16.4k edensk Comments

  • How to make procedural landing gear using tree of funks? 4.2 years ago

    For LandingGear Doors like on WW2 aircraft:
    floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear) , X))
    X is the delay you want the LG door to wait, 0.5 will be 2 sec delay.

  • Slow Website? 4.2 years ago

    It's horribly slow for me too

  • Can i make stealth my plane? 4.2 years ago

    Or make the cockpit part spin very quickly.

  • F-28 Raven Teaser 4.2 years ago

    Bird noises.

  • Can someone help? 4.2 years ago

    I rather explain in depth a single one instead of all of them, so I'll describe them so you can choose one.

    Electric propeller:

    There are actually two types, one uses angled wings attached to a rotator with a specific input and the other one has wings with modded control surfaces attached to an infinite rotator.
    (It's possible to combine them in one, obviously)

    • Pros:
      Easy to make and adjust. Also offer a smooth/realistic/nice performance.

    • Cons: You need two of them to avoid autoroll, since they use pretty big wings they affect flight performance a lot

    Piston and airbrake:

    Two types, one is an airbrake with positive input attached to a piston connected to a hinge which makes the engine turn 180° when you spawn the craft.
    The other type uses an airbrake with negative input attached to a piston.

    • Pros:
      Pretty easy to make and adjust, can provide a lot of thrust, compared to the electric prop.

    • Cons:
      Since they use a piston to push air back, it isn't always producing thrust, so you will need another one to produce thrust when the first one doesn't.
      The negative airbrake can be a bit annoying sometimes.
      Adjusting the hinge-piston-airbrake type for a high maximum speed will result in an insane acceleration.

    Negative airbrake:

    An airbrake with a negative input. This one will only produce thrust when you are already in movement, so you need another engine to start moving.
    It's highly recommended to develop an input with funky trees and some algebra to achieve a nice performance, since they normally would produce more and more thrust as the speed increases, eventually crashing the game.

    • Pros:
      Highly customizable, only uses one part.

    • Cons:
      Will crash the game if it touches the water while active.
      If you aren't good at maths... It might be pretty difficult to figure out the best code/input for it.
      Needs a "starter" engine.

    There's also another engine, but it's a lot more complex and outdated.
    Now choose one of them...

  • [TEASER] Type "HEY" to fall into the river 4.2 years ago

    Hey, I actually have this set, very nice.

  • Funky trees question 4.3 years ago

    clamp01(Throttle - 0.89) * 10 or Throttle * sign(Throttle - 0.89) should work.

  • Su-47 ''Berkut'' [READ THE DESCRIPTION] 4.3 years ago

    The user you are wanting to credit is Tessemi.
    Nice plane.

  • Possible feaure 4.3 years ago

    Select machine gun ---> open Overload ---> go to the menu called "Gun" ---> add a new line ---> in the left box put tracerColor and in the other box put the hex code of the colour you want, for example: FFFFFF (which is white).

  • ALL HAIL ÒwÓ 4.3 years ago

    I prefer owo, to be honest...

  • Distance 4.3 years ago

    @ChisP Thank you! It actually took less than 2 weeks, not that much (for me), lol.

    @UnguidedCylinder Thanks!

  • Suggestion: The ability to sort planes by top of the year? 4.3 years ago

    When you select "best of the month" (for example), the url of the site changes and ?d=30 is added to it, you can change that to ?d=365 if you want to see the best of the year.

  • Need ship hull 4.4 years ago


  • HSC Glosten 2.1 years ago

    @Brayden1981 I haven't played for a year and I doubt I'll do it anytime soon as I simply don't have the patience anymore

  • In game helmets for VR? 2.5 years ago

    you have to use rotators and pistons to move the helmet

  • [BUG???] Is TAS way off, their modeled Air Density that's way off, or is my understanding way off? 2.5 years ago

    It's not a bug as True Airspeed doesn't vary with density, which is why you have to factor altitude in.
    The FT code for mach number in the ISA is this: TAS/(340-clamp((Altitude*0.003937),0,43))

  • Is it true 2.6 years ago


  • [FT HELP PLEASE] Is there a "cleaner" way to code this? 2.6 years ago

    @Formula350 Oh I see, edited it so it works like yours

  • [FT HELP PLEASE] Is there a "cleaner" way to code this? 2.6 years ago

    L: Roll - (Roll=0 ? clamp01(Yaw)*0.055 : 0)
    R: Roll + (Roll=0 ? clamp01(-Yaw)*0.055 : 0)

