14.9k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.9 years ago

    Then why don’t you understand it? @Johawks1976

  • NOOOO QINGYUZHOU IS GONE! 5.9 years ago

    I believe QingyZhou has intentions to delete his account anyway. He will probably do it as soon as the ban ends


    Yes, of course we want them but the devs are hard at work on SR2 right now.

  • Should we be able to lightly ask for upvotes 5.9 years ago

    No asking is required. If someone likes a build, they upvote it; simple as that.

  • The difference 2.6 years makes 6.0 years ago

    I can’t see the 2nd image

  • I rick rolled my school no. 3 6.0 years ago

    Lets he honest, all of these are most definitely not true. You’ve never rickrolled your school

  • AlienIndustries Antelope STOL - Tropic Air Express 6.0 years ago

    There’s something in the way this thing slowly drifts along in the sky that makes it incredibly relaxing to just fly from island to island making a pit stop here and there. A really nice job on this aircraft!

  • The one looming problem with this game.. 6.1 years ago

    I find it strange that having an infinite amount of possibilities for your imagination to take advantage of has resulted in you getting bored...

  • I just realized... 6.1 years ago

    It seems like a timeless game that will only stop if people’s imaginations stop (which obviously isn’t the case)

  • SimplePlanes Member Rememberance Day 6.1 years ago

    There are still a large amount of users which make low quality builds which, while not to the same degree as ccooper, have a large amount of points they don’t deserve.

  • (SP Forum) Rating Feature 6.2 years ago

    This was this system that was in place years ago, they removed it because players weren’t objective. If they liked it they give 5 stars, if they didn’t they gave 0. Upvotes are a much better alternative

  • Weapons? 6.3 years ago

    You can’t download mods on iOS, only on PC and Android @Timothy2332

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.4 years ago

    I know, that’s what I was saying to danman12 in the earlier comments @GermanWarMachine

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.4 years ago

    Strange, for me it just tilts downwards and goes into an irreversible nose dive @danman12

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.4 years ago

    This aircraft did fly well when it was made. Have you thought that maybe the flight mechanics were different in earlier versions of SP? The continual updates have rendered this design mostly obsolete; but through no fault of the aircraft. When this aircraft was first released I distinctly remember being surprised by the incredible aesthetics along with the flight performance. @danman12

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.6 years ago

    I think you can get featured at any level nowadays @DarthAbhinav

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.6 years ago

    You couldn’t get featured back then if you were gold @WaffleCakes

  • What about the 1.8 update ??! 6.7 years ago

    Also slow motion for iOS would be great

  • The Paradox of Empty Worlds (SimplePlanes voyage to the Void at 9:55) 11 months ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 :) I doubt anyone really remembers me anyway lol, the communities changed a lot from back in 'my day' when I was active on SP. I barely recognise anyone these days, and conversely, I imagine almost no-one recognises me.

    That's life!

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 11 months ago

    I've said before that SimplePlanes has good potential that has been utterly squandered. There are literally a million and one things that could be done to this game and the dev team does maybe one of those things every 2-3 years. They're lucky there is such a creative and loyal fanbase to this game, because to be completely honest I don't really think they deserver it based on the amount of work they put in.

    Not to mention instead of overhauling it they decided to focus on SR2, a game that has been far less popular because it exists in a space with the far more dominant KSP - The entire reason SP was so good was because there's nothing like it! But no, instead of turning it into the incredible game it could be the devs essentially make a failed competitor to SP2 when they already have a game in a niche of its own...

    I know this comes across as super harsh, but after having played this game for 8 years these are my honest thoughts.

  • I Am On The SimplePlanes Wikipedia lol 1.6 years ago

    @Reworkable No... it's not a simpleplanes addict, it's you lmao. As if a 'user history' of the entire SimplePlanes page would note you specifically along with a bunch of irrelevant details over the tens of users who are far more relevant like BogDanX, Spiritus Raptor, Jamesplanesii...etc

  • Scout Miro 2.2 years ago

    This aircraft is absolutely beautiful - if it is generic it is only by virtue of being an amalgamation of a whole host of beautiful designed aircraft. If I saw this at an airfield I think it was an incredible looking design!

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 2.8 years ago

    Yes they 'could' do that if they wanted - the question is is it right. To which the answer is no, none of this is even close to being right. @hjonk

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    If people haven't submitted before the deadline - you should automatically disqualify them and give the victory to the opponent and then go from there in the contest.@DJ2keroni

  • Heed this and know true enlightenment 3.0 years ago

    All well and good but if you were bronze you might feel differently. Its like a millionaire telling you that money isn't really important. Yeah - that's great and all but I have a 9-5 in Walmart and you have a penthouse in Florida... it's easy for you to say.

