43.9k PlanesOfOld Comments

  • Armstrong Whitworth FK-10 4.1 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 Amateurs

  • There must be a better way to do this. 4.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 It would have to be hollow.

  • Balsa Wood Biplane 4.6 years ago

    Looks a bit like an SE5a

  • R.A.F F.E1 (De Havilland biplane No.2) 5.3 years ago

    @Sgtk Thank you very much kind sir!

  • Almost 4 years out of date 5.3 years ago

    @Johawks1976 Yea he left when fuselage blocks were added because it put him out of business. Since then everyone could make smooth looking planes.

  • Problems with Building a Perfection-Class Creation 5.4 years ago

    perhaps I shall do better when I release the other variants

  • Voisin III 5.5 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries Merci!

  • Subscribe to PewDiePie 5.5 years ago

    Subscribe to the Yogscast, Its much better than pewds

  • Type 184 5.5 years ago

    I love it

  • @devs Will article 13 affect Simpleplanes? 5.6 years ago

    Hopefully I shan't have to worry about being prosecuted for posting dank memes when Britain leaves the EU, that is, if we do Infact leave.

  • Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (teaser) 5.6 years ago

    It's a movie theme tune. From the 1965 film 'Those Magnificent Men in Thier flying machines' @Jetliner101

  • Why In The World Would A Builder Put Flaps On Trim? 5.6 years ago

    On the planes I've used flaps on, I've normally used something else on the VTOL control

  • #PrayForJT610 5.6 years ago

    And this is why we need to use seaplanes for air travel.

    It sounds like there was a mechanical fault that caused the pilots to lose control .

    Still no matter how unlikely it would be to find survivors they should still keep looking instead of giving up all hope.

  • The Armistice 5.6 years ago

    @smaug If people forget how horrible those wars were, things like that will surely happen again.

  • The site is as popular as it was over 3 years ago. 5.6 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane cant believe I've not seen your builds, I'm a big fan of obscure and early instruments. If I had used the jet stream I probably would've seen them tho. but I don't use it cause its annoying

  • Can't download a mod. 5.7 years ago


  • THE NEXT FLY-IN: 5.7 years ago

    well if I can download multiplayer (not entirely sure how cause I am an idiot when it comes to computers) I shall try to attend..

    anyone know howto download MP for steam SP?

  • I have a slight problem and need help 5.7 years ago

    Oh I was just about to post about this. I cant upload on PC. And I was about to upload a cool thing.

  • BAC TSR.2 5.7 years ago

    It got everything right except politics :'( what a beautiful plane.

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [36] 5.7 years ago

    @QingyuZhou It wasn't controversial, it was the truth!

  • 1905 Xiphias Biplane 5.7 years ago

    @IlK7 well done!

  • Zogling 1926 5.8 years ago

    @LiamW Yep, it was mainly because you could rate a plane out of five stars and leave a review with it, if someone left a 1 star rating on your plane it was less likely to be on the hottest list. Trolls abused this to annoy and upset people and that's why we have upvotes, also a lot of people got jealous back in the day simply because I was one of the two platinum users so groups of people made loads of accounts and got enough points to leave a review and just one starred everything with their 20 alt accounts. It was tough on the devs because there were no moderators back then so If you had a problem with someone you had to ask the devs to look into it.

  • Sopwith strutter 5.8 years ago


    if you need any help with WWI builds just let me know! I have many cool sub assemblies for WWI planes too!

  • Making a map for cars! Suggestions? 5.8 years ago

    Make the Nurburgring

  • Flight Camp [Day 3] 5.8 years ago

    That's definitely not the most accurate Sopwith camel reproduction ive seen.

  • Hawker Hunter T7 5.9 years ago

    Bravo! You've do this beautiful plane justice!

  • Fieseler Fi 103R "Reichenberg" 5.9 years ago

    ...... The waffen SS officers were ordered to kill themselves if they were going to be captured... So we're whermacht officers. @AvroPilot

  • Reilant Robin 5.9 years ago

    This is the worst and best car of all time haha. The top gear episode was legendary!

  • Lest We Forget 5.9 years ago

    Yes I know it was a protest, and a good one it was, if I was there I would've done the same.

