3,377 Quintasoarus Comments

  • Shark Tooth 8.0 years ago

    0:50, but sometimes likes to take a random swim and will miss a ring every once in a while, making it sometimes end with a 1:05.

  • Shark Tooth 8.0 years ago

    Gonna set my first benchmark: 0:51 on my newest Pratoreus. Gonna go for sub-50, maybe :45?

  • Shark Tooth 8.0 years ago

    My Pratoreus will return for its rightful spot at the top (or far right) of the leaderboards!

  • Update Suggestions for 1.5 8.0 years ago

    1. I guess...?
    2. Pretty sure they're not going to add a map editor any time soon, and if they did it would probably only work on PC/Mac.
    3. NO. This is simplePLANES, not simpleCivilWar
    4. Ehhhhh...?
    5. Sure
    6. sigh no.
    7. There's a game called SimpleRockets made by Jundroo. They said a while back that they would be making a sequel to it so there's that
    8. I think these would make more problems for the pilots than anything, since the current ATG missiles are easy enough to aim and use.

    Honestly the devs should focus more on the quality of the game and places to fly, not adding more things to build with; I don't want this game to become bloated to the point of it being inaccessible to newer players.

  • Racing Jet 2.0 8.0 years ago

    Well I guess making your plane being able to take a hit is impressive... but we all know who could've won that final matchup ;)

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    So close... yet so far...

  • Pratoreus-YS Mk31 8.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison I didn't get to watch the end, but I'll be sure to see what happened. When I read I had crashed twice on the same heat I was pretty confused, that usually doesn't happen, but oh well, still made it further than usual. Thanks!

  • Pratoreus-YS Mk31 8.0 years ago

    @GrumpyRacing I feel bad man you should've had that first round!

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    I may have also just completely secured my win in this tournament. I reduced the drag in my plane by a few hundred points and now the plane runs a 1:00-1:01. 6/10 times at least, probably wont enter it.

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    @bspboy Then just add the needed inlets?

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    @bspboy Probably go with the more reliable one. Most planes here are going to wipe out with sub-1:15 times, and the rare few who can achieve a sub-1:10 time probably will be one-hit-wonders and wreck the other times.

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    @poopatron71 Probably not,

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    I just got a new version of my plane to do 0:57! Now I have to make it more reliable, it's running about 3/10 completions right now.
    Edit: 2/10 success rate. Can't improve it as of now, so I'll stick with my current entry.

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    @TimothyWong No, nudging is totally cool. In fact my plane pretty much relies on having parts nudged around so...

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    @Razr Your plane was running a 1:47-8 very consistently. If you up the speed then I think you'll have a potent entry.

  • Yeti Scramble RE-DO! 8.0 years ago

    This time, no one's:
    gonna copy my plane,
    enter the copy,
    run the plane at a much slower time than normal,
    or beat me >:)

  • Yeti Scramble Reloaded (Manual) 8.0 years ago

    Ayyy lmao

  • YelowHat 8.0 years ago

    You know when I was making my plane I went through a bunch of entries and pitted myself against them, this one included. I did win in my tests; but I'm pretty sure I lost in the tournament because my plane missed a ring and you took the win! Just goes to show anything can happen in these tournaments, congrats.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    Thanks a ton man! Really appreciate your guys' attention to the community.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    Hey this guy Jasonandmason stole my plane design and entered it into the tournament!! He didn't even change anything on it, just managed to make it so that it wasn't a successor to my original version.

  • Pratoreus II 8.0 years ago

    Yo dude this is blatant copying. Not cool.

    You couldn't even change the wings or something a little bit?

  • Mikoyan Project 1.44 PLEASE HELP!!! 8.0 years ago

    I tried to make a model of this plane awhile back, I could edit this a bit then submit it for you if you want.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    one hour left guys...

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    1:06-8 consistently. Hope I don't crash into someone at the beginning since my plane will sometimes scoot over to the right when starting left...

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    Also my plane has been randomly exploding before the third checkpoint; no contact with anything, no parts flying off, nothing. Just poof dead.

    Edit: Only happened a few times... weird.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 not if I can help it...

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Lol not very. Trying to get the kinks out but I think I have a good design.

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    Whoops just got 1:06

  • Yeti Scramble 8.0 years ago

    1:09 has been my best, but the AI keeps making stupid moves trying to keep me from getting a better score ;_;


    Hinged rotator + suspension/piston + resizable wheel = amazing landing gear for those who can make it work.

  • Tumbler 8.1 years ago

    How did you get the hinges for the suspension to be that way?

  • New update info (with SCREENSHOTS) 8.1 years ago

    @FutureAviationTech The steam version will work on a Mac too (which is what I use) if that helps. Haven't seen this kraken people have been talking about though.

  • Steam Beta 8.2 years ago

    Haven't seen this kraken/sea monster everyone's going on about...

  • HOW TO GET INTO THE ICE BASE || Reasoning behind: "HOW DID I LAND A PASSENGER JET IN HERE?" 8.2 years ago

    I just used one of my faster planes, crashed inside, then moved around in my ATV until I could fit a plane.

  • Steam Beta 8.2 years ago

    Oh yea! Totally a little thing, but you guys used the wrong "brake" (break) in the controls menu with the bindings for "break increase/break decrease" buttons :P

  • Steam Beta 8.2 years ago

    @Jundroo You guys are actually amazing. Most devs are out of touch with their community, and pay little to no regard to what people want or recommend. You break that trend. My one hope, though, is that this game doesn't become bloated or too big (too not simple?) for its own good.

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    @aircraftarsenal123 Yea pretty sure those kinds of engines won't work. I think during the first tournament Andrew said that you can't detach or separate the engines from the plane body. So like activator 8 used to always be on since (for whatever reason) it turned on VTOL nozzles, where people began to make planes with detaching engines, which he then ruled against.

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    So am I the only one who's nudged some wings and other stuff out behind the main body...?

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    @aircraftarsenal123 Yea the plane generally has to be able to be ready on-the-spot to go, no extra retries, no mercy. :/

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    Correction: 1:04

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    1:14 is the best I've done so far...

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    Haha! Using some totally not stolen prop engine tech, my plane can now do 1:41!

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @DangerousTyler They never land, or are on the ground at all for that matter. The tournament starts Sunday (I presume).

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Nah after going through some of the entries (I wont name names) I feel a bit better about it, to be honest. Came in thinking most people would have a sub-1:40 plane. Most I tried never even finished...

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    When your plane only does 1:45 ;_;

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Yea I've found that 2 T3K's are about as efficient and speedy as possible. Tried making a twin-bodied plane, but it ended up just being slower off the start than a mono-body plane.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago


    Step 1. Enter your best plane
    2. wait for the day of the tournament
    3. The Devs have a computer running the game and they will stream it on Twitch. We don't fly the planes, and neither do they. It's the AI that is already in the game that flies each plane in the tournaments.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Dang. I have a feeling since most people will be at that 736 mark (or at least that's where I am), there will be a good amount of running-into at the start and beginning...

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    getting a consistent 1:46/7. Want to try and get it under 1:40 or even 1:30 if I can.