197k SledDriver Comments

  • Maleficus 3.8 years ago

    @LordGardevoirX Yeah, that struck me as well.

  • Still life with cannon and wine 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka It's not a mod... it's the next update to the game. As to when it will be released, only the developers can answer that.

  • Still life with cannon and wine 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka It's built using the new Fuselage-Glass-1 part in the beta, if that's what you're asking?

  • Still life with cannon and wine 3.8 years ago

    Thanks, @soundwave

  • Still life with cannon and wine 3.8 years ago

    @Hedero Apparently, some people have experimented and found that it's possible to dissolve a pearl in vinegar, a lot quicker if you pulverize the pearl and heat the vinegar.

    From Wikipedia:

    Because pearls are made primarily of calcium carbonate, they can be dissolved in vinegar. Calcium carbonate is susceptible to even a weak acid solution because the crystals react with the acetic acid in the vinegar to form calcium acetate and carbon dioxide.

    My guess, however, is that Cleopatra would've opted for the more dramatic and less time-consuming method of simply crushing the pearl, pouring the powder into wine (because who wants to drink vinegar?) and gulped it down.

    Another likely possibility is that she replaced the pearl with something more soluble (and palatable), because that would be the smart thing to do.

  • Maleficus 3.8 years ago

    @Werboithescientist I don't build to a schedule... I just build whatever I feel like building at the time. Relax, it's going to happen soon.

  • AFXS-178 S 3.8 years ago

    Very cool. Is this inspired by something, or your own design? Either way, it looks great.

  • Still life with cannon and wine 3.8 years ago

    @Developer That's a bug in the website. As is the wing loading. You know this, right?

  • Bullet 3.8 years ago

    @LePetitMarseillais It's because the airbrakes, which it's made out of, don't extend until you enter the sandbox. Thanks : )

  • Maleficus 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka Don't worry, it's not going anywhere : )

  • Arrowhead 3.8 years ago

    @Sparks365 I'm glad you enjoyed it : )

  • Maleficus 3.8 years ago

    @Sadboye12 It looks evil, doesn't it?

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames Well, the SP aircraft files are XML, so technically, everything you do is in XML. To make them spread out when you want you just specify the appropriate input for the airbrakes.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames Airbrakes.

  • GR-SC 01 Velóce 3.8 years ago

    @Sadboye12 Because your stuff is always good...

  • Twisted Fantasy 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka No bother : ) It means that if you enable AG1, it goes into VTOL mode, in which you can ascend/descend using pitch.

  • North American F-86 Sabre 3.8 years ago


    The text you want the link to say goes between square brackets, and the link itself goes between parentheses:


    The code above will create a link like this:


  • North American F-86 Sabre 3.8 years ago

    Nice build, but you could just post a link to the Wikipedia article, you know : )

    If you need help to make this fly better, just ask.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Thanks. Well, it's supposed to be a fly, so close enough : )

  • Hellhound (guided missiles) 3.8 years ago

    @daneshpalkhiwalla You know that you can do that yourself, right? Add a camera to each missile, set its massScale to zero and calculateDrag to false, and viewMode to Orbit.

  • F-15C 3.8 years ago

    Great use of fuselage block shaping. Nice work.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Plooperman Oh, OK then.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago


    Think about what you're saying.

    It "kinda" looks like the Moth - just as the F-15 "kinda" looks like any other twin engine fighter?

    "The way it flies and moves with throttle" - are you saying that if I made it slower or faster, and set it to use VTOL instead of throttle to control the variable geometry, it would be fine then?

    If you went to buy a car, would you say "the controls are all the same - it's just like my old car! Swap the throttle and accelerator and I'll take it."?

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames Don't worry, I'm sure he was joking.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I know, right? He didn't even join the cult of the Sled.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Azamwasgamingnowismakinggames Of course not, it's a trade secret.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Plooperman No, no it doesn't.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Brendorkus You just use the BFE150 (Engine-Jet-6) and set its max to a low value. Most of my builds, including this one, use a max of 0.25.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Theful1941 What's woomy?

