5,850 FarrowTECH Comments


    @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL ah lol, well I have another question. How will the aircraft evade missiles while being controlled by ai? From what I've tried so far countermeasures don't work and they don't recognize missile warning. Wouldn't both aircraft just launch a missile and tie?


    What is XLM? I've heard of XML, is it the same?

  • Autoloader? 1.5 years ago

    Man it's been a while since I've seen one of these.

    Some of the first ones I've seen used detachers inside a fake casing with insane detach force to propel the projectiles forward. And a second piston to eject the spent shell.

    I tried making my own a few years ago before I knew anything about XML so maybe you could make it automated by timing the Pistons.

  • Tug 1.5 years ago

    Looks like that one Bugatti plane

  • Flying Wake8472's entry "Mad Boi" through the Canyons 1.5 years ago

    @Zaineman ah ok makes sense, I thought it might've been a challenge or something

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav thanks 👍

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 1.5 years ago

    @Nightgems also the number and website are both real things Sweden has. and you might've noticed the fine print on the Saab and IKEA logos.

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 1.5 years ago

    @Nightgems thanks a ton mate! Glad it was worth making 👍

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc oh no I got that part, the second part is what I'm curious about.

  • Dassault Mirage 50EV (FAV) 1.5 years ago

    The 'new planes' page starting to get TikTok vibes. I guess it's an easy way for someone coked up on upvotes to get their fix. But in the end it's just the same craft with different letters.

  • well 1.5 years ago

    Y E S

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc sorry I didn't really get what you explained there. Do you have an example?
    I've never had this happen to my other aircraft and it seems like every other creator hear hasn't had this problem.

  • Jet planes are jumpy, how do I fix? 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 hey I have a question, is there a way to add damper to the control surface of a wing or is it only possible through rotators and hinges? I've been having trouble with using custom control surfaces. I made a post describing my issue in detail and I could use some advice from a veteran of this game.

  • Deactivation through Activation? 1.5 years ago

    @Grob0s0VBRa thanks, works great. Also found that I can use !Activate1 as an ag or input which works similarly. Thanks for the help, once I experimented a bit with the command you shared it helped out great, my plane can now taxi without the control surfaces affecting it on the ground and I can switch between sensitivity modes 👍

  • Tulatin Bar Forbidden Film-Carrot radiator 1.5 years ago

    The whole description reads like an AI written monologue.

  • JL-9 1.5 years ago

    Great use of parts and very clean build. But I'd love to see a cockpit in this. were you thinking about it since you already put the glass in

  • The Twin-Prop Challenge IS OVER 1.5 years ago

    Does contra-rotating props count?

  • AT-12 (B) VTOL 1.5 years ago

    Looking good, try experimenting with custom wings on this design. I'd like to see it 👍

  • pink V8 soap box 1.5 years ago

    Pastel 👌

  • Deutsches Deutschland 1.5 years ago

    I've been seeing alot of these airbrake memes. What are they? What's the meme? Is there a meme or is the hive mind hopping on a band wagon that hasn't reached me yet?

  • AVNL-430C Scorpion Multi-role Fighter 1.5 years ago

    I want to see this in star citizen.

  • Need some decals made using the Labels. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc I wasn't able to get them to work sadly, the redbull one was pink and had a lot of symbols artifacting from it. The Spotify one also had alot of artifacts. The flag works but I couldnt get past how they glow in the dark. The artifacts are probably unavoidable and just a product of the software but I think I'm gonna go the old method and build them, I was hoping to keep the parts count down. Still I thank you for trying it out for me.

  • Laptop Gamer 1.5 years ago

    R.I.P peoe who buy gaming laptops

  • Tractor Plane 1.5 years ago

    Ye ever try to milk a sky cow Leroy!? It's damn difficult, ye need alot o' rope. Leroy. And it's damn difficult. So, I built this here tractor for milkin' me sky cows. Ye can call er a tractair.

  • PQ-14 1.5 years ago

    I don't speak code, can you help me understand what this is?

  • How many languages can Simple plane display? 1.5 years ago

    Heya jundroo people, might wanna add more languages that dont follow the Latin alphabet. Seems like Russian is the only exception.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @GhostHTX yeah the deadline will probably be extended especially since only just yesterday it got more popular.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @Dragoranos also thanks for the spotlight 👍

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @Dragoranos ?

  • Really Really REALLY!? why no mods for andriod 1.5 years ago

    There are mods for Android, but let's not forget that this game can run on literally anything, and a new windows desktop can cost less than 50 bucks. Which is less than most android phones. You can afford a phone you can afford a PC.

  • NDB 12A finished? 1.5 years ago

    Turn on smooth front and smooth back for the fuselage pieces, it will hire the sharp lines on the nose or wherever else you want to use it.

  • 0wO cursed b36 1.5 years ago

    @srbobington absolutely. Glad someone noticed:)

  • Need some decals made using the Labels. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc thanks a million mate

  • We all build this 1.5 years ago

    Seems to have gotten smaller since a few months ago

  • Lowtus 195 i6T 1.5 years ago

    Aye could ya make a first gen RAV4 4dr? That car has a special place in my heart but I'm not talented enough to make it.

  • help 1.5 years ago

    Took a look at it. 3 things are messed up on it.
    The left side wheels are infinitely rotated negatively somehow. Set rotation in XML to 0,0,0 on the left wheels and 0,180,0 on the right.

    You have the drag turned down to zero in XML as well. Set all drag variables to 1, that's why your car is being goofy, it thinks it's on ice.

    And lastly, to prevent more weirdness set aircraftCollisions to true in xml so the wheels won't interacts with the inner fender.

    I made sure it all worked beforehand, hope this helps

  • Y’all know paint??? 1.5 years ago

    @Mlancer can't wait 👌

  • Cinema Plane 1.5 years ago

    Aye could you make a camera that stays level on the roll axis but follows the pitch and yaw?

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 1.5 years ago

    Aw I wish I got back into the game when this challenge went live.

  • I dunno what to build 1.5 years ago

    Redbull race plane

  • RF 5E TigerEye 1.6 years ago

    oh my ive never seen this craft before, what a fella. love the unique choice.

  • Wise mystical tree 1.6 years ago

    Should give it that smexy smirk

  • Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I NF 1.6 years ago

    @KingOfTypos giga Chad move purposely misspell every 5th word

  • Mini Hula Dancer 1.6 years ago

    Man I just wanted to download a hula bobbler for one of my builds, what kind of can of worms did I find in the comments?

  • Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I NF 1.6 years ago

    There's a suspicious lack of typos. Thought you were the king of 'em. Nice plane tho, love the attention to detail of the compliant mechanism.

  • Wing placement question. 1.6 years ago

    @Axartar how the wing interacts with physics isn't the problem. Did you look at the pictures? I'm talking about where it should go. Like if I should keep the wings in the center like I intended or put them lower on the craft like the more common layouts. Nevermind mate I think I'll just keep it centered and figure out how to make landing gear that fits the style.

  • Wing placement question. 1.6 years ago

    @Axartar https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/G7RNy0/KONSTFLYG-1

  • Wing placement question. 1.6 years ago

    @Axartar I've already shrunk the functional wings. What I meant was whether I should keep the current placement of the decorative fake wings or move them lower like most race and stunt planes have, since I can't find many landing gear examples for how my wings are currently. It's been a while since I made this forum post so the aircraft has made some progress but I thing the new gear look a bit off