43.9k PlanesOfOld Comments

  • 9/11 Tribute :-( 8.7 years ago

    Well where do you think I'm from ;) @Rohan

  • SHWERE GUSTAV TARGET 8.9 years ago

    I don't wish to argue, my bro would do that, I am the guy who uses words to stop war, you can understand right that this was posted almost exactly the same time when my bro had a horrible hate argument because he spent hours on making a Vulcan bomber and someone said horrible things about it, he got angry, very angry, and then you posted this... At the same time someone else posted an un credited copy you don't have to go against him for one one star rating, it's just a rating and its not even your plane so you wouldn't have felt much if it got 5 star if you make your own or heavily modify someone else's you get more reward mentally and on the sight :) pu@Johawks1976

  • Aqua dromonem rescue ver. 8.9 years ago

    Ahhh lol sorry about that and putting things on the wrong way round I had a few days when I got Realy confused cause I was devising a computer CPUS @Wiim2112

  • Aqua dromonem rescue ver. 8.9 years ago

    I think u should have another go and build a lifeboat interior :) this is the only of 3 succesors of my aircraft that I've been acctualy wowed by its a great repaint....Gg at least you gave credit to the PRED

  • Zer02 9.0 years ago

    Wow you don't think its MUTCH at first glance but it's so Simple and fun to fly! We need more planes like this :)

  • T1 heavy mark 1 9.0 years ago

    Phew man do u play WOT Blitz? on the EU server? Cause that's where I am I reckon I could help you with your tanks even tho I cocentrate on mainly russian and german designs :)

  • Macchi M.C.72 9.0 years ago

    Lol just downloaded this again and was surprised that it was no bigger than my supermarine I think in future if multiplayer is added lol we could hold a proper Schneider trophy ;)

  • SHWERE GUSTAV TARGET 9.1 years ago

    I want you to take this down you didn't ask for permission and I didn't give it to you!

  • Car challenge 9.1 years ago

    @cadetjman ok I'll enter the golden arrow!

  • I think I'm addicted to tanks 26 days ago

    The real question is, why weren't you addicted to them before?

  • HMS Agamemnon (1908) 26 days ago

    Absolutely fabulous, well done sir!

    I tried to make something similar many, many, many years ago — it is so nice to see what is possible nowadays! My hat is sincerely off in respect!

  • "Planes can't drift" one month ago

    Werner Voss invented the drift in his Fokker Dr.I (true story).

  • I got a small question one month ago

    Light blue ford transits, they follow me everywhere and I swear it's the same one.

  • A discourse on the wing building method. one month ago

    @POPACC with wings, of course.

  • Forget biplanes, its time. one month ago

    I can never forget biplanes

  • 1913 Morane-Saulnier H one month ago

    @Rb2h https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/YcfDX7/Planesofolds-new-trusty-toolboxQA

    I assume that they are in here (possibly) I don't remember.

    As for cannibalising them you may more easily find them on here:


    The undercarriage skids and much of the frame I think. Anyways, happy building.

  • 1913 Morane-Saulnier H one month ago

    @Rb2h it isn't a normal wing part of course, but you can probably find it if you cannibalise it! (The little wing pieces that the wires attach to on the elevators are - if memory serves me well, the part in its default mode) Also, I uploaded a "trusty toolbox" many years ago that has the modded wing part I used to use if you can't find it in my builds.

  • big log one month ago

    @Graingy indeed

  • How can I prevent my ship from rocking backand forth? 4 months ago

    @DatTrainGuy19 I am fine, don't worry. New pastures etc etc.

  • How can I prevent my ship from rocking backand forth? 4 months ago

    Regrettably, I have not finished any projects since the plague year, as I decided that it would be best to retire.

    It would be a good build for bonfire night though, now that I think about it.

    Perhaps another year, another time. I have not the fury nor love to spend on creating anything anymore.

    That me died what feels like many years ago, and it is odd to look round this place, where it is fossilised as a monument to my youthful imbecility.

    I enjoyed your little fable by the way. It contained a good moral lesson.

    Perhaps "that guy" still lurks around in the bushes living as some kind of budget Crusoe.

    But really, I think his bones are being bleached by the sun; tumbling in the warm sand, returning to dust for eternity.

  • How can I prevent my ship from rocking backand forth? 4 months ago

    @ColonelRelford because I saw you had wished me one, and I understood it to be the season of jollity and forgiveness; so why should I not respond?

