47.8k Phantomium Comments

  • PzKpfw. VI Ausf. B 'Königstiger' (Remastered) 2.4 years ago

    @CDRxavier oh well this was built more than 4 years ago, back when I couldn't use blueprints to accurately scale things and when I in general weren't as good of a builder as I am now. It's a very old build that I'm not really looking forward anytime soon to update. Even I don't like it anymore but I keep it around as proof of my activity and progress over time

  • AGSRV MA 2.8 years ago

    What map is that?

  • Special 5 years celebration (Vickers Armstrongs type 559 V2) 2.9 years ago

    @GrizzlitnCFSP anytime man, no worries :)

  • TR-55M1 "Zimbru" 2.9 years ago

    @MrGreen that part count tho...

  • T-72A 3.0 years ago

    @Mrfoxus No worries, you can use the model :)

  • Updated new generation! 3.1 years ago

    Coming back to my tank and things you could use: stabilization. I have figured out a formula for the vertical stabilizer that doesn't overdepress/elevate when going on a slope.
    The horizontal stabilizer is still a gyro, but I refined it so that it doesn't lift the tank when sitting on a slope horizontally. It's basically a retarded gyro that, up to 60° slope, keeps your tank on the ground and stabilizes the gun efficiently.
    One thing that annoys me about rotator stabilizers is that they're twitchy. Unlike gyros which are extremely smooth, rotators tend to respond somewhat slower and, therefore, the gun still experiences vibrations, despite keeping relatively close to the stabilization plane. No amount of speed/damper seems to fix this; it's hard coded into the game.

  • Updated new generation! 3.1 years ago

    Also, part connections do impact survivability. I personally try to connect pieces as if they were welded. In the case of casting, they connect to adjacent pieces in a diamond pattern.
    However, just as you said, it's not very clear just how much it impacts survivability.

  • Updated new generation! 3.1 years ago

    Have you ever thought of using Funky Trees for simulating gears?
    That's what I'm using on my tank right now. Basically a huge expression that takes into account the speed the tank reached and then multiplies it by an ever lower coefficient. That coefficient follows an inverse function (aka 1/x) so that acceleration decreases as it reaches its top speed.
    Now, I have to admit, that formula works with the Tracks Mod, but I suppose it should also work for vanilla engines.
    If you want, I can send you the tank and see for yourself what I'm talking about :)

  • Tank/vehicle damage model explanation 3.1 years ago

    Hmmm so, after tinkering a bit with the system, I have come to the conclusion that 1 mm of armor is roughly equal to 12,5 hp.
    Other calculations lead me to think 1 mm = 20 hp.
    Personally, the 12,5 figure seems to be consistent, as 500 hp is 40 mm of armor which seems to relate very well to your system.
    This should make calculating armor thickness slightly easier, although it's still not exact.
    500 hp = 40 mm
    1000 hp = 80 mm
    1250 hp = 100 mm (this was the figure I used)
    10000 hp = 800 mm (this figure should be consistent against HEAT projectiles, not so much KE penetrators...)
    And so on.
    From here on, guns should be adjusted accordingly.

  • Tank/vehicle damage model explanation 3.2 years ago

    Damn. Someone pin this post ASAP.
    I think you did a great job at explaining the concept. I personally understood it right away, in part because I have been exploring this same concept on and off for years but without much success.

  • A mod that would be really cool 3.2 years ago

    @HyperViper I called it Rub al-Khali Pass and it was gonna resemble Sinai. It looks like a cauldron with a railway going through the middle but eventually, I gave up on the idea because
    1. I couldn't find assets
    2. There was no way I could make the railway tunnels back then
    But now that you made this post, I'm kind of thinking about getting back to it... maybe with a bit of help from the community

  • A mod that would be really cool 3.2 years ago

    I am kind of developing one such map, but I've hit that low motivation spot ://

  • Mil Mi-24 SCP-1745: The Phantom Helicopter 3.3 years ago

    I really don't know why but every time I see a Mi 24, my brain goes into negative depression mode

  • Heat Haze 3.3 years ago

    @tucan neither for me. I wasn't seeing the haze... until I realized I hadn't connected the block at all and it was falling off.