  • Lest We Forget 5.9 years ago

    And it all started with a disagreement over tea... You chaps would be very welcome in the Commonwealth of independent former colonies, That is if you admit pouring a very expensive shipment of tea into Boston harbor was a waste of good tea, even though it may have been for a good cause...
    -From Britain With Love

  • Forgotten Meme 5.9 years ago

    no meme is forgotten

  • Krakatoa is Krakabloa in Real life 6.0 years ago

    Well done Sherlock. You've solved the geographical mystery of the century!

  • UPDATE: Back to work 6.6 years ago

    In answer to your splendid question on WOT Forum (That does not want me to log in) I'm not really playing blitz anymore but I'm downloading updates so I'll see,

  • XVI Portable Steam Engine 6.8 years ago

    You don't. @GermanWarMachine

  • Music Replacer 7.0 years ago

    Skyrim main Theme and Red army choir

  • Tank Body 7.1 years ago

    Depends on what kind of tank you want to make, just start out by making an outline of the size and work from that, just do whatever comes into your mind :)

  • Where is OldColonel? 7.7 years ago

    I am free colonel you were wrong and a bully so deal with the punishment you have been given.

  • Where is OldColonel? 7.7 years ago

    He was IP banned he will not be allowed back. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Where is OldColonel? 7.8 years ago

    Just got tagged by a possible alt of colonel 'planesofoldcolonel' tagged me 8 times... @MediocrePlanes

  • HMS warrior 1860 7.8 years ago

    @CaptBlackadder Well if it isn't old slack bladder!

  • Where is OldColonel? 7.8 years ago

    Twice actually, the first was for my own safety, the second was because I got into an argument with skua (I admit that was a very bad idea) and I may have pushed him a bit too hard toon estimate the colonel issue, he got a bit annoyed and banned me for 3 days. @MasterManufacturing

  • I'm going to be getting a laptop hopefully! 7.9 years ago

    Well mine is technically a 2000 PC that was buffed and completely overhauled in 2005... @SPCWorkshops

  • TopGear's Geoff / Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust 8.0 years ago

    New flopgear is a load of trash, my friend was there in one of the filmings and said it was the most boring thing he had ever seen. The two idiots know nothing about cars, and it's a British program so why have an American there? The challenges are now stupid. Not actualy anything challenging, the audience looks bored and tired and the BBC are using canned laughter, the only good thing about the new top gear is that it shows how good Jeremy James and Hammond were and how utterly terrible these new people whatever the hell their names are. I've been watching that show all my life and it has never failed to make me smile, this is the first time it has failed, in all the years I have watched it. Let's just hope the new Amazon show will be better. @Jackie

  • Where did Deusalgor go? 8.1 years ago

    He lives in the Ukraine, the KGB got him because he was involved in a colas build with a Canadian and a Brit...

  • Modded Guns! 8.1 years ago

    can u mod this gun for me?
    One shot every 8 seconds

    Should be able to destroy bridge

    Needs heavy bulet and slightly lower bullet speed

    Atm it fires one shot but the noise and the muzzle flash are the same as the normal gun because the guy who modded it dosnt have as much experience thus dosnt know how...

    I want it to act like a tank gun and it needs to be able to destroy the bridge. Thats all. Won't take long I don't think... @Rohan

  • Petition to get PlanesOfOld his name back 8.2 years ago

    Bugger off colonel@RadarOReilly

  • Am I stupid for doing this? 8.2 years ago

    I have made an RC hover craft with some fans a bit of plywood and a bin bag it's simple but if you get it wrong things get.... Nasty my little hovercraft ended up at the bottom of a lake after the skirt exploded.... On its 2nd run sigh... 5 quid down the drain almost Litteraly

  • Am I stupid for doing this? 8.2 years ago

    I have heard that going at speed on water is not the most safe motor sport to get into... Sir Henry Seagrave rather ironically ended up in the sea.... Killed in his speed boat trying to take the water speed record back for the British empire,
    I would suggest trying to utilize this fan as a means of creating a ducted fan powered machine, either a model plane or possibly a car, hovercraft more risky, more things to go wrong, a normal boat on the other hand would be good, you could use the fan as an impeller for extra propulsion and make a hull capable of planeing, go for it!


    No he is just your alt account, the thing isn't a scam, you are @TheEvilEmperor
