435 warthunderfan69 Comments

  • T-64BV 5.3 years ago

    i think i can make it mobile friendly but it wont be easy,
    and thank you very much!! i appreciate your comment.

  • Tracks 2 4.8 years ago

    i cant figure out how to make the tracks turn
    how do i do that?
    the tank will only go forward

  • my simple version of the bmp-2 UPVOTE! 5.6 years ago

    @IisFailing DA comrade!!!

  • tonk 5.9 years ago

    this is probably the best tank or thing ever made in simple planes! keep doing these and i will adore your holy advice!

  • sopwith biplane 6.4 years ago

    @Stingray thank you!!
    the torps should drop?
    the takeoff is rough and is kinda crooked..

  • my bristol bombay with realistic engines 6.4 years ago

    @Tang0five oh... but its a really cool mod!!!

  • my bristol bombay with realistic engines 6.4 years ago

    @Tang0five here is the mod page of the fuselage!

  • my bristol bombay with realistic engines 6.4 years ago

    @Tang0five thank you!!!
    i have a fuselage mod where the blocks open so when you press ag8 the engine doors open so you can see into the engines