  • Issues regarding Attachment editor and Hiding Feature 2.6 years ago

    definitely a bug, it happens to me too

  • Helicopter rotor wobble 2.6 years ago

    There's literally a slider for vibration damping

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.7 years ago

    The bank angle and vertical speed are reduced too early when approaching the target heading and altitude, but you did a really good job

  • What does part count mean? 2.7 years ago

    the burner flame needs some work but the rest looks gorgeous. Will it have an accurate startup procedure?

  • New Beta - Version 1.11.104 2.7 years ago

    head mounted cueing systems, precision guided munitions, custom weapon guidance, active suspension, better fbw, gunsights that work even with camera movement...
    So many new possibilities that make this the best update by far

  • How do I make a piston not have smoothing at the ends? 2.7 years ago

    set the piston's speed to a very high amount (100-200%), and use the following code to adjust the actual speed:
    Replace Input with whatever you have as the input, and X with the desired time it takes for the piston to extend/retract fully.

  • Smoothing for Hollow Fuselage 2.7 years ago

    Hollow fuselages already have smoothing, both inside and outside. I'm using the beta too...

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @RamboJutter you can click on "Funky" and a text editor tab will open

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 2.7 years ago

    @arata clicky
    Everything is going to be in the normal SP since spvr doesn't have a designer

  • Anyone got a FunkyTree code for like, the faster you go the less my elevators pull? 2.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness that will output a negative number when pitch is 0 or quite small, and pitching up corresponds to negative numbers, meaning that it will make the plane pitch up more and more as speed increases.
    A better code would be Pitch/(1+pow(IAS/150,2)), where decreasing 150 increases the stiffening

  • Help please! 2.7 years ago

    When hiding wing parts inside fuselage wings, make the wings more or less the same size as the fuselage ones and then scale them down using overload. You made the wings so small that the wing loading was extremely high and there was almost zero pitch authority. Your engine was also very overpowered so i removed most of the drag of the plane and reduced the power. here you go

  • New engine type unlocked! 2.8 years ago

    I made one but the prop either didn't produce enough thrust or it would make the entire aircraft shake due to unstable rpms

  • That's Sad, 2.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii you might wanna rephrase that lol

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 2.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter Get the 128 version, with the starter pack as the default headstrap is terrible. You'll be able to play it either on the headset or with pc, although the performance of the quest 2 isn't the greatest compared to mid range PCs, let alone high end. Bear in mind that you need a facebook account to use the headset

  • FLYING UNDERGROUND 2.8 years ago

    That's clearly the tunnel under fort zancudo

  • Como puedo poner fotos de aviones reales en mis publicaciones?! 2.8 years ago

    @ElLocoArgento simplemente escríbelo así ![](https://www.simpleplanes.com/Content/img/logo.png)
    (El enlace puede ser cualquiera, mientras que sea una imagen)

  • Republic EWR AVS 2.8 years ago

    @Falkenwut Above ~5 degrees AoA , the engines wouldn't get clean airflow irl because of the LERX blocking it, and the engines would very likely suffer a compressor stall. This is why almost no fighter jets have the air intakes on top of the fuselage and probably one of the reasons this design wasn't successful

  • About SpVR 2.8 years ago

    @ReturningShu just play sp then

  • funky command for ram jet 2.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT I already added a 0.5s delay, it's the 2

  • funky command for ram jet 2.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT floor(smooth(clamp01(GS>A & GS<B),2))*Pitch

  • HELP 2.8 years ago

    reduce the angle of the elevator

  • NA F-100D Super Sabre (USAF) 2.9 years ago

    @Sergio666 Thanks!

  • North American RA-5C Vigilante 2.9 years ago

    Remove the "just like the real thing" lol, you know very well there are multiple more flap settings

  • F-18c Hornet v.02 2.9 years ago

    another legacy hornet with super hornet wings

  • What does it means by the blue box when I lock another plane? 2.9 years ago

    you spawned it on approach and can't lock missiles onto it

  • I doubt you know the name of the world's fastest single-engine piston plane 2.9 years ago

    @VibingSovietCat that's turboprop
