929 IssaIwan Comments

  • what caliber is the wing gun? 3.4 years ago

    I’ve always guessed it was a 12.7mm due to the high damage (30/100)

  • Planes spinning 3.4 years ago

    Check the CoM CoT CoL.
    If the CoT isn’t horizontally aligned with the CoM then that means the propeller’s placement is causing the issue.
    If the CoM is far ahead of the CoL then that could be the issue.
    Also check your wing loading. A high wing loading (often greater than 40lbs/sqft) means your aircraft has poor lift.

  • What do you think will happen in update 2.0 3.4 years ago

    Definitely a new missile or two, hopefully some AI tweaks, and most likely some new game-changing gizmos to mess with.

  • Guess the Plane! 3.4 years ago

    Eagle 5

  • Fuselage Lights 3.5 years ago

    You could use a beacon light and place it inside of a glass fuselage using fine tuner, just make sure the fuselage’s opacity is high.

  • What Gravatar should i pick? 3.5 years ago

    The man who drank all the milk

  • Vote 3.6 years ago

    The presidential election:

  • My airplane doesn’t pull up I have real wings on it 3.6 years ago

    The wing loading I aim for is less than 50lbs/sqft. @AirplaneAirplaneThe293

  • My airplane doesn’t pull up I have real wings on it 3.6 years ago

    The wing loading might be too high, or maybe there isn’t enough thrust. What plane is it and what is the wing loading?

  • How do I make good looking plane 3.6 years ago

    Download fuselage decal and boom

  • Question About Cannon Damage Calculation Formula Based On Velocity And Caliber 3.7 years ago

    I mean, the default health of parts is 100 which is pretty weak, so you’d need a pretty slow moving shell in order to damage the part without destroying it. My suggestion is to set the health to 1000 or 10000 and judge based on how bright the damage indicator is. I’m not good with numbers, I only use the basic number functions with Overload and Fine Tuner that any idiot could figure out.

  • So I had a thought 3.7 years ago

    You mean like have an autopilot-type thing? Like the autopilot configurations for RC planes? If so, you could just set the max pitch and max roll (keep the degree of pitch higher than the degree of roll), it worked for my Untertasse.

  • Am I allowed to write Andrew garrison fan fiction 3.7 years ago

    If you’re not writing one then I will. I’ll make it short but sweet while I’m sitting on the toilet. Anyways, here we go.

    It was a cool, windy autumn night. I was watching Impractical Jokers, specifically Sal being clawed by feral cats as his punishment for the episode. Just as the episode ended, I heard my doorbell ring. I rushed to the door, wondering who it was, as I haven’t ordered anything lately. When I opened the door I was greeted by quite possibly the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. I can only describe his face as that of Murr’s, but infinitely more attractive. I was taken aback and blushed at the sight of his receding hairline and stubble. Embarrassed, I blushed even more and covered my face, which was burning at this point. I felt him grab my wrist and slowly move my hand away from my face. “What’s wrong?” He asked me. Too embarrassed to speak properly, I struggled to say “N-nothing...um, why did you ring my doorbell?” “Oh, I just moved in and wanted to meet my neighbors,” he replied with a confident yet friendly tone. “Th-this l-late a-a-at night?” “It’s not THAT dark!” It was dark. And getting colder. I didn’t know how far away his house was, but it was getting colder. “Want t-to come in?” I asked, struggling away my embarrassment. “Sure thing!” He said, giving me a friendly smile. We sat down at my living room, at which point the new episode of Impractical Jokers came on. Still embarrassed and in love but struggling to hide my feelings, I tried ignoring him. Only a minute of ignoring him, I realized how rude it seemed and I asked his name. “Andrew. Andrew Garrison,” he responded in a more relaxed voice. “And you?” I told him my name, albeit with a very nervous tone of voice. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting nervous ever since you opened the door,” he said in a slightly concerned tone. His words made me even more embarrassed, now knowing he was aware of my behavior. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just-“ he scooted right next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “It’s okay, I know how you feel.” Out of sheer impulse, I quickly turned towards Mr. Garrison and kissed him but then stopped, realizing what I had done. I turned away from him, my face bright red. “Hey,” he said, prompting me to turn back. He kissed me with a passion I never knew existed, and I tried my best to return the kiss. After only two minutes of intimacy, I submitted myself to him, body and soul.

  • I wanna know about the community. 3.7 years ago

    1. The souls of the damned.

    2. When I was 11 I was really into flight simulators and I creamed my pants when I discovered a realistic flight simulator where you can build planes with extreme creative freedom.

    3. Yes but I don’t really play it too much, kinda gets old after 5 years when the planes kinda merge with each other with how flight is. It’s hard to word it.

  • Spin Mustang 3.7 years ago

    I am going to come to your house and make the 9th circle of Hell look like Disneyland

  • It's fun searching planes in the newest page 3.7 years ago

    Fr. While most of the newest planes are poor performers with an ugly appearance, something you’d expect from a new player, like 1/4 of them are either amazing builds that are worthy of being top rated and crazy, creative experiments.

