18.8k Thelegitpilot13 Comments

  • 3D printer clogging problem 10 days ago

    @winterro hey there, sorry for the delay. Here’s the link. Should take you to the thingiverse parts, it’ll have a base bracket and the actual loop part. I printed the one with the notch in it

  • 3D printer clogging problem 16 days ago

    I had a similar problem with my Ender 3. The issue I found was that the filament would fail to enter the extruder properly due to how the filament was coiled up, and it would grind down into the extruder motor, eventually breaking off and not even extruding into it. I ended up printing an assembly from Thingiverse to orient the filament better and fix this exact problem, and it did as advertised. Maybe that could help for you too? I can't say for certainty due to how different our printers are. Long story short, it's likely a filament issue, so make sure it feeds properly when low down.

  • Sukracker 17 days ago

    The forbidden Sukhoi

  • Decals and Decorations!!! one month ago

    @GabeT yes, though discord links no longer work

  • Decals and Decorations!!! one month ago

    @GabeT …What?

  • XFA-36 BLOCK-I "GAME" 3 months ago

    Golly, that livery’s gorgeous

  • Codename: Blaze 3 months ago

    @Rb2h Yes, the game uses the same missile - or a similar one - as the AGM-86 for its cruise missiles. Unfortunately this one does not have a flight model, it only works like a standard missile.

  • Shnippy Co.’s chat forum 7 months ago

    Holy crap people still use this

  • Mitsubishi F-2A -Super Kai- 8 months ago

    @MrCOPTY that’s why you go and should take them!

  • A-10 War Pog 9 months ago

    Ok this is pretty goofy

  • Who are the other moms? one year ago

    I dunno who the mothers are, but I’m definitely the father. I left with the milk.

  • Lisitsa 1.2 years ago

    First, comrade

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut ''Golden Eagle'' (WIP) 1.2 years ago

    Hey there,

    Just leaving this comment so I can try and help out later. I currently have a bit going on with life but I’ll help as soon as I can

  • PW-MK1 1.3 years ago

    Damn, you beat me to it :c

    Fr tho, this is a super nice plane. And the AOA works just like in the game XD

  • Free 19$ Fortnite Giftcard 1.3 years ago


  • Q-6 "Delta" Aerial Target 1.3 years ago

    @Kangy 2fast4me

  • BQM 176 AERIAL TARGET 1.3 years ago

    Hi, I spawned it in to give it a go, but it shot up into the sky. Did you set it for 20 kilometers, not 20K ft?

  • My Hubris is Immeasurable 1.4 years ago

    The pain of big builds with no drag calculation reductions

  • << Here Comes the Snow... Again... >> [TEASER] 1.4 years ago

    @Cleanfreak69 it’s already out my guy

  • Criticism that makes a "Military Enthusiast" and a Top Gun fan mad 1.5 years ago

    @ShinyGemsBro Hello there. Sure, the situation isn’t that likely, and it is very scripted. However, it’s still not impossible for it to happen. Both planes were slower and traveling in formation at the beginning of the fight, as compared to going into a merge in the video. Given Maverick is a well experienced fighter in that aircraft, he would recognize that that would be a good time to use that move (which is the first time in the series, mind you).
    The MiG-29 would have been more likely for the Rogue Nation to have. The F-14 was definitely a deus ex machina, since I don’t think Maverick can fly a MiG.
    As for your situation: missiles have set proximity detonation fuses. They cannot be changed by the pilot. I don’t think the missiles would explode after they pass over the adversary, that was definitely odd.
    DCS is not perfect, I can agree on that. However, as I said, it’s 90% of the way there. On top of that, actual USAF squadrons do use it as a training tool due to it being a decent enough simulation of real life. Same thing with France.
    I’ll add here that OP’s point 5 is made in bad faith. Sure, you wouldn’t wanna be in a BVR fight with a MiG-15, that’s how Hangman got his kill. This was not that situation. You also wouldn’t wanna be in a dogfight with a P-51, even in an F-22.
    To summarize, no, it’s not likely. Is it possible? Of course. Will it happen IRL? No. Unlike the movie, the F-14s Iran has are barely flight worthy, if at all. And Su-57s are unlikely to be operated by them as well. It’s a work of fiction at the end of the day.

  • Spooky 1.5 years ago

    Broken link? Image won’t show up.

  • Criticism that makes a "Military Enthusiast" and a Top Gun fan mad 1.5 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy I’m sorry, your credibility has been lost here. DCS is arguably the most realistic combat simulator to date, and a far better analog for real combat as compared to SP. Real combat pilots say it’s about 90% accurate to real world combat, with the last 10% actually being the feeling of G forces on your body (see when this same YouTuber fought a Rafale pilot). And if you still disagree, find a better analog we can use that isn’t in your mind. You’ll find it’s more challenging than finding a B-21 on radar.