  • KAI FA-50PH "Golden Eagle" 3.0 years ago

    Please don't take offence but this is the worst flying plane I've ever seen on SP. Ask for help before uploading if it's not flying properly - don't just leave it like this. I know that's it's been fixed I'm just giving advice to you specifically. If you have a problem you can't fix ask for help!

  • The Great Swedish Stf. B1 Bomber plane 3.2 years ago

    I didn't say it was funny @MetalManiac54

  • FM-K Dauntless 3.9 years ago

    Hey @AndrewGarrison you should feature this! Very under appreciated build! I want to spotlight but I've run out of spotlights for the day...

  • I need help asap. (Solved!) 3.9 years ago

    This happened to me too around 4 years ago... It was about 1500 parts and I completely lost all of it. Hope that doesn’t happen to you cause that was devastating haha

  • Build your own four-cylinder! 3.9 years ago

    This kind of stuff always takes a long time but it is really paying off! Looks great!

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 4.7 years ago

    Yeah, it’s just so hard to make stuff with a very high level of detail on SimplePlanes. @ViridiCinis

  • Why if you dont make replicas you will not be famous ? 5.3 years ago

    Of course you can make it; but to be fair replicas do seem to get more attention.

  • Highly Detailed Cockpit 5.3 years ago

    I suppose in that case it depends on what the individual player values. People with powerful PC’s may prefer this kind of stuff while last gen mobile players might like more optimised builds. @JamesBoA

  • Map Mod Collision Help 5.6 years ago

    Wow. For about 5 seconds I thought that was an actual photo

  • A new international airport is under construction 5.9 years ago

    If it’s too small just scale it up, it’ll be a relatively easy fix

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    It’s an observation, and I have a right to observe and say that this cannot be used on an actual build (which as I stated, isn’t a problem). Stop bringing up ridiculous arguments and causing a commotion where there isn’t one. @Blue0Bull

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    I’m not complaining about how it can’t be used, I only stated a fact that it can’t be used. The fact is, 3552 parts is way more parts than should have been used, but since it’s basically a display that’s nice to look at; it doesn’t matter hugely. I only said that you can’t feasibly use this on a build. Everything I’ve said is true; but you are just taking it out of context @Blue0Bull

  • "My builds suck I am sorry" 5.9 years ago

    Wait, I don’t get it? Why is that Airbus A380 not on the all-time highest rated page? It puts the Antonov An-225 by CjrLdy to shame.

  • Pixel Pop Festival 5.9 years ago

    Maybe record the PC’s screen throughout the event and upload the highlights to YouTube? Would love to see SR2 even though I can’t come. I take it this means the game is relatively close to full release?

  • ferrari testarossa (full details) 6.0 years ago

    If you ever want to do a modding request simply ask here or tag @ViridiCinis @armanla777

  • Sexy boi or Ugly boi [Livery Pick] 6.0 years ago

    It looks like it’s 50/50... maybe you should choose a colour which everyone will like, instead of just half. Personally I like the colour but It’s in your interest to please as many people as possible.

  • Can I get some advice? 6.0 years ago

    Instead of scrapping the build, just come back to it here and there; adding a little every time and eventually it will be done!

  • Shooting things is overrated! 6.0 years ago

    Do the guns with negative damage give extra health to a block beyond its original capacity?

  • Paradise Island 6.0 years ago

    Judging from the screenshots this looks way better than any of the stock sp islands. I’d love if one of the devs considered adding this into the actual game

  • I've had a bad month.. 6.0 years ago

    I’m so sorry to hear this, it must be horrible to have two people you know so well take their lives.

  • I need the HELPS 6.1 years ago

    It could be that the horizontal stabilisers are angled, if it’s not, then it means the pitch control surface is too large and when used causes a dramatic sharp turn which causes a loss of lift in the wing facing downwards in the turn, inevitably making it roll heavily to the side. Also, you should never mirror a plane.

  • Peregrine MSAP Mobile Surface to Air Platform 6.1 years ago

    Nice design

  • You guys have a discord channel. Use it please. 6.1 years ago

    I agree completely, I intensely dislike unrealistic and ridiculous roleplay littering the forums

  • Messed Up Stuff in Last Couple Days, I Hate Life. 6.1 years ago

    There isn’t a simple answer to this. (American) Society may result in school shootings because of their possession of guns, but other societies give funds to charities and do beautiful things for people. Car crashes are simply a side effect of having cars (every innovation carries a side effect) and though some people have died, thousands have lived their dreams in cars doing road trips through idyllic sceneries and beautiful landscapes. A landslide is the result of having luscious green hills, and tsumanis are a result of having relaxing sunny beaches. Nature is indifferent to good or bad, it simply exists. A volcano is just pent-up pressure waiting to release that people have chosen to live next to. Just remember that while there is undoubtedly bad in the world, take a walk, listen to music or draw a picture and realise that the world is a place of complete balance between good and bad.

  • So, im new! 6.1 years ago

    What is this? A new user that actually read the rules!? Unheard of!