  • Heat Haze 3.3 years ago

    It doesn't work for me. Seems to be broken somehow...
    Edit: nvm I'm just plain stupid

  • Phantom's Photorealist ReShade 3.5 years ago

    @tsampoy yes! I think I'll have to fix the links. They were working a few hours ago

  • 20th Century Fox Intro on SP!!! 3.5 years ago

    ebic gemar moment

  • Night Cruise 3.6 years ago

    This has just become my favorite map and, to be very honest, it has somewhat motivated me to revamp my own map. I should take notes from this masterpiece.
    To say that it's very awesome would be severely underestimating its beauty

  • RTX test 3.6 years ago

    @KennethKennethTheKenneth xVladdy#5348

  • My username 3.6 years ago

    Lemme guess, you took a sip of that sweety CH3-CH2-OH juice?

  • Old 1.7 Era Planes I Found... 3.6 years ago

    More like AncientPlanes

  • RTX test 3.6 years ago

    What settings are you using?
    I've been using both RTGI and MXAO but it still doesn't look anywhere near as good as yours

  • Guide: Ray Tracing 3.6 years ago

    Curiously enough, my GTX1060 can do ray tracing...
    [insert hmmm emoji here]

  • POV: You are in a confession room and now must confess the sins you have done in SP 3.6 years ago

    Oh, let me teach you in the art of sinning!

  • This is going to sound strange but... 3.7 years ago

    I identify myself as [REDACTED]

  • Charity Event 3.7 years ago

    @superTT vibing = feeling so well around a person you might as well spontaneously start to vibrate

  • community renders 5 3.7 years ago

    Petition to add this as a planet in SP. Under the ground.

  • I Drew a Plane... 3.7 years ago

    Holy, this is actually a great idea. I could draw an Me 262 or even the Ho 229 for my German class. Much better than those cringe and unbased kids trying to laugh

  • pet the andrew 3.7 years ago

    he protecc but he also pett

  • Replicating tank armor in SP 3.7 years ago

    So, if a cannon has a caliber of 125 mm, does that mean it will do 125 damage? And, if so, if I scale that to 0.2, does it mean it will now do 25 damage?
    Another question I have regards this:
    ExplosionScalar means how big the area of effect is for the round once it explodes.
    Does this affect only explosive shells? From my own tests, it seems so, but I might be wrong.

  • U-Boat Type VIIc Teaser 3.7 years ago

    That interior lighting tho

  • Panhard EBR 105 + 3D style 3.7 years ago

    Oh no, the last place I'd expect the ferrari to be in

  • F-16CJ Block 50 TNI-AU 3.8 years ago

    I really love this thing. With a few adjustments, it became my plane of choice when I fancy some flying. Good job on it :)

  • Gyroless Realistic Stabilizer (2-plane) - Challenger 2 3.8 years ago

    British and doesn't miss a single tooth... something's not alright mate

  • Where did great builders go? PLS respond!!! 3.8 years ago

    Best we can do is go on with life. It doesn't stop here just because a few good builders left. Others will take their place someday.

  • Get Stick Bugged lol 3.8 years ago


  • Regarding recent events around a big user here... 3.8 years ago

    Cheeto man strikes again!

  • He’s gone 3.8 years ago

    As someone who got to talk quite a bit to Bogdan, I can attest to the fact he was (and if it weren't for him leaving, would still be) one of the best builders in the community. His part efficiency was possibly unmatched. His ability to cram so many details using so few parts was his very own ace-up-his-sleeve. In fact, I still have his Strela armored car, as its low part count makes it great as a scale model when making maps. Let's not forget his innovations in a wide number of fields, among which there's also my specialty aka tanks.
    However, as with all people that have ever trekked down this long, arduous road called life, Bogdan had his own flaws, some more prominent than others.
    The few times we got to discuss more intellectual subjects, he would always take a superior attitude, the "I'm right, you're wrong" kind. Personally, I don't have a problem with this kind of attitude so long as you make the other feel like an equal, except in his case, he would make me feel like a complete [insert the word that starts with i and ends with t made of 5 letters here], as if he is the all-knowing, all-encompassing superior entity, and I were the [insert the word starting with s and ending with d made of 6 letters here] monkey that could never grasp basic intellectual or political reasoning. His intent was good, I can assure you of that, but the way he did it left much to be desired.
    I've talked to him countless times about how he takes this game very seriously. And I understand that this game is like no other: thanks to the many, many hours of work the developers put into the game, it became much more than just a game. You can create replicas down to the little bolt keeping together two metal plates. But before all, we must ask ourselves, haven't we forgot something down the road? Oh yes, we did. SimplePlanes is a game. And the purpose of a game is, before everything else, to entertain you. Entertainment comes in many shapes, whether that be creating highly detailed replicas or engaging with the community. The community especially needs to stay young at heart in order to get over what I would call fun drains quicker. The means through which it achieves entertainment are many: memes, funny builds, friendly banter, groups, and so on.
    If you've kept somewhat of an eye on what's been happening recently, you know that he wasn't particularly enthralled with the whole German Corsair meme. He took it very personally, as a sort of insult to the amount of work he'd put into his builds and here come dat boi, with a plane so simple, yet so ironic, and gets tons of upvotes. The art of memery at its finest; not sure Bogdan would agree on that.
    All in all, I think we could call this entire [insert word starting with s and ending with t made of 4 letters here] storm by calling it Bogdangate. And if we could learn something from this episode in our community's history, it would be that good music must also come with a good tone to it; that is, your building skills may very easily be worth nothing if you can't interact with the community in a peaceful, pleasant matter.

  • He’s gone 3.8 years ago

    So for those of you who were here about 6 hours ago, you may have seen that my comment on the situation got pinned. Now, it was deleted, apparently due to the cursing part being "overboard." If one, single, curse word out of around 300 other words means "overboard", then I suggest that person reevaluate their standards. What's interesting is, it's not the OP that deleted the comment; rather, it's someone close to Bogdan.
    Interesting, innit? His name, however, shall go unmentioned; that is, until they wish to make themselves known to the world.
    As for the actual comment, I'll write it as separate.

  • He’s gone 3.8 years ago

    @shipster Can't say I understand that well. I more than surely missed something. As with all things, you can never know everything, nor can you be right all the time. And I've learnt this on my own skin.

  • Junkers Ju EF128 3.8 years ago

    @PieroKH2B Glad you like it! I must say though, it's terribly outdated. I would bring it up to date but I've since lost interest in making planes.

  • I’m so depressed from school bullies 3.8 years ago

    Best way to deal with bullies is to piss on them until they catch fire and they make so much smoke that it starts forming rocks out of it under which you burry these mothafuccas

    But quirky curses aside, could you maybe elaborate on this?
    Like, how do they bully you?
    Why do they bully you?
    Are you the only one being bullied?
    When did they start bullying you?

  • WHY AM I BROWN!!!!????? 3.8 years ago

    Congrats on losing half your rights, if ya know what I mean ;)

  • Li-228 E-5 Dierker 3.8 years ago

    What the actual p h u c c is this?? It looks soooo awfully wrong on so many levels but I'd still fly it over the Channel

  • CV2055 "Winchester" 3.8 years ago

    @painworkshop I did notice the turret tries to stabilize but yeah, the gyro is probably too weak. What ends up happening is, the turret gets stuck on something and starts rotating with the hull after a short period of trying to remain in place.

  • CV2055 "Winchester" 3.8 years ago

    Very nice and all but... this thing is ginormous. Quite literally. While a normal tank is anywhere from 3 - 4 m in width, this one is 6 m wide. Length too seems to be way overboard (16 m vs 10 m).

    Other than that, the detailing is fantastic. I think it was supposed to have a two-plane stabilizer (which doesn't really work) but I'll pretend it wasn't.

  • Tiny tonk [Teaser] 3.9 years ago

    spaghetti launcher

  • AMH.45A5 Thunderbolt -Kitsune- 3.9 years ago

    You just earned yourself a new follower :)

  • Armoured Fighting Vehicle, Tracked, Type 1, Winchester. 3.9 years ago

    Those cheeks look like some juicy TrapshoTs.
    OTher Than ThaT, looks preTTy damn cool.