2,992 Krikkit42 Comments

  • F-35B VTOL system showcase 1.1 years ago


  • F-5 Tiger II first teaser (it sucks) 1.2 years ago

    @DarDragon Who are the other two?

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 1.2 years ago

    Holy moly. This is all I could ever ask for!

  • SAH-13W Whirlwind 1.2 years ago

    @LlamaIndustries It's anything BUT an Apache. But if you're out for references, it's practically a Cobra with landing gear instead of skids.

  • SAAB F-39E Gripen NG 1.2 years ago

    Very pretty and accurate build but … how in the world do you not crash this thing when trying to land?? It’s so … agile. 😵‍💫

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C 1.2 years ago

    Absolutely beautiful! It’s the perfect level of detail and realism to go with and SP build. You truly ACEd it (again)!

  • AlphaJet test flight 1.2 years ago


  • (25k special) HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) 1.2 years ago

    @IdnManufacturer that explains my phone checking out 😂

  • (25k special) HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) 1.2 years ago

    Phone says no to saving it to my SP collection. Damn shame, looks awesome!

  • Lockheed NF-104A 1.2 years ago

    Very pretty model with some inaccuracies (BogdanX mentioned the split tailplane). Also, the flaps seem to work in reverse since you actually included wing parts in the moving fuselage parts. This doesn’t work in SP. Either use tiny (hidden) wings with regular control surfaces as flaps or add moving wing parts front of the CoL. Otherwise it won’t work. This way, flaps come down, plane wants to descend instead of increasing lift. Not how it works IRL. Having the leading edge flaps work separately by using trim also seems like an odd choice, since they usually either are automatic or work in conjunction with the trailing edge flaps (not sure which is the case for the F-104).

  • Simple MiG-21bis 1.3 years ago

    That target locking system is friggin awesome!!

  • F-86D Super Saber 1.3 years ago

    @Robomo00119 fair enough. I’ll keep my eye out for more. ;-)

  • F-86D Super Saber 1.3 years ago

    @Robomo00119 Why stop making an F-86 replica half way and make a semi-fictional one with a confusing variant nomenclature and an even more confusing fictional back story? I don’t quite get the approach.


    @Falkenwut , that seems fair, thanks for specifying!


    @Falkenwut I’d like to go more into detail on this: since cannons seem to be a substantial part of this philosophy, it would only seem natural to able to modify the vanilla cannon so as to simulate an appropriate rate of fire, impact damage and overall „feel“ (as we all know, the wing gun and minigun are not particularly good at either). What’s your take on that?

  • F-35B WIP showcase 1.3 years ago


    That’s gonna be a beauty to fly!

  • YF-23 'Black Widow II' 1.4 years ago

    Shape‘s perfect, flies well. No go for some more detail :-). I’d love to this fully fleshed out - like, imagine if the YF-23 had won over the YF-22. Would’ve been one sexy super fighter!

  • Early Cold War fighters Challenge (CLOSED) 1.4 years ago

    @FlyingBathtub I share these concerns. Also: editing of guns (cannons) is essential to get realistic rates of fire and calibers. The 600 rpm takakakaka of the default wing gun ain't gonna cut it. Most post-WW2 aircraft machine guns and cannons had rates of fire around 1,000 rpm already. A few exceptions existed, of course (Soviet NR 37, etc), but those were large caliber aircraft cannons. So again, I believe XML modding cannons is essential for this challenge.

  • Maxwell 1.4 years ago

    @ZeroHours SP community at its best ... or worst ... in a nutshell.

  • **JUST A PLANE 2** 1.4 years ago

    @MrOofington … well, sorry I misread a joke. Then again, it didn’t exactly say „joke“ in the headline. Kinda hard to tell these days when everyone‘s being sarcastic all the time.

    Let’s all calm down now.

  • Owl 1.4 years ago

    Classic 1950s WWII jet bomber 🥸

  • **JUST A PLANE 2** 1.4 years ago

    Sooo ... is "just a plane" gonna land sometime soon? In any case: T!

  • Cessna 185 Skywagon 1.4 years ago


  • 30 part challenge 1.4 years ago

    @AdmiralGelvain My guess is: when the challenge has ended (post 30 Jan.).

  • MartinByrde T-2 1.4 years ago

    @MartinByrde Yeah, SP is tricky that way. It’s sometimes enough to save your build, go for a test flight and then upload it without saving it again. Bugs will happen, some are hard to control, so don’t sweat it. Everyone understands. ;-)

  • MartinByrde T-2 1.4 years ago

    Another cool little gem. Again: very smooth controls and great flying characteristics. One little thing occurred to me: the rudder seems to be stuck (at least when I downloaded and flew it first). It required changing some faulty connections and reattaching it to the hinge rotators. I assume the tail wheel is supposed to actuate with the rudder?

