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Central Server Common Courtesy Rules

6,433 AnOlympicWalnut  5.3 years ago

The server I'm talking about is this:

These rules are not all the way confirmed, but most can agree. It's a small list, but pay attention to each. Also, remember this is all recommended, not all the time enforced.

  1. Part count is 800 or less with 7+ people or anything over 1500 parts with 2+ people as it's not recommended.
  2. Try to keep peace and don't blow up anybody unless you have permission (explosives are OK in stranded areas, but it causes some lag so it's not recommended).
  3. No ramming or other methods of destruction are recommended
  4. Try not to stay put in common spawn locations, especially Yeager Airport spawn and Wright Airport spawn, along with both final approach spawns. We understand if you join and spawn there, just try not to stay there.
  5. No arguing/whining/overall complaining is recommended. At least have a valid point for your arguments.
  6. No foul language in the chat is recommended. This is Simpleplanes, not Reddit.

These rules can easily change at any time, so please look out for changes in case they happen. This could be removed too if the majority of users don't agree. Thank you for reading.

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    Lol @MisterT

    5.3 years ago
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    92.7k MisterT

    "This is Simpleplanes, not Reddit" Lol !

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    8,750 Gravity

    All except last =) I'm Irish, what do you expect?

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    69.2k Chancey21

    Agree with all especially the last one

    5.3 years ago
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    6,123 Hypn0

    I totally agree!

    5.3 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii I admit I swear a lot irl, but on this I know there are kids on too so I keep it down.

    5.3 years ago
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    I deffinately agree with the rest though lol.

    5.3 years ago
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    I dunno about the last one. Sometimes swearing is the only way to get your message across to the retards on that server lol.

    +1 5.3 years ago