19.0k Axartar Comments

  • New XML properties 3.8 years ago

    @Werboithescientist You can't change missile damage. the damage variable only affects Guns. although, explosion size scales with missile size I think

  • Downloadable maps on ios? And Map Editor? 3.9 years ago

    @ZapsonAirlines elytra allow flight yes, but is gliding + boosts, the type of flight isn't customisable its fixed, you can glide and use riptide or fireworks to fly, unlike planes in sp, you can hover, use propellers or jets, have truly stable flight with drag lift and thrust calculations determining how you fly, and you can drive, use missiles, tank cannons, guns, countermeasures etc etc.
    essentially the idea is cool but unlikely to happen especially for mobile as mobile has larger storage and performance restrictions. not to mention a new infrastructure for the web and a variety of new functions in game.
    minecraft is written in a different language and is optimized for building and combat, also it uses random generation and other methods to create optimised terrain. if you have a look at the 2b2t server history with elytra and fast flight, too much map and generation can kill (or nearly) servers with too much data.
    whilst having a fixed map means you can have an insanely large/complex build going at any speed without killing the game.
    ive rambled on enough now, half of its probably false. but still cool idea. not gonna happen

  • Steve the Pigeon 3.9 years ago

    good luck with morgan, i hope he survives

  • Activation 3.9 years ago

    @JustDatGuy has a good solution personally I use max(input1,input2) it chooses the largest of the input to use

  • Spaceship update #3 3.9 years ago

    Wow I love the engines, great job! T

  • Spaceship update 3.9 years ago

    looks greaT!

  • How do I properly build aircraft 3.9 years ago

    if your building something fictional without a blueprint, I recommend getting a basic shape/frame then slowly adding necessary parts, if wings dont fit or look good scale them to 0.01,0.01,0.01 and hide them same with engines. then slowly add the tiny details. essentially frame,flesh,function,detail. I hope this helps!

  • some little question 3.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii huh that's weird. my designer is smooth at most part counts but actually flying it struggles past 700-800 parts

  • I am now a year old 3.9 years ago

    happy first birthday, im on my way to my third

  • 4 years 3.9 years ago


  • My First Walker 3.9 years ago

    im feeling stupid what's the weapon, looks great!

  • YOU FOOL YOU FELL FOR MY 3.9 years ago

    @soundwave yeah im testing it at the moment but it just looks like a mess. thx

  • New XML properties 3.9 years ago

    On gun setting in the overload mod, add a new variable, put tracer colour. Then on the right side google hexadecimal colour picker. Pick a colour, copy and paste the code into the right side. Then it should shoot the selected colour bullets.@SomethingIDontKnow

  • YOU FOOL 3.9 years ago


  • YOU FOOL 3.9 years ago

    @Aldriech thanks i'm not crazy new i've watched part 1 -5 now. stone ocean 2020
    thanks lol

  • Monowheel v6 3.9 years ago

    I like it, keep improving, great job

  • This build needs more love. 3.9 years ago

    it truly is a magnificent plane, with the air brakes granting the power to drop to 0 mph at any time.

  • portable pew pew [teaser](1) 3.9 years ago

    @Omel thanks lol

  • 10K 3.9 years ago

    oh neat well done

  • Hey, maybe we should do some cleaning on this site? 3.9 years ago

    goddam his comments are unnecessarily harsh, worst of all calling someone's post low effort. I don't mind criticism as long as its constructive and is posed kindly but its just rude.

  • I finally made it to gold, after 2 years 3.9 years ago

    well done, welcome to gold

  • Differences of walkers and mechs 3.9 years ago

    I just use the words interchangeably, because on the whole, i'm not really sure if they are or aren't humanoid. e.g. wings / cricket legs

  • What would you do when you're bored in simpleplanes??? 4.0 years ago

    build something and fly/drive/walk it at obstacles, see if i can make the ramps on sky island, dodge missiles in snowstone, dogfight, or mess around with modded maps, i recommend the map 'farm island' i think its called, or wuhu island


    i mean, at the end of the day if something isn't eye catching i tend not to click on it. i don't instantly judge builds based on what platform they're made on, screenshots aren't too big a deal honestly, the most useful mods have been added to mobile which i would have killed for when i was in mobile.

