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Two weeks late for this...

41.4k MrVaultech  4.7 years ago

So, It's somehow taken me two weeks of trying to fake being alright and like nothing happened for me to come out and talk about what happened to the Former Official SLRP Server on Discord.
I've gotten a number of messages on SP about it, as well as on Discord, and I really should of gotten this out a lot earlier;

To sum up two weeks of hell, a large majority of the moderator and admin staff were fed up with actions of a certain group in the server and deleted the server on the morning of September 1st.
To list the total members I recall, there was me as Owner and RP Moderator, KDS as Head Admin, Warbrine as Bot Designer, Marcox43 and Aeromen as Head Mods, SuperSix and Deidara* as RP Moderator.
Of those listed, Me, KDS, Warbrine, Marcox, and I believe SuperSix, were at a point to believe the server was better off deleted than continue to work under the toxic and volatile conditions we worked under.
As stated, it could almost all be singled out to a single faction in SLRP, that I won't state but members of are more than free to single themselves out in the comments, but as of writing this I'm still mentally exhausted from the whole ordeal.
From what I know, Aeromen started up a new official SLRP server that Strikefighter04 is in so that SLRP can continue off the website.
For me? I've stepped down as RP Mod and dissolved my country. I don't want any part in SLRP anymore.


I hope this sums up all (or at least most) of the questions anyone in the SLRP server had, and have been messaging me for over the past two weeks.

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    34.8k WarHawk95

    @Aeromen please could you send again an invite ? Your previous invite doesn't work

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    You'd have to ask Strikefighter in server or a more appropriate forum post.

    4.7 years ago
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    Can I take over as SLRP Mod?

    4.7 years ago
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    26.2k Strucker

    It’s hell

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    rp is toxic comfirmed

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    That probably would be the best bet here, really.
    At least then you can move to a pretty nice country and all that.

    4.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Well that didn’t go very well. I think I’ll buy the actual country of Finland and see if managing a nation is better in real life.

    4.7 years ago
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    34.8k WarHawk95

    @Aeromen the link doesn't work
    Could you re-send ?
    And no need for a clickable link

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I'd say you are genuinely the only one from that faction that I can say without a doubt isn't toxic or abrasive.
    At least, from who I've met anyways.

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    For the moment, I'm still building things for SP, and have plans to upload them as well.
    Do appreciate the kind words, especially compared to what's been said over the past two-ish weeks.

    4.7 years ago
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    While that sucks that that happened, it’s good to know that you know your limits on what you’re okay to continue with. I just hope that that won’t stop you from making amazing things here (though, I’m sure that something like that won’t stop you).

    4.7 years ago
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    34.8k WarHawk95

    @MrVaultech Ok then..
    Could I have an invite to the new RP ?

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Likely Aeromen, though I've heard somewhere he might of stepped down as owner.
    If he doesn't, I'd say ask Strikefighter.

    4.7 years ago
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    34.8k WarHawk95

    Does someone has a link for this new server ?

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Do you mind explaining what you mean by me "forgetting" to add nations?
    I made a forum post a while back asking who was still in the RP, and I don't think I remember seeing your username anywhere in the post.
    Also, I'm pretty sure I had stated somewhere on site you'd have to be in the SLRP Server to be considered cannon.

    4.7 years ago
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    Since you obviously chose to "forget" about surtain rp nations existing in order for your friends to be able to have what ever they want all i can say is you brought this whole thing down upon yourselves and I'm actually laughing my butt off. Now I'm going to ask @Strikefighter04 if i can have my nation back.

    4.7 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Not everyone has MP mod

    4.7 years ago