2,269 Mickk Comments

  • Star Liner 3.0 years ago

    @Louisianaboy2021024 @5k meters, best speed is around 1060 knots, in other words, well past super sonic speeds. Pretty quick for an airliner.

    Her 'sister ship' Peacemaker is capable of twice that at the same height.

  • TriJet 3.0 years ago

    Not quite, but yes, kinda inspired by that plane.
    It's been a long time since anyone has commented on any of my aircraft. Thanks!
    Have a look at some of my other planes, they can be a little surprising.

  • (Fixed) Automatically Leading/Locking Multirole Turret 3.1 years ago

    That's very interesting. I have a.... lets call it a space ship (Star Wars) that can use this, as long as I can find a way to make it fit. It is very much a WIP and a couple of years old now (I've been out of the game), but it's flyable. Fairly sure I uploaded what I'm talking about. *goes to check

    EDIT: Yep, it's been uploaded. It's a ISD II and was a very ambitious project for me to take on at the time. It's quite large(!!), but I think the turret would be ok in place of the main turrets alongside the central tower.
    I'll have a look at that soonish, even though I'm on holidays, I have a buttload of stuff to do in RL. lol

  • Accidental upload 3.1 years ago

    I doubt people will steal it, but there is always a chance.

    Most of the legit builders here would look at it and leave it alone.

  • Bomber Challenge - Mickk's Entry 3.1 years ago

    @TrojanAircraftSystems Np and thanks. Thought I'd let everyone see what I made for the challenge.

  • Smol Ame with a Gun 3.1 years ago

    LOL, just.... LOL.
    Ame needs to see this in action.

    Downloaded it, had a play with it.

    Totally useless as a plane, but FUN!

    Needs pantsu. lol

    EDIT: Made a short movie and uploaded to Youtube.
    Link ---> Video link

    Did not do a new post, because I don't care if anyone actually watches it lol

  • Bomber Challenge (Challenge Closed) 3.1 years ago

    My entry. Decided to not enter the Peacemaker Mkii.
    Built a new one from scratch.

  • Bomber Challenge (Challenge Closed) 3.2 years ago

    @TrojanAircraftSystems Ok, good. I'll retrofit the 'bomber challenge' cockpit to it, if I can remember how and see if it breaks anything on the aircraft. Seems like every time I change anything on it, something stops working. :p FYI Peacemaker Mkii. I'm going to tweak a few things on it first tho.

  • Bomber Challenge (Challenge Closed) 3.2 years ago

    Question. Will you be fitting the weapons or do we have to fit the weapons?
    Also, I have an aircraft that fits the bill and has been recently updated, can I enter that or would you prefer I make something from scratch? Are custom weapons allowed? My building skills are more than a little rusty, so it's taking longer than I expected.

    Edited. One question answered already D'oh!

  • Peace Maker MK ii 3.2 years ago

    It's been so long I forgot to add a proper description. D'oh!
    So here it is.

    Controls as per usual.
    additional controls;
    1 = Parachutes
    2 = Start/Stop 'Ram Jet'
    3 = Open air to air doors and active AA mode
    4 = Open air to ground and active AG mode
    5 = Airbrakes
    6 = Retro Jets (added to make this beast stop)

    Having not flown this for a very long time, I forgot how well it flies.
    It will take off and fly on low power settings (20% thrust!!)

    Things added: extra set of ailerons, reverse thrusters, fixed Ram Jet air intake, it should work all of the time now ( I hope )
    There is a lot of XML stuff going on using Overload.

  • Big Gun 4.9 years ago

    This has a little problem.
    For some unknown reason, when you try to go up rapidly, the nose goes up a bit, stops for a fraction of a second, then goes up a bit, rinse and repeat for as long as you hold the up control.
    Everything else is fine, it rolls nicely, maybe a little too fast even and is steady as a rock in level flight with a little trim.
    Any ideas on what causes a plane to do that?

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 4.9 years ago

    @AtlasSP Well then, that is much, much earlier than I expected.
    Also, Real Life stuff is more important, so it is all good.

  • Wright tech : Falcon fighter 4.9 years ago

    I like the way it looks, some thought has gone into that and it flies OK as well.
    Surprised by lack of landing gear, but it got off the runway without damage.
    This an air launch only people! :P
    edit: NP, @Axartar.

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 5.0 years ago

    @AtlasSP Yep, a new Thunderdome.
    Not right away of course, it takes some effort to put them together and do the video work after all.

  • Finals | Thunderdome III 5.0 years ago

    I'm waiting for the next one to be announced.

    With the quality of the builds in this one, the next one could be rather interesting.

  • TriJet 5.0 years ago

    Hmmmm..... interesting.
    Compared this to my version and found..... no changes that I could see.
    What to do, what to do.
    If anyone else can tell me just what has been changed on this to make it different, tag me.

  • Dogfight: Thunderdome III 5.0 years ago

    Looks like we have a bunch of good planes again this time around.
    Excellent fight 8 vs 9 too, it shows that the AI will NOT give up while it still has an aircraft it can make fly.

  • Bandit Run Challenge - BR-2 5.0 years ago

    My entry.

  • M-Prototype 5.0 years ago

    The original ship is the Marauder , a web page with a nifty rotating image of the beasty can be found behind the link.
    The M Prototype only has a passing resemblance to that.
    There are many, many other ships displayed in the same fashion, so if you run out of ideas, try making one of these!
    Just kidding.

  • TriJet 5.0 years ago

    Been a little busy due to work (and TIRED, long days when you have to catch public transport due to parking issues).
    Added to that, the idea factory in my head doesn't seem to be working properly at the moment and you can see why there haven't been many offerings from me recently.
    There is something I'm kinda sorta working on though, but it is taking it's time coming together, it isn't coming out of my head in one piece, but in dribs and drabs.

  • Adult Doll 5.0 years ago

    Personally, I think you would have to be just a little desperate to see anything but a female robot here.
    The only reason I'd see it as anything else is the comment in the info section.
    But then I see things differently from a lot of people and that often gets me into all sorts of trouble.

  • NotALightning 5.0 years ago

    Yeah, I work, I'm ancient. :P
    I do this to relax and keep my mind working.
    You need to think to come up with stuff that people have not seen before, or very often anyway.
    Also, uploaded new version. I like it, the colour looks good on it.

  • 8 Turbo 5.0 years ago

    Funny that, a total coincidence. I did not realise that it worked out that way. heh

  • 8 Turbo 5.0 years ago

    There are EIGHT actual turbo prop motors there, just the drive areas overlap so they don't explode all over the place.

  • NotALightning 5.0 years ago

    No, the one I'm working on is still being worked on.
    I might have it done tonight, but there is a chance I won't have it to the point where I'm happy with it before I need to sleep for work.

  • New sail 5.0 years ago

    Hmmm, a HP/WR of 0.04?

  • F-16 Fighting Ducc 5.0 years ago

    Love the way this looks.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    Well, a lot of my propeller driven aircraft also carry missiles, but that does not mean they will be allowed here.
    The final decision lies with @EchoWhiskey11 and @AtlasSP , so I'll leave it to them.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    Well, if past 'parts' + propeller driven challenges are any example, I would say that missiles are not to be used.
    Also knowing @EchoWhiskey11 just slightly, if they were allowed, I think it would be in the rules.
    Just saying.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    /yoda on
    Read the rules you have?
    Guns only you must use, yes.
    /yoda off

  • Dogfight | Thunderdome II 5.0 years ago

    Number 7 was flying VERY oddly.
    I think I know what was going on there and I'm not sure it was fair to the other competitors.
    However, if the person who designed it to do that could do it, other people will eventually be able to figure it out.

  • Stunt Bird 5.0 years ago

    It flies too, at least as well as the Ducc.
    To make it an attack bird, put weapons on it. lol

  • Stunt Bird 5.0 years ago

    Have a random bird.

