14.9k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • VL Pyörremyrsky 2.1 years ago

    Have you... ever seen a Pyorremyrsky?

  • Scout Miro 2.1 years ago

    This aircraft is absolutely beautiful - if it is generic it is only by virtue of being an amalgamation of a whole host of beautiful designed aircraft. If I saw this at an airfield I think it was an incredible looking design!

  • Why Under 20 Part Builts Are Important - my thoughts 2.2 years ago

    Obviously it's not true that anyone can make a plane good with 1000 parts because otherwise everyone would do it. You don't need to drag down builds with lots of parts to justify low part builds. @Dathcha

  • In regard to the "Andrew" builds. 2.3 years ago

    Yeah it's not funny but what kind of moderation is this - subjectively deciding that something is 'low effort' and removing it. As long as something is not immoral people should have the freedom to upload anything they want, that's ridiculous that you would censor the builds people can put up just because you think it's not funny anymore

  • beluga sub 2.4 years ago

    είσαι πολύ καλός στα αγγλικά @toxicgamer88

  • F-6MJ Zenko Kai 2.4 years ago

    πολύ καλό, μπράβο :)

  • beluga sub 2.4 years ago

    Είσαι Έλληνας?

  • Pre-1.11 2 seater cockpit 2.4 years ago

    I can't believe this didn't get any upvotes... it's really good!

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 2.6 years ago

    Is this ever going to happen? You shouldn't start a tournament if you can't finish it, I put a lot of effort into my entry and now I can see it was for nothing. @DJ2keroni

  • gw3 2.7 years ago

    Please don't copy other peoples posts - it's not a good thing to do

  • hummer 2.8 years ago

    nice job!

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 2.8 years ago

    Yes they 'could' do that if they wanted - the question is is it right. To which the answer is no, none of this is even close to being right. @hjonk

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 2.8 years ago

    What Andrew has done is disgusting and it's exactly this kind of mentality that is bringing down Western Society...

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 2.8 years ago

    I didn't realise Andrew was in support of censorship, totally lost respect for him now. This mentality where you can't have any point of view against the 'norm' is probably the absolute worst mentality you could have. Free speech - that's all I have to say.

    Also your view on BLM is absolutely right, it's done nothing but increase racial tensions and put peoples group identity (race) ahead of their individual identity (character) which is exactly the opposite of what MLK wanted.

  • B-36D Atlan Bomber 2.8 years ago

    Wow - rotary bomb load is such a cool idea!

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 2.9 years ago

    I don't know where you're going with that. Capitalism is a free market, communism is total government control with the insane labour theory of value. They are as different as can be. Freedom vs Oppression. @Tookan

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 2.9 years ago

    But even if you just take marxism any economist would tell you that it was a joke and could never work. @Tookan

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 2.9 years ago

    @Tookan ...and Mao, and every other communist leader. It's more the 'fault' of the fact that anyone expected communism to actually work.

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 2.9 years ago

    But communism as a whole is just as bad as the Nazis. @Tookan

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 2.9 years ago

    Would it be ok to make a Nazi symbol on the anniversary of the Nazi party?

  • An open letter to the mods 2.9 years ago

    Are you a socialist?

  • will there ever be mods in mobile? 2.9 years ago

    No, apple won't let it happen because mods run executable code which theoretically could be viruses and apple prides itself on virus security. On android - they used to have mod support but they don't anymore. Not sure if it will ever come back.

  • Portrait of Giorgio Montagner, the Simple pirate, King of Pirated edition. 2.9 years ago

    Worst pirate I've ever seen...

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 2.9 years ago

    I'm assuming this tournament is dead then? @DJ2keroni

  • Navy Specifications Challenge [CANCELED] 2.9 years ago

    I'm not sure - I'll see if any motivation hits me! The last challenge I entered was pretty disappointing. @LieutenantSOT

  • If you delete your comments etc, please stop. 2.9 years ago

    It doesn't say anything in the rules about mentioning other players in posts - also he was asking BogdanX to stop deleting forums. Is it ok to pluck new rules out of the air when you're a moderator and is it not ok to specifically ask a user to stop doing something? @EternalDarkness

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    If people haven't submitted before the deadline - you should automatically disqualify them and give the victory to the opponent and then go from there in the contest.@DJ2keroni

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    I don't understand - people are still submitting their planes over a week after the deadline - when will this finish and when will the dogfights start? @DJ2keroni

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    @DJ2keroni I tagged you on my entry in case you missed it

  • HAF A-22 "Asteragios" 3.0 years ago

    Thanks - I spent a long time trying to work out how to put together the rear landing gear. @Treadmill103

  • Dogfight Tournament Lacerator 3.0 years ago

    @Diver It's not my fault that I expected the tournament to have the actual planes performance be a big factory - not just strap together some wings and a tail and all it comes down to is an OP missile.

  • My watch is ended. 3.0 years ago

    I understand - I just hope the devs will put your amazing mod to use in an update or something like that. It really is one of the best mods SP has ever seen.

