5,954 Maximum777 Comments

  • 1969 Chevy K5 Blazer 5.9 years ago

    Wooooooo best upvote count yet, What I think I'm going to make next is a rally truck, mainly I want solid alxe suspension with sway bars but idk anyways thanks for the upvotes!!!

  • Sulper Scale Crawler Chassis (3 link panhard and 4 link with realistic steering) 5.9 years ago

    About finished with the first body for it, the Chevy Blazer's looking nice so far!

  • Sulper Scale Crawler Chassis (3 link panhard and 4 link with realistic steering) 5.9 years ago

    I plan to make a lot of different things with this, I plan to lift it, extend it and make many different bodies for it

  • MMClassic MT 6.0 years ago

    ya, The only real issue I've found with 4 link in this game is that the links aren't ridged enough, they can flex and stretch it rather pull apart allowing the axle to sometimes get stuck in werid positions, but I'll see what I can do, scale details will be key I think, It's less of making the vechile work but making the vechile look good, work and have suspension that doesn't spontaneously combust is the challenge. Anyways I'll see what I can do, but should I just use this chassis and re shape it back into crawler form or should I start new, I'm thinking start new, what do you think?

  • MMClassic MT 6.0 years ago

    @LiamW ya, that's auctualy what it started out as, the links we're longer and it was auctualy really good but once I saw the potential for a real MT I had to make one and it turned out great, I'll make a rock crawler tommorow for sure, how does a scale rock bouncer sound?

  • MMClassic MT 6.0 years ago

    Ok, quick thing for what ever reason the left flipper panel seems to be stuck, remove it and it's rotator and then mirror the one on the other side over by it's rotator and take the backwards letters off pice by pice and it will be fixed, otherwise just mirror the vehicle on the right side, reconnect the wheels to thier correct engine and it will be fine, when I was testing it before the upload it seemed to be fine but regardless if the left panel isent working just do as I said, regardless it will definitely be fixed in V2 of this vechile.

  • MMClassic MT 6.0 years ago

    So the backflip location is in proving grounds to the right of where you spawn and it is the steepest ramp thats below the top right corner of the grounds if where you spawn is the bottom. If this makes no sense, you'll figure out something eventually, oh and the flipper is a little hard to use but it works as long as it's not damedged.

  • Spin Tires 4x4 6.0 years ago

    My favorite pic out of the 3 profile shots is Definitely the front view, it looks awesome, don't you agree?

  • Overly Simple Crawler 6.0 years ago

    Jesus, didn't expect so many comments, I really just made this to test this suspension out, my friend download one of my first vechicles and he hates how it flies apart, so I wanted to see if I could fix the main point of breakage, which I accomplished, but in the process of removing the unnecessary suspension pices that were on my old 8x8 what I noticed is that a lot more strain is put on the center link, and I understand it's nothing close to 4 link but it is much less laggy (for my friends device) and I seriously did not go for perfection. I talked with my friend and sent him this vechile to see what he thought about the suspension improvments, I just tried to improve on an old desgine. Also if you look at my rock Rey v3 it has an overly complex 4 link suspension on it, so if your coirious I'll Link it if you want but it's 11:20 on a school night so I need some sleep, I'm really thinking of building some crazy and hopefully roubust 4link suspension now though. Anyways night, and I'll see what I can think of.

  • Overly Simple Crawler 6.0 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade, it's a crawler, built stupid simple, therefore you go over like 30 mph and it flies apart, never said it was specifically strong, just said that it's simple and there for it won't crash people's games like some of my vechicles do.

  • Broken plane 6.0 years ago

    I'd say make horizontal and vertical stabilizers bigger, check and see if the drag has glitched out EX: right wing has tons of drag while the left one doesn't have any. And possibly add nose weight as a nose heavy plane is better than a tail heavy one.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8, Best suspension yet! 6.0 years ago

    , so I took a look at that Lockheed twister and we'll just look at my other vechicles, I see independent suspension and what looks like rocker biggie, I made a full rocker bogie crawler and it worked really well.

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8, Best suspension yet! 6.0 years ago

    Controlls: Pitch = forward and reverse, Yaw = steering, Break = break, Steering in air = right to roll counter clockwise, left to roll clockwise, Forward/Reverse in air = pitch up/pitch down. Break in air = will make the vechile pitch the opposite direction it is moving once it goes off the jump, EX: if the vechile is pitching up, break and it pitches down, and vise versa. ENJOY!!!

    (This one took forever to tune and build)

  • Sway Bar suspension 8x8, Best suspension yet! 6.0 years ago

    So... The um... The whole discription didn't fit in the... Ya, I'll re state the controlls since thier cut off.

  • Jump-Step Unlimited Off Road Racer V1 6.2 years ago

    The Skip-Step Unlimited is this desgine's little brother, it's lighter and a has a little less power but it's still drives great.


  • (410 MPH) On Road car V1 Speed 6.5 years ago

    Also um... Yay this think does top out at 410 but you have to be at the car island to have enough room to get it up to full speed. So if you do test it at an airport just know there might not be enough room to get to 410 mph.

  • Jeep Rubicon V1 6.5 years ago

    Btw this one took a good 2 to 4 hours to build and perfect so it should perform great, if anyone finds any problems please bring it to my notice so that I can fix it in V2, also tip for if it is causing a lot of lag, turn shadows and reflections either off or down some, also the lights can cause some lag spikes so just keep that in mind and you should be fine.

  • Losi Baja Rey V1 6.8 years ago

    Also, the holes in the front are for proper suspension travel, It dosent work with out them, believe me, I tried.

  • Losi Baja Rey V1 6.8 years ago

    Btw this thing lags no matter what on a mobile device so, yay, you've been warned.

  • Mrico thing that works (surprisingly) 6.8 years ago

    @Shadyslendie ok

  • Mrico thing that works (surprisingly) 6.8 years ago

    But it's not a quad now

  • Mrico quad V2 6.9 years ago

    @DOX yay,thats what I meant, I don't use it so don't know what it's called.

  • Mrico quad V2 6.9 years ago

    Well, yes it's smaller but you used the that fine tune thing, I didn't, and for it to fly well it has to expand, and even then it still has fairly crazy vibrations. My point was that mine was the smallest quad anyone can build, with no mods or add-ons, out of plain old vanilla blocks.

  • I win! smallest vanilla quad copter EVER!!! 6.9 years ago

    @CALVIN232 ok, I use Android, idk if it's different on iOS, the only thing I say is a rule is it does have to fly well and be easy to control and it has to have 4 props to be a quadcopter, anyway good luck and have fun with your build.

  • I win! smallest vanilla quad copter EVER!!! 6.9 years ago

    I managed to land it on top of one of the air race pylons in sky park city. This thing is amazing!!!

  • Rock Rey V3 6.9 years ago

    Oh yay, and it use to have 4 gallons of fuel!!! That was my mistake, but now it has a lot more so fule shouldn't be a problem.

  • why simple planes was called simple planes 6.9 years ago

    @helilover03 Yay, the engine's this plane was made with no longer exist, I believe they were called the large propeller engines.

  • A Vanilla BG Helicopter! 6.9 years ago

    Yay, I feel they made it almost too easy to make a helicopter or a drone now, It can be done with out a single mechanical pice now.

  • A Vanilla BG Helicopter! 6.9 years ago

    Oh yay and if you curious the tale rotor is functional, and it's what gives it yaw control, not a hidden gyro like everyone's going to think.

  • A Vanilla BG Helicopter! 6.9 years ago

    Ps. 55% throttle is about a hover.

  • Traxxas Bandit XL-5 6.9 years ago

    Hope you like it smilemore13, I made it as close to the real one as I could.

  • Traxxas XMAX 6.9 years ago

  • Traxxas XMAX 6.9 years ago

    @SmileMore13 I can try, I built this one randomly and decided it looked kinda like an X-MAXX, I didn't try to make it look perfect, an example of trying to make it perfect is my new Losi Rock Rey V2, its almost photo realistic. Anyway I will try my best, be looking for it tomorrow, and depending on when you read this I mean Tuesday.

  • Losi Rock Rey V2 6.9 years ago

    The coolest part is the rear suspension blocks, I accidentally made them angle in perfectly when it's spawned in, I couldn't believe how well it worked seeing that it is completely vanilla.

  • Drae's Custom Gavrial D 6.9 years ago

    @TopGun132 btw I do know he hasn't played it almost at all, but who knows, like I said it's probably way too much to ask sense he doesn't play it anymore, but just maybe he'd take a second look due to the fact that he played it a long time ago and SP has had some updates sense he's played it, he might just take another look at what the games become. And if he does, this truck would show him the whole car end of the game, it would be perfect, but I do agree, he doesn't like to check out old games, he likes to keep his channel fairly freash and would moast likely not check it out, point is, it would be cool if he did but I dought he would.

  • Drae's Custom Gavrial D 6.9 years ago

    All credit for the idea and the quote goes to Draegast's channel cited here: https://www.youtube.com/user/draegast

  • MMClassic 6.9 years ago


  • My Best Suspension! 6.9 years ago

    I'm dieing right now, the 3 default black and white screen shots from the top and the side almost don't fit the creation!!! Lol.

  • My Best Suspension! 6.9 years ago

  • Explorer av8 6.9 years ago

    @Andymack14 the first section, my earlist suspension collection, is now out, check it out!

  • My Best Suspension! 6.9 years ago

    There is much more to come!

  • Explorer av8 6.9 years ago

    @Andymack14 ok, great! I'll get to that asap. I have 3 main types and like 10 varations of them used in lots of random cars, I'll do my best to find them all.

  • Explorer av8 6.9 years ago

    Would you like to see a collection of all of my best suspension? I've been thinking about doing that.

  • Traxxas XMAX 7.0 years ago

    And yes this is an extremely mobile friendly build!

  • Simple Motorcycle V1 7.0 years ago

    If your curious version 2 is now out!