  • Konosuba reference 5.0 years ago

    Megumin would love this, but say she could do it better.... and she could! :P

  • Dual Boom WEAPONS (bye bye beast) 5.0 years ago

    Not bad, I guess.
    Most of the weapons would be usable, but I can see problems with the Cruise missiles, unless you are flying upside down when you launch them, or maybe flying downward slightly.
    Otherwise, launching them could cause a mess. heh

  • Mega Ducc 5.0 years ago

    The strangest airc..... flying thing I've seen here for quite some time.
    Points for giggle factor. lol

  • Dogfight Tournament Round 1 Results! [with screenshots] 5.0 years ago

    Woo! Made it thru to round Two!
    Looks like I took some damage though.

  • The Slow Plane 5.0 years ago

    Working on something that is a little slower, just for giggles.
    I may even post it.
    Currently 76 mph top speed and not falling out of the sky, mind it deosn't exactly take off either.
    You sort of run it off of a convenient cliff and cross your fingers that it becomes stable before hitting the water.

  • The Slow Plane 5.0 years ago

    I know.
    It is about as fast as a Spitfire at the same height, maybe a little faster.

  • The Slow Plane 5.0 years ago

    About 270 mph at 10,000 feet.
    *takes the slow plane to work

  • Flying Shoe 5.0 years ago

    'Why use air brakes instead of the conventional method?'
    I hear people ask.
    For some reason, placing rudder surfaces on the upright (close to 90') surfaces makes the aircraft roll.
    The bigger the rudder surface, the faster it rolls.
    This is instead of it yawing properly.
    I did not want to add a rudder (more like two, for the symmetry) because it would have messed with the look, even more than the cockpit/engine pod area does.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    Entry uploaded. ;)
    Oberon MK II
    If there is something wrong with it, let me know what it is and I'll sort it out.

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    @AtlasSP If you are talking about the Forward Swept Spitfire, no, it's not, although it could be.
    I would just need to swap out the cockpit for the Thunder Dome III one.
    The one I plan on entering is 'waiting', all I need to do is put the TDIII cockpit on it and upload it.

  • Wonder Widget 5.0 years ago

    Some random info on the wings;
    The curve on the end of the wings is made from *LOTS of wing sections, made as small as they will go, then XML edited to 25% of normal width.
    Each one is angled in 4' steps.
    *Troll counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, Many, many 1, many 2, many 3, many 4, LOTS. /Discworld off lol

  • Thunderdome III 300 Part Prop Shot Out 5.0 years ago

    Yep, fair enough.
    I looked but I couldn't find any lightened parts.
    Pretty much the only parts I ever lighten are engines and I checked them and they were full weight.
    My entry is basically finished, but I'm going to wait until it is a little closer to fight time before uploading.
    I retro-fitted a couple of extra engines and while they look a little odd where they are placed, they do the job.
    On a similar note, have a look at my latest thing.
    Forward Swept Spitfire
    I wanted to make something that looked a tiny bit like a Spitfire, but had that mad wing on it.
    I need to try harder on the body. lol

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia 5.0 years ago

    @BoganBoganThe Man
    Well, it is not going to happen.
    For some reason my computer is going 'Thou Shall Not Pass!!!' as soon as start to add the wing sections.
    Le-sigh. Can't win them all I guess.
    I'll have to think up something else crazy to do.

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia 5.0 years ago

    Heh, check out my latest upload and you will have an idea.
    I'm basically going to strip the wings off and replace them with a swept wing.
    The aircraft I uploaded flies remarkably well for what it is, but I think your aircraft will do some amazing things with a similar wing.
    I'll take some time doing it though, I want them to look like they are supposed to be there instead of just something stuck on.

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia 5.0 years ago

    I'm going to do something horrible to your Spitfire.
    I'll let you see it before I upload it to the public, if it works out.
    With any sort of luck it should be quite interesting.
    By the way, I test all of my fighters vs this in dogfight mode, if they can beat it they move on to the jet fighters, but they have to win 2 out of 3 first. ;)

  • Frontwards Winged 5.0 years ago

    Not bad.
    Is it your first forward swept wing plane?
    I have a little experience with them.

  • Frontwards Winged 5.0 years ago

    Downloading because it has forward swept wings.