  • Opinions that makes a "Military Enthusiast" mad 1.5 years ago

    …Thrust vectoring control is still useful in the unlikely scenario you are in a dogfight. It’s not likely, but Top Gun was founded because the unlikely happened. American aircraft still carry guns because the unlikely happened. The F-22 is still superior to the Su-57, and is a better fighter than the F-35 (F-35 can barely hold 4 AIM-120s inside of it, whereas the F-22 can hold 4 AIM-120s and 2 AIM-9s. The F-22 also completed a test against 4 F-35s, winning a dogfight against all of them). Is it that technologically advanced? No, it’s from the 90’s. But it’s still a top-tier fighter, which is what its role is. You may be a platinum, but don’t let your ego get so high a weather balloon can’t reach you.
    But, if you wanna get your Raptor hate off, the NGADs are set to replace it whenever it’s finally set into service. Then it will relinquish its crown.

  • Criticism that makes a "Military Enthusiast" and a Top Gun fan mad 1.5 years ago

    @ShinyGemsBro GrowlingSidewinder, a well known DCS pilot, actually posted a video proving that it can - in certain situations - work. Not the most effective but just turning the afterburners off on one engine is enough to bring the nose over faster.

  • "REA CHALLENGE" 1.5 years ago

    @FeatherWing drat, thanks anyways!

  • "REA CHALLENGE" 1.5 years ago

    Ah, just a question. Are original fighter designs allowed? Are fictional fighters from other series (such as the X-29A) allowed?

  • Prototype SN-272 1.5 years ago

    30 parts… Take more time on it. You now have 3 whole months to get a beautiful plane done, don’t just make something in the first day and submit it.

  • Extending Deadline for Production Prototypes Challenge 1.5 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP Thank you for the help with outreach! Others have said they’ve had issues starting due to school, so I’m hoping that this time period would work a little better for most! @Kangy @CharlesDeGaulle That’s fantastic news! I can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!

  • PF-SA-101 DarkRed 1.5 years ago

    Hoo boy, 135 G’s… That poor pilot’s paste. Still, absolutely beautiful

  • F-96E Sky Sword (READ DESCRIPTION) 1.5 years ago

    You really oughta put the Startup directions in the plane’s instructions. It also accelerates a little too quickly, but it’s so dang gorgeous I don’t really care lol.

  • Experimenting with PSM 1.6 years ago

    The fact you use inverted pitch still makes me scream

  • [CLOSED]Drone Kamikaze Challenge 1.6 years ago

    Hmmmm… Wonder what I’ll come up with

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.6 years ago

    @TheLittleMan The Hornet is not yours. It is a modification of someone else’s. Read the rules.

  • ADFX-02 Morgan 1.6 years ago

    @Erectus01 Ah yeah, I know the problem. It’s mainly due to it being built on computer before fuselage slicing was a thing. Sorry, I don’t know how to fix it.

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @kpfpz70m933 Oh my gosh, thank you for showing me this. Definitely DQing it for that then.

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @Cessnasareawesome172 I’ll allow you to do another since the first was DQ’d for too low part count. You still have 3 months to work on it, so please make sure to read the challenge through again. Remember: it has to be based on a real prototype design, whether fabricated or not. Essentially a fictional take on a real plane.

  • A23M 1.7 years ago

    @Cessnasareawesome172 A word of advice: do some research on some planes. If you can, try working on something related to the American X-Planes, if you wanna make it easier for yourself. There’s a ton of vehicles there, so it’ll be pretty easy to choose one that sticks out to you. Another thing I’d like to point out is you’re not making a prototype, you’re making a production version of a vehicle that never saw the light of day. I. E. The YF-23, XB-51, and other similar aircraft.

  • A23M 1.7 years ago

    I gotta ask, what does this have to do with the A7M Reppū? There’s not much to go off of. That, and the minimum part count is below what is allowed, so I’m sorry that I’ll have to disqualify the aircraft. You may work on it some more, but please make sure to check it the plane went into production before you make a plane. I’ll allow another submission from you, but please try and stick with aircraft that didn’t end up with production variants. Unless it’s an iterative design like the Me 262 HG II/III. I’ll still upvote it since it’s a cool design though.

  • normal bandit run gameplay 1.7 years ago

    Inhuman reactions! Those dang bots get smarter every day.

  • A Sad and Abrupt Halt... 1.7 years ago

    Yo, buddy. Finally got those flowers. See you soon, if you do come back. 🌸

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Ehhhh… Both aircraft are production aircraft, so I’ll have to say no to that. Sorry

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @KdogUSA You can make an F-92A, but a direct replica is not allowed. Make it unique!

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @EpicBullDog That’s a secret something that’ll come in use later

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @JeskoGoesVROOM I understand, I wish you the best of luck with your future projects!

  • Experimental Challenge [Closed] 1.7 years ago

    It might be 3 months in, but I can see about working on something for this. Maybe. Provided my schooling has enough time.

  • Prototype T-56 1.7 years ago

    Sadly the plane doesn’t meet the minimum Part Count of the challenge, so it is disqualified
    If you want to work on it some more, though, you have plenty of time to work on it

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @MrShenanigansSP Correct, sorry if there’s any confusion since I use the US system of dates

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    Hoo boy, you guys don’t make your names easy to type…

  • Production Prototypes Challenge 1.7 years ago

    Forum Contestants: