@RedTrinity i was just playing SimplePlanes and i fly 737 virtually and suddenly my friends on an Aviation Group Chat on Facebook Messenger talked about the Jeju Air crash.
i didn't know that XB-70 also has a proposed civilian variant. anyway do Sukhoi KR-860(tip : try use text label as windows (cabin) to make sure more mobile friendly efficient!)
@MA2211c true... I'm very disappointed to many PTFS players wanted to remove Cebupac livery all because many Filipinos got too much obsession (im a Filipino)
The A350 behind CRJ on the thumbnail ☠️
+3MD-11 and A330 having a kid
+2don't mind the 2nd pic
+2R.I.P to all passengers in Flight 222 and Flight 235
+2detailed plane in only 363 parts? this is cool
+2Airbuski A340ski
+2@NormalCv580enjoyer yoday is sep tem ber eleven
+2honestly better than SuPrA
+2McDouglas Donnell DM-11 SMISS AIR
+2do the old a350 design 2nd design or this older design that nearly looks like an a330
+1dc-9 with some 727 parts...
+1thanks @UziDoorman for the decals
+1@Cloude61193 soon if i have some time to do. bit busy rn
+1dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.. yo plane flying, yo plane flying. big boi come spot yo plane flying
+1@NormalCv580enjoyer i saw u suggest qazedcujmyhn(UziDoorman) the American Airlines livery.
+1Even BMW painted one of their M3 GTR with the iconic blue and gray in NFS MW M3 GTR
+1@RedTrinity i was just playing SimplePlanes and i fly 737 virtually and suddenly my friends on an Aviation Group Chat on Facebook Messenger talked about the Jeju Air crash.
+1C-130 wannabe
+1Feririiriri e Lambergamber? Fiririiririri Fiririiririri e Bagatata
+1"Catch our smile"
-Pacific Southwest Airlines
+1i didn't know that XB-70 also has a proposed civilian variant. anyway do Sukhoi KR-860(tip : try use text label as windows (cabin) to make sure more mobile friendly efficient!)
+1@Lovelydr34m for A330-900
+1@CaptZachSP for Cebu Pacific livery
@masotan15 for Philippine Flag label
Russian A330☠️
+1n = ni-
+1best counterpart of Reignsupreme's CHINA AIRLINES A321NEO
+1@EmpireofWrightIsles deadly*
+1ahh yess... C-17's sibling
+1that one van added in Gran Turismo 7...
+1Thumbnail kinda inspired from @qazedcujmyhn
+1As a Filipino, THIS IS 100⁵⁰ % APPROVED
+1so relate💀
+1Thank you for upvoting and enjoying my work😁
+1do EVA 777x and 777-300er
+1@Lo9483 which a320? the sharklet or their classic small fence winglet?
+1@RedTrinity actually i also did Asiana a330 with accurate livery
+1the a400m China Airlines concept livery reminds me of Turboprop Flight Simulator livery mod
+1TuRboPrOp FLiGht SimULaTOr
+1another accurate Asiana livery. nice
+1I saw 2 Luftwaffe A400M once landed at my airport and i didn't captured 😭
+1@MA2211c true... I'm very disappointed to many PTFS players wanted to remove Cebupac livery all because many Filipinos got too much obsession (im a Filipino)
+1Isn't this the (aurigny airline operated) plane involved on an UFO sighting
+1@CaptZachSP honestly I started watch the series just cuz of this livery and i usually saw on YT.... honestly i enjoyed it
+1@LJh1 Minecraft plane
+1Mein Krafpt flugzeug
+1sadly all of their A330-200 being retired. i saw the B-16312 with the new livery.Tag me in your next post