  • CAC CA-13 Echidna 3.8 years ago

    @Alta2809 I'd probably see it anyway, but sure, tag me if you like.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Lucky you. If I drink one cup of coffee, it ruins my sleep for a week.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @rexzion Hay una mosca en la cocina

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 I meant to ask you, by the way: how do you manage to wake early when you like tea so much? If I take any amount of caffeine, I always wake up late.

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 I know, right? If only pests could be as accommodating in real life. But then they wouldn't be pests... : )

  • Musca 3.8 years ago


    Fly: All I ever wanted was to be a pest. [Bursting into tears] Why don't humans like me?

    @Brendorkus: swat

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @rexzion Musca, Latin for fly (the pest).

  • Musca 3.8 years ago

    @Brendorkus Best thing to do with pests, really : )

  • CAC CA-13 Echidna 3.8 years ago

    @Alta2809 Well, thanks : ) One thing you should never do is compare yourself to others, because that way lies unhappiness. Find what you're good at, and then keep at it until you become one of the best. The only person you should compare yourself to is you, from yesterday.

    That said, your builds aren't potatoes. I tried this one, and it flies quite well, which in itself puts you above most players. Then there's nothing stopping you from enhancing it until it's platinum-grade. A simple way to do this is to take one section - say, a wing - and make it its own build so it's easier to work on. Then keep subdividing it into smaller and smaller pieces so you can add more detail. You probably want to make the wings thicker, for one thing, so they get that curved surface. Once you're happy with the detailed section, make it a subassembly, and replace the original, simple section with the new one. Keep doing this until you have a platinum-grade build.

  • CAC CA-13 Echidna 3.8 years ago

    @Alta2809 Well, if low-ranked players' builds don't get upvoted how will they ever reach a higher rank? It makes no sense to be snooty so that you only upvote platinum-level builds...

  • CAC CA-13 Echidna 3.8 years ago

    @Alta2809 I just check the hottest page a few times a day.

  • A-10 Warthog 3.8 years ago


    Imagine making the gun centred

    Imagine having an imagination, so you don't have to slavishly copy everything exactly down to the last rivet.

    Imagine having more than a little knowledge, so you'd notice all the other things I've changed.

    Imagine having the good sense not to expose your meager knowledge by complaining about the one thing you noticed.

    Imagine having the good sense not to criticize someone whose skills are far beyond your own.

    Imagine having the courage to make your own changes to the design, just because you want to.

    Imagine not being so petty that you can only say something negative about a build this high in quality.

    Imagine your highest ambition not being to emulate a copy machine.

    Imagine wanting to express your creativity in everything you do.

    Imagine not being so completely socially inept that your first communication with a stranger is not a "Hello," or even a "Nice build, but...", but a straight-up criticism that isn't even well thought-out.

    Imagine not being the kind of person whose life is so narrow in scope that the only way they can feel better about themselves is by demonstrating how they know a little bit more than the next person - even when they actually don't.

    Imagine being human.

    Imagine being a decent human being.

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Werboithescientist If what I've done so far hasn't already earned me a crap ton of respect, I don't know what will. Anyway, I'm not playing this game to earn anyone's respect.

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Mumpsy Isn't it : )

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Werboithescientist I've been thinking about building something that can capture a smaller airplane for a while now.

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    Thanks, @Blitz2848

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka Not your fault, I've uploaded some kinetic sculptures before, so I assumed people would know what this is.

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Interesting... I didn't figure you for an early morning person. Mainly because of "Tea... more tea."

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @WarshipDude Yes, for the reason that they didn't make sense.

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Thanks! You really like 5AM, don't you : )

  • Kaleidoscope I 3.8 years ago

    @Belloaka It's not meant to be an airplane, I've updated the description : )