  • JUSTICE FOR MOBILE USERS 4.0 years ago

    'justice for mobile', again smh you just got xml which took the devs ages and it costs less than pc/laptop sp

  • I seriously need to get a life 4.0 years ago

    don't blame you, can't wait to see the build.

  • Why? 4.0 years ago

    @ItzP1N3APPLZ @Aeromen @BlackhattAircraft
    In case you couldn’t gather. That’s sarcasm. I dislike anime the closest I’ve ever been to liking it was jojo and Pokemon, but I thought comparing it to a plague was kinda far fetched enough that it was obvious, apparently not. Not really sorry but I didn’t intend quite so much of a volatile reaction.

  • Mech-1-2 4.0 years ago

    thanks! @SodiumChloride also you are verryyyy close to platinum

  • GAME IDEA: paint options! 4.0 years ago

    @L3dg3ndary realistically, its rare that people go over the 15 colour limit and usually when they do its for small parts which aren't too bad to manually change.

  • GAME IDEA: paint options! 4.0 years ago

    welp, I understand what your saying but...
    go into the designer suite,
    click on a part
    open the overload tab
    look at materials
    change the number next to material
    colour change.

    mess around with colours and if that isnt going anywhere look at a guide that explains materials. heres one guide

  • How do i make a rotator go back and forth? 4.0 years ago

    as @Ultra0 to make simple legs that is one of the commands needed.
    | for the hip joint use ultras code
    | for the knee joint use the same code but instead of sin use cos
    _ for the ankle joint use the same code and the hip joint.
    also make sure to use powerful gyroscopes.
    if you want a spider like leg movement, get an set of images (or a slow video) of a spider walking, then find a combination of funky trees + mathematics to describe the motion. walkers are, very difficult to make

  • [TEASER] New M2 Browning .50 Cal Machine Gun with Realistic Functions! [473 Parts!] 4.0 years ago

    @Nobodygood yeah pair it with a gun that looks like shell ejection and its amazing

  • Some people say I act like a five year old... 4.0 years ago

    oh wow, well done on 5 years. i've only done half of that.

  • WHAT!?!?!?!??!?!?!? 4.0 years ago

    I see nothing wrong with this. except you left showHalo as true on that light.

  • THANKS FOR GOLD 4.0 years ago

    @Strucker yeah ik, i appear post something unexplained then hibernate

  • THANKS FOR GOLD 4.0 years ago

    @Strucker yeah same, the ones i have here left or jimthesquid-ed.

  • Anyone still humming to SP music? 4.0 years ago

    tbh it isnt bad by itself, just terrible with the game. feels really unfitting. i mean my sp came with the music off.

  • Hollow fueslage should be lighter than the normal one 4.0 years ago

    This isn’t too much of an issue xml exists. But it is a bit weird.

  • Mech-1-2 4.0 years ago

    @Strucker oh god your right, i keep disappearing for months

  • Questions About "Names" 4.1 years ago

    tbh i made mine up at random back in the minecraft era. it has stuck since.
    and for worst names. all of the ones i made up

  • MELEE WEAPONS (and a shield) RELASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.1 years ago

    cool! my only criticism is that melee has been around for a while !this was the earliest high upvote example i could find

  • War machine - mk5 4.1 years ago

    Thanks @BuiltBionixInd10 @Omel @MAHADI

  • Helpful pro tip 4.1 years ago

    Yeah it would make stuff fly better, buuuut after I’ve designed a 500+ part thing turning off drag is gonna drive me insane.

  • More mods needed for iOS 4.1 years ago

    @AircraftoftheRedStar Yeah and the kraken is a giant moving island with lighting physics in the eyes, individually moving tentacles, its own weather, and special sfx.
    oh and windmill park is insanely taxing on a device even a fairly good laptop/computer can kinda struggle with it. although i don't rlly see an issue with tracks

  • [)RoboDog(] (jet) 4.1 years ago

    Thanks @Saturnite @Sadboye12 @Notaleopard

  • 1-Nferno 4.1 years ago

    Thank you @Mostly @BeryllCorp @Thorne

  • This is the work of (Evenstsrike333). But let me 4.2 years ago

    wow tag me when its done.

  • Simple Planes is Dying 4.2 years ago

    not another one of these posts.

  • Big Daddy (BioShock) 4.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 must do lol, its well above my skill level

  • *[Meteor drone]* 4.2 years ago

    Thanks @lordpain @scratch
