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Apply: Logo Print

28.8k Mattangi2  5.3 years ago

Hey all,

Do you want your company logo printed on my car?
Well, you’re about to be really disappointed, because linked here is a Google Form for an application for just that!

Basically, if you have a logo for a company, you can apply for it to be on my next build. A picture of it will do, but it would make my life easier if you had it actually built in simple planes. It’s still fine if you don’t.

Where it says "Name of Company, please include your Simpleplanes username!!

I can only put one logo on the car, meaning the selection process is SUPER elaborate and selective (I look at it, and the most visually pleasing one will be on my car).

I expect around 10 people to “apply,” meaning that if I choose your logo, the acceptance rate you just overcame was harsher than Cornell University, at 12%. Congrats, you just made it into an Ivy School!

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    Damn it was a long time ago, I guess you will be back better than ever in August?

    5.2 years ago
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    4,536 Bman01

    I submitted Mine (Wright co) but forgot my username oops.

    5.3 years ago
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    Oh whoops. I think you know I’m Scout anyway lol.

    5.3 years ago
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    28.8k Mattangi2

    @ThePilotDude in the case of your entry, could you link me to the build? I see you have it actually in simpleplanes.

    5.3 years ago
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    28.8k Mattangi2

    @Aeromen gracias

    5.3 years ago
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    28.8k Mattangi2

    @Aeromen put it on the google form, its just easier to manage that way

    5.3 years ago