takes 1-5 shots (10-2 damage)
    100 HP - takes 3-10 shots (33-10 damage)
    500 HP - 14-42 shots (35-12 damage)
    750hp - 21-62 shots (35-12 damage)
    900hp - 25-49-73 shots (36-12 dmg)
    1000hp - 27-54-82 (37-12)
    1500hp - 41-122 (37-12)
    10000 hp
    estimate: 285-833 (35-12 dmg)
    Result: 269-538-539-806-807-808-810 (37.17-12.34 dmg)
    100mm/0.2 ES
    HP 10000: insta-kill (10000+ dmg)
    Hp 100000: insta kill (100000+)
    Hp 1000000: instakill
    1000mm/0.15 es
    Hp 1000000: instakill
    HP 1000 - 690-1036
    Hp 10000 - instakill
    20000 - 2-1 shots

  • Transformers-Blitzwing 1.3 years ago

    This is so, so cool. Great work!!

  • Blast radius tester (Bomb tester) - 1 explosionScale = about 80m (74m?) blast radius, I think (Boom 50/Boom 25 facts) 1.3 years ago

    Hehehh, I had a feeling you'd like this, lol

    80m for Boom 50 and others definitely seems too large though, and it seemed 75m wasn't 100 percent accurate, either. Might need to do more experiments with precision.

    Also--I found that (it seems at least) dragScale/drag calculation don't affect bomb's fall speed or trajectory, only mass does. Might affect airplane's performance though (yet to test that). Got any info on that?

  • Blast radius tester (Bomb tester) - 1 explosionScale = about 80m (74m?) blast radius, I think (Boom 50/Boom 25 facts) 1.3 years ago

    It's ok, everyone starts as a beginner. You'll get better with practice, but not without practice. You'll probably improve with every build you make. Just give it a try, you already have the ideas. And you can ask questions to people (just remember to be polite), and someone might be able to help you build it:)

  • F/A-19A Voron-I 1.3 years ago

    (Sorry, forgot to finish writing my response)
    You're welcome. I'm not super familiar with Ace Combat (only seen some LPs), but I do recognize the, I guess, 'feel' of some of the crazy designs from the series (not in a bad way). It actually reminded me of a plane from an old DS game called Jet Impulse, what with downward tail and stuff. (which is an Ace Combat esque game with some wonderful weird designs and crazy plot)
    This thing pic 1 pic 2, one flying higher. (Sorry for the low res images)
    It's basically F-22 Raptor with weird main wings and down angled tail, and I guess it's not that similar to you jet, but uh, I don't see tail like that too often, so I guess I made the connection there. lol

    Also... this is a response to an even older comment from you, but your amphibious tank was quite nice. Handling of the wheel track felt really nice. (It drove much better than some of my vehicles.) Noticed a tendency to capsize under some conditions when sailing in the water, but other than that, I didn't see any flaws. Whatever problem you were having your track, it seemed it was all fixed.

    Oh yeah, looking at some pics of Morgan, I do see the inspiration. But I think I prefer this (your) design over it, lol

  • B-67 Gorbka 1.3 years ago

    Love the design with V bomber inspiration, and also the lore. Relatively low-part count, too, which is a plus (for me at least). Nice plane!

  • SIMPLECHEATS II, an updated, comprehensive list of all known XML attributes 1.3 years ago

    Note to keep track of what feedbacks I sent and what I haven't yet

    【Stuff I sent】

    -new attribute shortestAngle for joint rotator (lets your autoaim tator and such rotate 360 degrees continuously, without the 'snap' that happens at a certain point. Thanks to IzzyIA for mentioning it in their post)
    -autoDispenseDelay (counter measure dispenser, number - changes how fast it fires when you press down the button)
    -About cannon's damage (IDS, ES, projectileVelocity and diameter, as well as some other info)
    -Boom 50 and 25's blast radius per explosionScale, as well as some other info about them (80 meters per 1 es)

    【Uncertain】(I may have sent them)

    -lookBackTranslation (cameraVantage, input X,Y - moves your camera sideways/vertically when you look beyond a 90 degs to the left or right. AutoCenter must be enabled)
    -Missile's function (you can have the same type of missile with different function as long as they have different names. Conversely, if you have different weapons with the same name &different function/roll, one of them will become unselectable)