  • HAF A-22 "Asteragios" 3.0 years ago

    Thankyou! @AWESOMENESS360

  • HAF A-22 "Asteragios" 3.0 years ago

    Ναί! Χαίρομαι που τα βλέπω. Δεν ήξερα ότι ήσουν Έλληνας; @toxicgamer88

  • HAF A-22 "Asteragios" 3.0 years ago

    Here is my entry - though the all the work will be rendered null by OP missiles

  • Dogfight Tournament Lacerator 3.0 years ago

    It would help if he would respond - it looks like this tournament is going to be a washout if it's just about modding missiles (something that takes 3 seconds) instead of actually taking the time to make a well performing aircraft. @TheRealKronos

  • Heed this and know true enlightenment 3.0 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap That's great for you - the point isn't that you never had low points - the point is that you value one thing over another so you decide you should tell everyone else that if they don't value them the same as you then they're wrong? The fact that you were once bronze doesn't make it any less patronising when you say to someone with with 2 upvotes that they shouldn't care about it. Who are you to tell anyone what they should care about?

  • Arcraft 3.0 years ago

    I can help you write the rules to the contest if you want, you just need to put a limit on the range and a couple of other parameters like the turn time and such. What I would say is this -
    maxForwardThrustForce - DO NOT ALLOW TO BE XML
    maxSpeed - DO NOT ALLOW TO BE XML
    maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate - no more than 100
    maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate - no more than 100

    to put it into context the missiles on one of the planes have 3x that - making them impossible to dodge or evade as they are so fast they hit you in less than a second and can do a 360 degree turn in less than a second as well.

    I'd also absolutely recommend reducing the max lock on angle to WAY less (around 60) instead of 180 as 180 is very, very high and makes the guardian missile (that just requires you to keep the target within the locking range) way too OP and impossible to dodge. These rules will make the fights way more fair and interesting to watch. I hope you take these and put them in the rules as otherwise it's not about the best design or performance - it's just about who made their missiles as modded as possible and whoever fires the guardian first...

  • Dogfight Tournament Lacerator 3.0 years ago


    I can help you write the rules if you want, you just need to put a limit on the range and a couple of other parameters like the turn time and such. What I would say is this -
    maxForwardThrustForce - DO NOT ALLOW TO BE XML
    maxSpeed - DO NOT ALLOW TO BE XML
    maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate - no more than 100
    maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate - no more than 100

    to put it into context the missiles on this plane have 3x that - making them impossible to dodge or evade as they are so fast they hit you in less than a second and can do a 360 degree turn in less than a second as well.

    I'd also absolutely recommend reducing the max lock on angle to WAY less (around 60) instead of 180 as 180 is very, very high and makes the guardian missile (that just requires you to keep the target within the locking range) way too OP and impossible to dodge. These rules will make the fights way more fair and interesting to watch. I hope you take these and put them in the rules as otherwise it's not about the best design or performance - it's just about who made their missiles as modded as possible and whoever fires the guardian first...

  • Dogfight Tournament Lacerator 3.0 years ago

    The locking range is ridiculous and the missiles can do a 360 in half a second and speed towards you at any angle...

  • Dogfight Tournament Lacerator 3.0 years ago


    This is the issue - this plane doesn't perform particularly well but it's missiles are XML modded to hell so it can basically destroy anything it comes up against. Please add some rules about limits to modding missiles because this is incredibly unfair!

  • Dogfight Tournament plane 3.0 years ago

    @DJ2keroni Does my plane have to be a successor to your post or can I just tag you on it?

  • Heed this and know true enlightenment 3.0 years ago

    All well and good but if you were bronze you might feel differently. Its like a millionaire telling you that money isn't really important. Yeah - that's great and all but I have a 9-5 in Walmart and you have a penthouse in Florida... it's easy for you to say.

  • KAI FA-50PH "Golden Eagle" 3.0 years ago

    Please don't take offence but this is the worst flying plane I've ever seen on SP. Ask for help before uploading if it's not flying properly - don't just leave it like this. I know that's it's been fixed I'm just giving advice to you specifically. If you have a problem you can't fix ask for help!

  • SimpleQuiz 3.0 years ago

    What about general knowledge instead of maths? Might genuinely be interesting

  • Remastered Dogfight Mode! 3.0 years ago

    I'm basically only saying to make some slight adjustments to what they already have - they already have AI that can dogfight and stuff like that, the only thing they need to do is apply that in a slightly different way (3v3 instead of 1v1). @PapaWii

  • Remastered Dogfight Mode! 3.0 years ago

    Why would it upheave any of the code? Nothing I said requires anything to be rewritten or even changed much - it's very simple to implement it and would really not require any rewriting of anything apart from a bit of AI stuff possibly. @PapaWii

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    @Victor4LoneSoldier Yeah that's what it says in the rules

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.0 years ago

    Yes it's a big problem - I can only assume that it comes under the 'trying to make the plane realistic' part. The rules definitely need to be more specific in the performance of the plane and the modding of weapons. @Victor4LoneSoldier
