32.3k CRJ900Pilot Comments

  • Something big is coming... 3.1 years ago

    Looks great so far! T please

  • Mikoyan MiG-23 Flogger (Astroidbook345 collab) 3.1 years ago

    Woah, this is awesome! I love the wing sweep

  • Quick Funky Tree question: 3.1 years ago

    Lol don't blame you @asteroidbook345

  • Ocean 3.1 years ago

    The floating ships seemed to stop, and the missiles were fixed with the waterproof setting. All seems to be working now, thanks! @Jester

  • AV-8B Harrier (Night Attack) 3.1 years ago

    My apologies about the sidewinder, I guess it was something I was doing wrong. Normally I wouldn’t press the trigger, but when the guns are actually cannons it’s hard to remember which to push, especially since I have to focus on manhandling the plane to keep it pointed at a target @WolfSpark

  • SeaTraffic 3.1 years ago

    From what I can tell, no. This mod works fantastic, I love what you’ve done with it! I hope this isn’t coming across as negative, I’m just trying to figure out if it’s an issue with me or the ocean mod so I can use the SeaTraffic mod to its fullest potential @Jester

  • AV-8B Harrier (Night Attack) 3.1 years ago

    Amazing job! It looks amazing, and that cockpit view is to die for, it’s so stunning especially with the HUD. However there are a few small things that makes it hard to use:
    1. Flight performance isn’t great. If it’s modeled off the real one, then ignore this. But it’s very unresponsive on the roll axis, it likes to keep rolling once stick is centered. One fix is to move the hidden wings further away from the center and closer to the wingtips. It’s also kinda wobbly around the pitch axis, which I’m not really sure how to fix other than just play around with the COL and COM and the position of the hidden horizontal stabilizers.
    2. Missiles sometimes blow up the whole plane. I’m not sure if it was the angle I was firing at, but a quick fix is to add ‘ignitionDelay’ in the XML editor and set it to 1-2 seconds. This allows the missile to fall free from the plane, and is common in real life scenarios
    3. The ejection seat bounded to FireGuns. It’s a cool feature, but it’s kinda a pain to accidentally eject and have to restart. I’d just leave it with the bound activation groups.
    4. The plane shakes a little when switching weapon modes, ie Air to Air to Air to Ground, or cannons to missiles. I’d imagine this is something to do with the moving HUD, but I’m not sure. 0 mass parts in the system would probably fix it, but that might make things even worse, I’m not sure.
    Please don’t take this as negative criticism, this is just my personal opinion on the plane. Overall it’s well built and packed with super pleasing eye candy. The level of detail is far beyond what I could do, and I’m super amazed at how awesome this build is

  • SeaTraffic 3.1 years ago

    Yep. I have the 3090. Some other small bugs is that the stock AI ships (destroyers, Beast, tiny, etc) spawn 200+ feet in the air and then snap back to sea level when you fly close to them. I can’t say this happens to the convoys, as I didn’t bother to look for them, but it might happen to them as well. Missiles also don’t function properly, as they fail to release and fly to the target @Jester

  • SeaTraffic 3.1 years ago

    @Jester Yep. I just downloaded the mod a few minutes ago

  • SeaTraffic 3.1 years ago

    I'm not sure if its the way I have the mod installed, but the ocean is invisible and I have to turn it off, then back on each time I load the level. I don't think its specific to the Sea Traffic mod, it seems to be just the Ocean mod. Is there a setting I have wrong or is it a known bug?

  • Boeing VC-25 Air Force One (Full Interior) 3.2 years ago

    Wow, this is awesome. The level of detail is mind blowing! It’s perfect, it can’t describe it any other way

  • Morane Saulnier M.S. 1500 Epervier 3.2 years ago

    Woah I’ve never seen this plane before, but gosh it looks amazing! Great job on the construction, it’s beautifully built. Also super fun to fly around in, keep it up!

  • USCGC Salvatore 3.2 years ago

    Thanks! I posted it late and didn’t spend much time on screenshots, so it probably just got buried under all the other posts @BagelPlane

  • USCGC Stratton WMSL-752 3.2 years ago

    Awesome job! I see you went with a similar coast guard as mine, but this is built much better. I sure hope this makes it in the mod, id love to see it in action!

  • USCGC Salvatore 3.2 years ago

    Yes it does @WolfSpark

  • USCGC Salvatore 3.2 years ago

    Well I hope you do make it, even it does only have one helicopter. There hasn’t been a rescue ship like that posted yet that I know of. It would be awesome to do simulated search and rescue missions @asteroidbook345

  • Ducc 3.2 years ago


  • USCGC Salvatore 3.2 years ago

    Gosh that would’ve been amazing! Probably not possible to be AI controlled or under 100 parts, but still a super cool idea @asteroidbook345

  • AI Boat Challenge (Closed) 3.2 years ago

    I have a quick question. Does the 100 part limit still apply if parts over the limit have drag physics disabled, with 0 mass?