    【Stuff I haven't sent yet】

    -Blast radius per ES of other weapons

  • Panther Ausf.F 1.3 years ago


  • Blast radius tester (Bomb tester) - 1 explosionScale = about 80m (74m?) blast radius, I think (Boom 50/Boom 25 facts) 1.3 years ago

    I don't think that's possible, unfortunately.
    Cannon's explosion size and damage are determined by caliber (diameter) and explosionScaler (as far as I know), and if you make the value of either one of them (or both) small, explosion will be small and weak. And if you make them large, explosion becomes large and powerful. Unlike bombs, missiles, etc., you can't change the size of explosion effect independent of the actual damage and blast radius.

  • Blast radius tester (Bomb tester) - 1 explosionScale = about 80m (74m?) blast radius, I think (Boom 50/Boom 25 facts) 1.3 years ago

    Nah, sorry. I do take suggestions, but I don't do requests. I'm kinda busy with other stuff anyway

  • [Updated Feb 7] Working cargo plane w tanks (WIP) - LC-166 "Mighty Hauler" STOL airlifter (w M103 & M113 APC) 1.3 years ago

    No problem, it's VTOL down when AG1 is on in current version, and VTOL down when AG1 off in the previous version

  • XYZ coord label (get map coordinates like longitude, latitude and altitude without console commands) 1.3 years ago

    Yeah, I don't really know how label formatting works

  • Sinkable ship damage model (buoyancy) - Description Redone! 1.3 years ago

    Haha, thanks.
    I have no programming knowledge, but I was thinking it would be cool if I could build a cool (free, or cheap enough) open-source naval combat building game, in the vein of old Battleship Craft (or WSC) or Navalcraft, that can be played on mobile devices. Something a bit more casual than Navalart, but still has good range of freedom to build really cool stuff. SimplePlanes really does let me do a lot of things I wish I could do on these games, though, and I think a fairly decent module-based combat is still possible on this platform, so I'll stick to SP for now. But thanks for the idea;)

    Let me know if you ever decide to build a game like that yourself though, I'd love to throw some ideas at it, lol

  • B-52 Stratopteryx: A SimplePlanes Horror video (flexible wing gone bird) 1.3 years ago

    I was procrastinating.. I mean, taking a break from other projects and building a B-52D. (mobile friendly, aircraft alone will be under 200 parts. Plus some 84 Mk82)

    I wanted to implement wing-flex to the build, as they do on real plane. I used wing-2 and it was working fine when I was testing the plane in 1/4 scale, but when I scaled the plane back up to 1/1, I got this. Shame.

  • GRILLE-15 by Dash777 (modified) 1.3 years ago

    Nah don't mention it, keep up the nice work! That's a nice Grille you've built.
    I should have asked you if you would mind my uploading a modified version before I uploaded this, though, sorry about that.

    Anyway, try other wheel types and sizes, you can make different types of tracks with these :)

  • Bigfoot F150 monster truck by weebabyseamus (updated) 1.4 years ago

    You're welcome and thank you, glad you liked it!:)

    Yeah, your truck is from way before my time on the site (& the game), and I love how you did suspension and stuff with what was available back then, so much creativity. And it's still fun to drive, too! lol I had to bring it back, for newer players like me.

  • Custom Rocket pods - LAU-10 Zuni, LAU-3 19-tube 70mm & else (low part) 1.4 years ago

    First, you have to save the pod as "sub assembly."
    Grab the thing (rocket pod), and drop it to the blue box on top left of the screen. Give it a name, and click save. Now, this thing is saved as a sub assembly, and you can get it any time from "Sub Assemblies" in the Parts menu.
    Here's an image (click this)

  • Custom Rocket pods - LAU-10 Zuni, LAU-3 19-tube 70mm & else (low part) 1.4 years ago

    Do you mean rocket pods?

  • PQ-14 1.4 years ago

    Ah got it, no problem! Thanks anyhow:)

  • Custom Rocket pods - LAU-10 Zuni, LAU-3 19-tube 70mm & else (low part) 1.4 years ago

    What would you like to know?

