69.3k MintLynx Comments

  • Simple Race Tracks 3.5 years ago

    I have also experienced the collision issues addressed by Zoomzoom999. Those dark spots really kill the enjoyment of racing through the track with their bumps.

  • FM-K Marauder 3.5 years ago

    Overall the engines and ballast engines are great! Only thing this should have is neutral buoyancy. Replacing the buoyancy with a more customizable set through either in the form of a smaller buoyant block (which uses more than 100% buoyancy) or a hollow fuselage. Both will let you set the buoyancy precisely by the decimal, which is important for submarine buoyancy. Something to note for any future submarine! I think you can make something good with that bit of advice!

  • Roma 3.5 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini Either this is some Plat Master's alt account or this person played for hundreds of hours without ever making an account till recent.

  • Untersee Boot Type VIID (U-Boat Type VIID) 3.5 years ago

    A Mine laying submarine, now that's something you don't see everyday! Also a free diver too, and it works really well in that aspect! Front hull is quite rough in its construction but then again that kind of building is quite hard to do with operable torpedo doors. Great to use with the new ocean mod! There its torpedoes won't disappear.

  • Ocean 3.5 years ago

    Another neat feature! Weapons won't disappear at any depth with this mod!

  • Announcement of the Russian RP server at Discord: UPDATE 3.7 years ago

    I wish you luck running this thing! Rp servers have a bit of a reputation for crashing and burning, so I hope you all can do well with this and have fun!

  • Why your builds are not getting more upvotes 3.7 years ago

    UtsuhoReiuji, giving us all the answers.

  • Delta class ballistic missile nuclear submarine 3.7 years ago

    Not bad, a nice simple look that captures the general appearance. I like how the missiles pop out of the water before their engines ignite and they go toward the target. The engine seems to stop working when this thing submerges too deep though, and the torpedoes get stuck when launching. But otherwise good sub.

  • TrollShield 3.7 years ago


  • Design theft 3.8 years ago

    Mig-31 is based on the Mig-25....which came out in 1970....

  • He’s gone 3.8 years ago

    I can't believe this...

  • Richelieu Battleship 3.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick I'll consider trying that one out, thanks!

  • Steam Tank 3.9 years ago

    Interesting method to the propulsion, making it need a moment to build up power to get moving. Also the visuals are quite nice!

  • Kamov Ka-27 3.9 years ago

    @Mitchellwi So that the enemy submarine will end up like the unfortunate victim of a Taco Bell Dinner.

  • This Concept can change how you play Simple Planes. 4.1 years ago

    Changing missile Damage as a thing will require one thing be removed from the game. In my experience explosive weapons (missiles, bombs, explosive shells) seem to completely bypass any forms of damage protection.
    Neither high health points, partcollisionresponse=false, nor anything I've seen seems to protect even the largest builds from getting one hit even by a puny Air-to-Air missile! Explosive weapons have a cheat for their damage that needs to be removed, replaced with proper, numerical damage.

  • Undo Button Bug 4.1 years ago

    In my experience the Undo function is so capricious that it's better to just save often and reload when you mess something up. It'll either undo multiple steps or even inexplicably redo something.

  • Submarine Kit 4.1 years ago

    @Bismark Free to use! That's why I uploaded them, keep in mind they're made for a more advanced method of making submarines, so be prepared to make careful adjustments. Also watch out for glitches, these are very powerful wing based engines.

  • Alfa Class Submarine 4.1 years ago

    @Rougeclone The Red October itself is a Typhoon class, but an Alfa Class is present within the story, the Konovalov.

  • Moderator announcement: Successors (description) 4.2 years ago

    Makes sense to be honest, not saying everyone's post needs to be a highly descriptive one with screenshots and all but people should at least list what a thing they upload does whether it be their own build or a successor.

  • Soviet 56"Kotlin"class Destroyer 4.2 years ago

    Very nicely built ship you have there! The weapons work pretty well too, although I'm not a fan of having steering set to the same control as the turrets, kinda makes it difficult to aim unless stationary. But otherwise great build! The visuals are for sure second to none.

  • [TEASER] AMP Suit From Movie "Avatar" 4.2 years ago

    0:30 "Undestroyable"

    0:52 Well, the main body's intact so I'll give you that.

  • RPK-1 Vikhr Nuclear Rocket. 4.3 years ago

    @DalvinCurrie2006 And it can technically be bigger, there's no limit from what I can see :) It's probably the easiest way to make something that'll crash a computer possible.

  • Auto Bomber 4.3 years ago

    Awesome Cruise missile there! I like how it flies over top the target, drops the wings and dives straight down. You should totally aim higher with this concept! See if you can't make something that'll target from isle to isle!

  • Banana Boat 4.4 years ago

    Simple but clean and attractive design.

  • Nukes are now possible! No Nuke mod required! 4.5 years ago

    @SuperSix Because some people just wanna see the world burn...in spectacular fashion!

  • A Guide to Building Free Diving Submarines 4.5 years ago

    @taisakun In case you haven't found this

  • What Happened To SLRP in Relative Detail, As Seen From Owner's Perspective 4.5 years ago

    Good God, this reads like the script for a Down the Rabbit Hole episode. As if my impression of SP Roleplay wasn't poor enough, I'm sorry to hear you went through all that. It's absolutely insane how people can act in an activity that's first and foremost supposed to be FUN.
    Take all the time you need man, binge watch a show, hang out with some people, play some other games, a break is exactly what you need!

  • I-400 Class Submarine 4.5 years ago

    @lastv801 I might build one of the japanese subs that launched midget subs at some point.

  • Barbel Class Submarine (New submarine propeller) 4.5 years ago

    Oooooh I love this! :D That propeller looks awesome! And interesting engine there!

  • New Submarine Needs help Dont Ignore! 4.7 years ago

    I have Aspergers and ADD alike, and I figured out how to make my subs on my own. I made my submarines with ZERO help. All I did was take what I learned mainly from willy1111's submarine, made it work with a better engine, advanced and refine my technique over time. randomusername couldn't be more right, you need to deal with your failures and figure out how to overcome them. That's what I did, I've had several failures and problems in making my submarines work. I kept at it, figured out solutions, and have gone on to make the subs you see from me now.
    You're not going to get anywhere expecting other people to do the hard technical work for you. If you truly want to make submarines, you should be willing to work things out yourself. If you're not, and trying to figure it out is 'boring' to you then perhaps submarines aren't for you and you should set your sights on something simpler. If not that, stick to the simpler piston method commonly see.
    Submarines of this kind are a more advanced kind of build, you're not going to just make one within a few hours until you've fully familiarized yourself with a reliable method. If you're unwilling to put the work and trial-and-error into it, you should stick to something simpler, maybe build something simpler than submarines if you can't figure pistons out.
    Think about whether you truly enjoy the building process. If you don't, consider building simpler. That's my final word, so stop asking me.

  • 1.9 Suggestions. 4.7 years ago

    XML Options for explosive weapons are my biggest want alongside the features of WNP78's mods. The ability to modify the explosive power and radius of bombs, rockets, even missiles would be a HUGE addition. Plus options for changing the color of explosion would be nice as well.

  • Complex Submarine 4.8 years ago

    Awesome! About time I see something you from you. Works just as well as that beatles reference, only with some improved visual design. The weapons are a nice bonus too!

  • Ideas for 1.9 and up 4.8 years ago

    With WNP87 on the dev team, I think he should implement the XML options for his Nukes mod into the default explosive weapons (bombs, rockets, even missiles!). A section known as 'Warhead' where numbers for explosive radius and power can be adjusted. Maybe even add a 'Mushroom Cloud: False/True' or a similar option for those that wanna make nukes.

  • USS Nautilus 4.8 years ago

    @thefalkenreich @Nobodygood @AstonMartin145 Perhaps sometime later on ;)

  • SPECIAL EDITORIAL | The SPW, with Awsomur [43] 4.8 years ago

    I remember that android! Glad it's still up and hasn't been taken down due to whining brats. Also your word against the corporate media gives me huge respect for you.

  • HLS 1989-1 4.9 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Next he should make a ship with 5,678 parts!

  • USS Croaker 4.9 years ago

    @randomusername Thanks! Not to brag but I have gotten good at building with fuselage blocks. DesignerSuite also helped, alongside the blueprint which was a massive pain to find.

  • USS Croaker 4.9 years ago

    @Gameboi14 The dot that is the key to skipping past my long descriptions.

  • Surcouf Cruiser Submarine 4.9 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Alrighty then

  • Community City (Revived) 4.9 years ago

    Ooooooh one of these.

  • What's your favorite song 4.9 years ago

    Here's a few, nowhere near all but a few...
    Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
    War Pigs - Black Sabbath
    Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
    Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
    Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls
    Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
    Tool - Parabola
    Incubus - Drive
    Hard to have 'a' favorite song when your tastes stretch along rock and metal from the 60's to now XD

  • MP May 18th part II 4.9 years ago

    I honestly find the jankiness of MP collisions hilarious. How one person can get obliterated while the other is completely unharmed.
    One time when I took my Surcouf out to MP someone collided with it on my screen sending it flying over 1000 feet in the air, largely unharmed, while their plane flew around on fire. The funniest part was, on their screen they didn't even hit me! XD

  • DesignerSuite 4.9 years ago

    @WNP78 Great job on the update! From what I can see all the issues with the attachment editor seem to be ironed out and it is a joy to use!

  • The Ironclad 4.9 years ago

    "The" Ironclad, a bold but well deserved name. This is not only a very well detailed build but a very functional and (most importantly) fun one! It's quite well armed with plenty of explosives to lob at your enemies.

    Tons of little details including rivets, lifeboats, the use of a rocket for the smoke stack, and the muzzle blast effect for the guns! Also nicely colored as well, with the bronze of the cannons and anchor contrasting well with the greys to give it a very rustic 1860's look. Overall, love this!

  • I-400 Class Submarine 4.9 years ago

    @randomusername Oh yes, though this thing has gun turrets, fully functioning control surfaces and ballast control, the hull is a part I'm especially happy with! That's partially since it redeems the lackluster work I did with the U boat.

  • New Smartphone 4.9 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Of course not! Given the large size and decently high part count it's not a bad test.

  • I too, am leaving. 5.0 years ago

    Now that's a cool reason to be leaving, flying planes for REAL! Have fun man.

  • XFA-36 Game 5.0 years ago

    Oh my gosh yes! Simply built yet elegant, also flies really well as long as you use mouse control. The custom camera's pretty awesome as well!

  • Kirov-class Nuclear Battlecruiser Frunze 5.0 years ago

    Turns out my newer laptop actually can run this! With a decent but playable amount of lag. And it's quite the beautiful ship. Wonderfully detailed and armed as well as any ship of its kind should be!