  • Bombardiar Dash-8 Lufthansa Regional 3.2 years ago

    Sure, go ahead! Thanks for asking @Easternairlinesisnotdead

  • Boeing 767-400ER Progress 3.2 years ago

    Oh gosh, those are oddly specific answers lol, I’ll go ask.
    Sadly I didn’t get much. He’s moved to the A320 because of the whole rona thing and doesn’t really remember specifics like that. Lmk if you come up with any other questions I could ask though. I do have cockpit posters from when he was training on it if you need those.
    Sorry I couldn’t be more help @KLM_747

  • Boeing 767-400ER Progress 3.2 years ago

    Can't wait to see it! Let me know if you need any help or references. I'm not sure if I told you, but my dad used to fly these

  • Airbus A350XWB Nose Section 3.2 years ago

    @realSavageMan Ah ok. I found that it's easier to build entirely with 0 mass/drag parts then just add it back when its needed; it helps prevent autoroll. But no worries :)

  • Airbus A350XWB Nose Section 3.2 years ago

    Woah, this is awesome! The shape is spot on and it looks great! Is there any way you could make it 0 mass and drag though?

  • Initial D RX7 GTR R32 Chassis Design 3.2 years ago

    That looks awesome, are you going to upload it?

  • Jonsson Aviation JF-430 Svina 3.2 years ago

    Amazing work! Such a unique design, I love it! It’s great to see another post from you

  • Nord 1800 Supergriffon 3.2 years ago

    Looks amazing! I love all the little details, like those slats and the wing roots; I have no clue how you get them so smooth. I do have to wonder how the pilot gets up to the cockpit tho, maybe an elevator or a jet pack ;D

  • TSM - 6 - B ,,breakthrough,, 3.2 years ago

    Awesome! I love the suspension, it’s super fun to watch it go over bumps and stuff. The interior is super cool too, I love it! Great job, keep up the good work

  • DHC-2 Beaver 3.2 years ago

    Woah, this is stunning, best Beaver on the site by far! One quick question though; how did you get the prop to start up so slow? Its a super neat effect and rather realistic

  • ,,breakthrough,, [teaser] 3.2 years ago

    Looks awesome! I can’t wait to try it out, tag me please

  • P-51D-20 NA Mustang 3.2 years ago

    No, the P-51D could carry bombs, but it was uncommon as it was designed as a fighter plane. Besides, bombs are more fun than drop tanks @ZeepPlayzYT

  • Grumman J2F-6 Duck 3.2 years ago

    Awesome, I love it!

  • Ingenuity Mars Helicopter 3.2 years ago

    Now build the whole rover lol. Looks great btw, keep it up!

  • Gulf??? [Teaser] 3.2 years ago

    Ford GT40?

  • Ju-87 B-2 3.2 years ago

    This. Is. Perfect. Just perfect

  • [Teaser] German MiG 3.2 years ago

    Looks great! T please

  • B a n a n a 3.3 years ago

    I don't see b a n a n a all I see is s m o o t h

  • My suggestions for future updates 3.3 years ago

    These are great suggestions, I totally agree

  • Boeing 767-400ER Wing 3.3 years ago

    Wow! This is breathtaking. I’ve never been so amazed by just a wing, but wow, this blew my socks off! Keep tagging me on progress updates, I’d love to see them!

  • Has anyone else’s SP been crashing lately? 3.3 years ago

    The issue seemed to fix itself. I’ll let you know if it acts up again @Fungus

  • Has anyone else’s SP been crashing lately? 3.3 years ago

    @CrimsonOnigiri I don't think it's build related. I've been building a 700 part plane, and my computer has been able to run 2000+ parts just fine

  • Has anyone else’s SP been crashing lately? 3.3 years ago

    Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you’d have any insight as you are a dev

  • Concorde-Advanced (Infinite fuel) 3.3 years ago

    Well I think its a little late now! :P @realSavageMan

  • F-15 Eagle GAVE UP 3.3 years ago

    I read it, I just wanted to make sure :) @LoafOfBread

  • F-15 Eagle GAVE UP 3.3 years ago

    Wow this looks great! If you don’t mind could I attempt to finish?

  • Grumman Duck 3.3 years ago

    Lookin great! I don’t see enough of these on the site, I can’t wait to try it out! T please

  • Sarnnox AF-175 ''Twin Demon'' 3.3 years ago

    It does! It’s called the Bf-109 zwilling @MrShenanigans

  • Porsche 911 RSR 2017 3.3 years ago

    Woah, this is amazing! The shapes are spot on, and the colors really bring out the smooth lines. You’ve outdone yourself again! @realSavageMan

  • Sarnnox AF-175 ''Twin Demon'' 3.3 years ago

    Awesome design! It reminds me of a p-36 in an f-82 layout