    As for my okayness, I am okay.

  • Well I can throw my hopes out the window now. 3.7 years ago

    Is this a case of discrimination or a valid test? I'd be extremely annoyed if my aspergers prevented me from getting a flying license- or doing anything for that matter.

  • Coming soon (ish) 3.7 years ago

    @KnightOfRen The image worked on my PC.

  • My Mechanical Calculator 2 3.7 years ago

    Babbage analytical engine when?

  • This is getting ridiculous. 3.7 years ago

    This has been going on for as long as the game has had a website.

    It was far worse back in the day, If I uploaded something it would have about 5 within an hour, some blatant copies and others just garish paint jobs.

  • gita 3.7 years ago

    There are nineteen frets on a guitar, 12th meets with the body, there are also no pegs- this type of guitar would have them sticking out the back of the head.

  • A funky trees question. 3.7 years ago

    @YoDudeChase Right, I thought the numbers were arbitrary, but now I know they're M/s. Thanks, will have a tinker.

  • A funky trees question. 3.7 years ago

    @rexrexThezion But my dials are in imperial. And it is truly the greatest system of measurement ever devised.

  • 1234 Part Challenge 3.7 years ago

    I suppose I can give it a go.

    I have a few things in mind.

  • 1913 Morane-Saulnier H 3.7 years ago

    @VVMC Ah. I imagine that's either the engine, or the rigging wires. They tend to add a lot of lag, sorry about that.

  • 1913 Morane-Saulnier H 3.7 years ago

    @Tang0five Thank you.

  • Write in the comments what you want to add to this: 3.7 years ago

    Give it a top hat.

  • TEASER TIME!!!! rule Britannia 3.7 years ago


  • Cannon firing sequence 3.7 years ago

    @VVMC It was completed about a month ago. Ive been very busy with the sailing ship- but that's almost done- ive just got to add some clutter to the deck like pumps, lifeboats and anchors and finish the Rigging and it will be done.

  • What mods should i get 4.0 years ago

    Overload, Fine Tuner and the custom paint mod are a must for building stuff.

  • Sopwith Camel (v1.0) Rotary Engine & Custom Prop 4.0 years ago


    I love how you've done the gyroscopic effect of the rotary.

  • Cannon firing sequence 4.0 years ago

    @VVMC Any particular variant? There are several. The main differences are that early ones have canards and latter ones did not.

    I have to give you a disclaimer, My speed while building is oft compared to that of a sloth. And I'm currently working on two major builds, a morane saulnier parasol and a sailing ship. But the saulnier is near completion as it only needs rigging. And as I normally do two projects at a time I'll probably consider it as its been a while since I made a farman style aeroplane.

  • Cannon firing sequence 4.1 years ago

    @SgtRXMT Yes but it fires In what seems like a random order. The first gun to be placed in the builder isn't always the first to fire.

  • MCAS Argus 4.1 years ago


  • There must be a better way to do this. 4.2 years ago


    Yes- and no.

    I'm building a tea clipper for some boat building practice in order for me to make the Dreadnought. And hopefully some day HMS Victory as ive got some very detailed plans of it.

    But my current hull making techniques of building a frame mirroring the shape of what I want then covering it in fuselage blocks has not been working well. It lets me envision the hull shape I want to build, but its incredibly frustrating as it's almost impossible to make it!

    So unless the devs come out with a patch for bending fuselage blocks I don't think I'll finish my clipper- a shame as ive grown quite attached to it.

  • Rotative Beam Engine 4.2 years ago

    @BurkeEnterprise Do what you like, I'm very interested in this VTOL piston concept.

  • Fokker DR-1 Triplane V.1 4.6 years ago

    @Zanedavid No prob, I made one years ago. I remember it was very hard to get it to fly, but that was before the days of fuselage blocks and dead weight settings. Good luck!

  • German WWII bombs 4.6 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot I had planned to finish the German ones as this isn't all of them lol

  • Quick little plea for help. 4.7 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 @CruzerBlade Nvm chaps, I fixed it somehow.

  • Hello again! 4.7 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Care to fill me in?

  • Hello again! 4.7 years ago

    @DeezDucks Nothing a bit of clipping will fix.

  • T1 heavy mark 1 5.0 years ago

    Blimey @blueangelproduction

  • 1:1 Avro-Roe IV Triplane 1911 5.3 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx I've been doing that for 4 years.