  • Custom Rocket pods - LAU-10 Zuni, LAU-3 19-tube 70mm & else (low part) 1.4 years ago

    Me likey rockets, rockets goods

  • Mammooth Hydra Mk.1 1.4 years ago

    Nice update over the last one!

    Here's something potentially useful.
    If you don't mind xml editing, you can use a single type of missile as a multirole weapon. Simply add a property function under Missile drop list and set it to MultiRole. Can also be AirToAir or AirToSurface, should work for all 4 missiles. (Note: property function is case sensitive (must not be capitalized), but MultiRole (or the other two roles) isn't.)

  • Ishii Plane from Girls Last Tour (WIP) 1.4 years ago

    I shoulda read the instructions before I flew this thing... I got Ishii-d before takeoff

    Edit: It was also due to low physics, as it turns out

  • Mammooth Hydra Mk.1 1.4 years ago

    Looks great and fun to fly, controllable even on mobile. Great plane!

  • PQ-14 1.4 years ago

    I know about it. wpSystem_ctgt_id variable setter must be zero if Time is less than 0.1s, but Time is global so it only works for player's airplane, and those who was spawned later will perhaps start from 1 or 2 (i.e. second or third point). Try to replace Time with sum(1) in wpSystemctgtid and it's activator.

    Sorry, forgot to write back on this. Replacing Time with sum(1) didn't work, I've also tried to have the same target coords for waypoint 1 through 3, but somehow that didn't work either.
    Do you think there's any other possible solution for this?

  • [Updated Feb 7] Working cargo plane w tanks (WIP) - LC-166 "Mighty Hauler" STOL airlifter (w M103 & M113 APC) 1.4 years ago

    They should activate when the vehicle is deactivated, or their engine is on idle. Magnet power is too weak on the two APCs though, that's probably why they are falling off. If you know how to use Overload, increase their magnet power by 5 and see if that fixes it.

  • F/A-19A Voron-I 1.4 years ago

    Nice cool design, love the unique far-apart engine pods and tail stab with downward angles. And the top profile's just, really nice

  • Cannon damage tester Mk3.5 (for kinetic damage only) - impact damage scaler, muzzle velocity, caliber, diameter, explosionScale 1.4 years ago

    Answer to the first question, it doesn't. Caliber/diameter does not seem to have any noticeable effect on kinetic damage.
    200mm/ids 10
    400mm/ids 10

    You can use these to see for yourself


    I'm guessing it might be the muzzle velocity equivalent of explosion damage, though that's a blind guess

  • Cannon damage tester Mk3.5 (for kinetic damage only) - impact damage scaler, muzzle velocity, caliber, diameter, explosionScale 1.4 years ago

    1) Lemme test... (I suspect it doesn't matter)
    2) With some modifications, yes. You gotta space cannon/block pairs far enough apart from other pairs, so they don't destroy stuff or mess with the results.

  • Cannon damage tester Mk3.5 (for kinetic damage only) - impact damage scaler, muzzle velocity, caliber, diameter, explosionScale 1.4 years ago

    @rexzion @Farewellntchii @MyReaktorIsLeak @DimitriIqbal91
    You were on my "people who may be interested in this finding" list. I am truly sorry.
    (Let me know if you aren't, or don't want to get tagged)

  • Panavia Tornado 1.4 years ago

    Looks nice and build is efficient! Love it!

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 1.4 years ago

    Thanks. So that part of the mechanic has nothing to do with explosionScale value, when it's Basic.

    That's a really cool observation, didn't think the value was rerolled with every map restart.
    I can't do the testing myself right now, but I wanna see if the game applies the same amount of boost/nerf for 1) all cannons 2) all cannons of the same name 3) all cannons with the same Xml characteristics (so same muzzle velocity and impactDamageScaler), or it's different for each cannon every time.

    We can test this by simply copy-pasting the cannon, place them so they each shoot at different block, and take note of how many shots each one requires to destroy the block. (Blocks should all have 1000 HP, and are individually connected to cockpit and only the cockpit--I'm not sure if the HP-pool thing you mentioned will have any effect on the result). Hopefully so we can get more data for average/range of damage a given combo of muzzle velocity + impactDamageScaler will do.