  • What is your greatest achievement in simpleplanes? 3.7 years ago

    Just figuring out how to actually build planes was my greatest achievement. Before I created my account, my builds were just me slapping parts together, making the plane symmetrical, and seeing if it worked. Then replicating whatever worked. Only a couple months after I created my account I nailed the formula for a good-performing WWII fighter plane.

  • Big XML Question 3.7 years ago

    Are you talking about the Fine Tuner?

  • why? 3.7 years ago

    It’s all about marketing. Taking good pictures, making a replica, or making a well-known fictional aircraft can get you a lot of upvotes. But how would I know, I do none of the three.

  • What’s discord? 3.7 years ago

    I think it’s best for your sake that you don’t know.

  • SPECIAL 10K !!!! 3.8 years ago

    What the

  • Tank steering 3.8 years ago

    I had a similar problem when making my M2 artillery, but I used the roll and yaw rather than the trim and VTOL. Roll left would turn the right tread forward, and yaw left would turn the left tread backwards, both and vice versa. Having both joysticks towards each other caused the tank to move forward and so on.

  • How do you get A.I. to function in water? 3.9 years ago

    You can’t unless you programmed a new AI, as it’s programmed to fly using only control surfaces rather than control schemes.

  • Why am I brown? 3.9 years ago

    This is so funny just because of the wording

  • I have a question 3.9 years ago

    1: I don’t think even God, in his infinite wisdom knows when the next update is. 2: IOS doesn’t allow the free movement of files like Android and PC does. Jundroo or someone needs to have an automatic installer for mods like Minecraft Bedrock Edition has, where you simply run the download and it automatically places it in the files. 3: Brown Pearl? 4: Maywar island is hella big, way to big for a 16-32gig device can handle, which most people have. Maybe it can be added via cache and enabled/disabled manually if you have a good enough device. However my PC with 16gig RAM lags on Maywar so it might not even be able to be added on mobile.

  • proper mouse control 3.9 years ago

    When on PC I just use the arrow keys. Mouse is used for camera.

  • Cannon Question 3.9 years ago

    You can make the cannon bigger but just scale it down. That’s what I did for my Dragon Bluejay.

  • Cables 3.9 years ago

    You can make chains, but to make a cable or rope you’d have to make a basic chain, make the rotators and hinges very thin, and put a cylindrical fuselage over them to hide them. Most people just make “fake” cables using very thin fuselages and nothing else, but if you wanna make a real cable just make a chain and conceal the hinges and rotators.

  • Can someone make this fly better? 3.9 years ago


  • Plane is slow and going down everytime 3.9 years ago

    It’s slow and going down because there’s a high wing loading combined with fixed propellers. To solve this problem, change the propeller pitch to “Auto” and make the wings larger.

  • Help to a scale human passenger part 4.0 years ago

    Yeah I thought the same thing, but measuring it’s a little under 6ft tall. It’s just perception making it seem small since everything is so upscaled. @Gfishiest

  • How 4.0 years ago


  • Help to a scale human passenger part 4.0 years ago

    When making vehicles and aircraft, I just use the Dummy part. It’s now available in the build menu, so you have to download it from the website by just searching “dummy.” Then save it as a subassembly and you can use it for scaling. Or alternatively you can view the info for how large the vehicle is, and just use estimates for how big individual parts are by seeing how big they are in proportion to the rest of the vehicle.

  • How do you make VTOL flaps go only one way? 4.0 years ago

    What I’d do is just have the flaps set halfway between the start and end by default.

  • Cannon firing sequence 4.0 years ago

    Maybe changing the rate of fire on each cannon? It would make sense mathematically, but I haven’t tested it in game.

  • I need a WWII plane suggestion. 4.1 years ago

    I’ve always liked creating fictional designs vaguely based on existing ones.

  • M2 Mobile Artillery 4.2 years ago

    @Tiseth thanks bro imma do that on future vehicles

  • What should I build first? 4.2 years ago

    A crazy gun

  • Plane Arena Gamemode for Sandbox 4.3 years ago

    Not without some additional code. How hard could it be for a programmer to make AI ignore a another AI? @BlackBoA

  • Plane Arena Gamemode for Sandbox 4.3 years ago

    Then it wouldn’t be viable for your tablet. But it would be viable for most devices. @TheMachinist

  • Plane Arena Gamemode for Sandbox 4.3 years ago

    Too simple to do what? Have a bunch of planes fight each other in team deathmatch? They’ll just be aggressive but with targeting priority towards the enemy team. @BlackBoA

  • Plane Arena Gamemode for Sandbox 4.3 years ago

    The thing about enemy aircraft should just be in general. Not everything should always be green.

  • Thomas toy train 4.3 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder if creations like these are proof of mental illness

  • cat 4.3 years ago

    I love him

  • More Realistic Damage Visuals 4.4 years ago

    :( @YourWife

  • More Realistic Damage Visuals 4.4 years ago

    What I propose doesn’t require much processing power at all. It’s simply replacing a part with a newly generated one based on the shape of the old part and surfaces it is attached to. @Noname918181

  • More Realistic Damage Visuals 4.4 years ago

    I believe so, as it is simply replacing an existing part with a new one based on the shape of the part and what surfaces it’s attached to. @exosuit

  • More Realistic Damage Visuals 4.4 years ago

    The flight mechanics used for building aren’t exactly simple @BACconcordepilot