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PSM Ryanair Bac 11-1

5,322 IzzyTheCat  3 months ago
Auto Credit Based on WaterFlavouredSpitfires's BAC 1-11 European Aviation Air Charter

Original Aircraft by my friend WaterFlavouredSpitfires Please support him by clicking on his name.

Ryanair Bac 11-1 PSM !


Enjoy !


Do not click here !


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor BAC 1-11 European Aviation Air Charter
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 74.4ft (22.7m)
  • Length 91.7ft (28.0m)
  • Height 21.5ft (6.6m)
  • Empty Weight 165lbs (74kg)
  • Loaded Weight 31,984lbs (14,507kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.107
  • Wing Loading 48.1lbs/ft2 (235.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 664.3ft2 (61.7m2)
  • Drag Points 1222


  • Number of Parts 180
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 955
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    All tags requested from this video Click Here

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    5,887 MomoDesigns

    "You cant convert a airliner into a belkan witchcraft"

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @Christiant2 Oh cool. I'd be lost without my tablet..... Izzy 😺

    3 months ago
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    33.6k Christiant2

    @IzzyTheCat yes it might be ready tomorrow or on Saturday:)

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @Christiant2 Oh no. I'm sorry about your tablet. Will you be able to get it fixed or get another ? ..... Sucks.....sorry again...Izzy 😿

    3 months ago
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    33.6k Christiant2

    @IzzyTheCat i'm here! Sorry My tablet is broken

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @LunarEclipseSP Lol ! Izzy 😹

    +1 3 months ago
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    @IzzyTheCat Yeah, that's real cute, Izzy.

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @LunarEclipseSP Eclipse Click here right meow Izzy 😸

    +1 3 months ago
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    26.0k KPLBall

    @IzzyTheCat flip and fly

    3 months ago
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    PSM business jet

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @LunarEclipseSP Eclipse, Tale a peek at my PSM airliner right meow....... Izzy 😽

    +1 3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @Karroc9522 MOL Meow Out Loud Izzy 🐯

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @WaterFlavouredSpitfires I'm liking those successor points ! That's what I was hoping for. Also, hopefully we can get some more traffic to your homepage. MOL Izzy 🐯 "Meow Out Loud"

    3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    12.9k Karroc9522

    @IzzyTheCat yea, simple 3 step recipe 😂

    +1 3 months ago
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    This would most likely be a VERY comfortable flight, 10/10

    3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @Majakalona MOL, Izzy 😺

    +1 3 months ago
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    5,322 IzzyTheCat

    @Karroc9522 Go to Wright Airport, orbit view, Full throttle until 180mph, pull back on yoke until plane is upside down facing backwards. Once aircraft is no longer moving forward, nose straight up. Next, left yaw until aircraft begins to spin. Right yaw to stop spin. You'll be an expert in no time. MOL Izzy 😹

    3 months ago
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    51.3k Majakalona

    i clicked there and got a photo you you sleeping lol

    3 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    @IzzyTheCat thanks man

    3 months ago
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    12.9k Karroc9522

    That is the plane doing that? What sorta space practice 5Gs flight is that? Idc sign me up I wanna try it!

    3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    @IzzyTheCat COOL!

    3 months ago
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    13.1k ChaseRacliot

    PSM airliner goes hard 💀

    3 months ago
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