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 1.4 years ago

    (You may know this already, but) I believe/think disintegration happens thanks to the attribute of explosion which lets it "destroy/cut" the connections between blocks within the effect radius, as well as the way blocks are connected.
    You can build 'tougher' plane by connecting every individual block to the primary cockpit (with partCollisionResponse None and all that good stuff), since in this case, you must damage each individual part or the cockpit to destroy the whole plane.
    Planes we've been building (as a community as a whole) tend to be weak partly because parts are connected to each other, and especially other weak parts, which causes the chain-reaction when hit with explosive weapons (or anything, if partCollisionResponse is default).
    (I have added some visual explanations on the topic on my sinking ship damage model (advanced demo))

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 1.4 years ago

    Yeah, there isn't much info or research on the topic on the site it seems (I'm really excited & interested in your gun weapons research for that, I do want to have a good and consistent damage/armor system for my airplanes).
    It's kinda understandable why this hasn't been researched yet (much), but I think it's (and should be) pretty relevant now, now that we can build ships that sink, and (combined with necessary FT tech like autopilot and autoaim) can soon have actual naval combat--for that to be fun, battleship needs to "feel" like a battleship in relation to smaller type of ships. (And for that we need to have some idea on how cannons work)

    I'm pretty hopeful that we can get at least some useful info out of this experiment.

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings 1.4 years ago

    I wanna add that for bomb and missile (for clarity's sake), scale of the visual effect part affects explosion radius. And I think it may also affect the actual damage radius & force, but I need to do some tests.

  • Realistic cannon 1.4 years ago

    Really cool concept

  • Autopilot AI bomber teaser (Yet another one!) 1.4 years ago

    Not on the version I'm working on (my current version uses F-105), but it is possible! :). Check out MisterT's video https://youtu.be/ZpPW_ikWy8c

  • SOLVED: Predictor and Muzzle Velocity 1.4 years ago

    No problem, and thanks for the clarification.
    I got a little confused, as I didn't realize that you/game basically shares a single predictor for both cannons and guns in air-to-air mode, but now your explanation of the testing results make more sense. Quite an interesting finding.

  • [Updated Feb 7] Working cargo plane w tanks (WIP) - LC-166 "Mighty Hauler" STOL airlifter (w M103 & M113 APC) 1.4 years ago

    It was easier to edit the vehicles that way, why they're outside the plane.
    As for tanks, you have to first press corresponding activation groups to activate each vehicle, Number 2 for the tank, Number 5 & 6 for the APCs. Check out the instructions for rest of the instructions (you can open that in designer or in-flight, from option menu).
    Also, detacher won't get in the way so don't worry about it, it doesn't have collision.

  • SOLVED: Predictor and Muzzle Velocity 1.4 years ago

    Don't mention it, this is cool and useful.

    I wanna ask a question for clarification though, by "highest" are you referring to the highest muzzle velocity weapon, highest in the list, or highest in terms of placement? I'm assuming it's the first one, but just to be sure.

  • Posable figures (doll/male type) - WIP 1.4 years ago

    And... no, he's not Tenpenny, but I did base the uniform on LSPD/LAPD color scheme.

    Now that you mentioned it, I do want to make/see CRASH version of the figs. (I'm not making them (not anytime soon at least), you should give it a try if you wanna)

  • Beechcraft King Air 360 1.4 years ago

    Beautiful plane, pleasant & fun to fly. Also, the reflection of the fuselage looks just... right. (Might be a common knowledge, but the reflection setting really did impress me--and turns out it's simply a 100% smoothness giving it the beautiful look! haha (never thought of that))

  • WIP Refuel truck 2 1.4 years ago

    This is so cool!
    If, perhaps, combined with coords based self driving mechanism (11qazxc's gift truck for instance) so the truck drives itself closer to a target (you can aggro the thing by locking onto the truck with missile, so it "targets" you--which lets the truck have your coords via FT variables), you might be able to automate the process a bit more. That may/will create some limitations in terms of what kind of planes can be refueled, though.
    Check this out!