    Besides that: I really think you should keep the color choice for your original creations. Really makes them stand out plus you already got your own little ‚brand’. Maybe call it

    „Byrde Aviation“ or „Byrde‘s Flight“

    … or something Iike that. 😉
    Anyway, keep up the great work and come check out my builds if you feel like it. I’d appreciate your feedback as well, since you obviously have a knack for making controllable planes.

  • Soviet Jet (First Airplane) 1.4 years ago

    @MartinByrde It really makes me happy to see this becoming so successful so quickly. Goes to show that true effort is indeed rewarded and the SP spirit is still alive and kicking.

  • Soviet Jet (First Airplane) 1.4 years ago

    Brilliant and impressive work! To be honest: I can’t get most of my builds to fly this smoothly. Cool design as well. I think, we’ll be seeing a lot more from you. I, for one, am looking forward to that!


  • LTV A-7B Corsair II [25 Parts Challenge] 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 $£%¥ plen. Gotta flesh it out at some point.

  • Panavia 200 Tornado IDS ASSTA 3.1 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 Oh ja!

  • [RD Cockpits] FA-18F Super Hornet -Blue Angels- 1.4 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy You win the comment section! :-D

  • EC-121 Warning Star 1.4 years ago

    @MentallyDistorted Thanks!

  • I have reached 100K points after all 1.4 years ago

    Congratulations, mate! Incredible progression in terms of output, hosting challenges and improving your build quality! Cheers

  • EC-121 Warning Star 1.4 years ago

    @MentallyDistorted I see. I went ahead and looked into it … looks like I fixed it. I removed the left main wing (the actual airfoil - not the cosmetic one) and mirrored the right one to take its place. Reversed the flap on the new left - et voila! No more auto-roll :-) Here you go, in case you wanna update your XML: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/lv87nd/Lockheed-EC-121-Warning-Star-auto-roll-fixed

    So it was simply a glitch. Not your fault at all!


  • EC-121 Warning Star 1.4 years ago

    Beautiful and rare! Though I have to ask: is anyone else experiencing rather heavy auto-roll to the left?

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 183 Huckebein 1.4 years ago

    @WinsWings No problem. I thought I‘d mention it before it goes unnoticed. But yeah, glitches can truly be weird in SP. I’m having the same issues on one of my older builds and they occur each time I change something and save the build. Guess we’ll just have to live with that. :-)

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 183 Huckebein 1.4 years ago

    Great build! Just some quick notes: the elevators seem to be stuck due to faulty connections (they need to be connected to the hinge rotators only and those need to be inverted). Similarly, your ailerons are synchronized, meaning: they both move in the same direction (solution: invert the right aileron’s hinge rotator and you’re fine!).

    I really like how your builds are improving and especially the use of fuselage parts for the wings is a major step up!

  • A-10C THUNDERBOLT II 1.4 years ago

    Whenever I’m scrolling through this/last year’s top rated builds I come back to this one and I wonder how this got so many upvotes? I mean no offense, it’s a very decent build, even really good in certain areas. But what caused this to be upvoted so disproportionately? Is there some kind of algorithm involved I’m not aware of?

  • MiG-21bis in 30 parts 1.4 years ago

    Thanks for all the updoots! I realize a MiG-21 ain’t anything special in SP terms but I feel like there aren’t a lot of super simple ones that actually look the part. So that’s what I went for.

  • F-16C Viper 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 Classic and classy at the same time. To me, this is what SP is all about.

  • LAM Fighter (50 pts or less challenge) 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 Ha! Now I see it too. Totally!

  • ACAS Project (Advanced Close Air Support) WIP! 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 Got it. That’s why I thought it was clever. ;-)

  • ACAS Project (Advanced Close Air Support) WIP! 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 I dig it. Whenever I get around to polishing this one up, I was gonna call it the „Boeing A-21 Invader II“ (as an Hommage to the WWII-era Douglas A-20 Invader), but your idea is actually quite cool!

  • F-16C Viper 1.4 years ago

    @Gabriel747 Got it

  • F-16C Viper 1.4 years ago

    @Gabriel747 What?! It’s only been about a month since the F-22 update. I’d be thrilled to be pumping out superior quality builds at a rate like that! Also, I‘ll argue that it’s well worth the wait every time.

  • F-16C Viper 1.4 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 This is one of the coolest, yet most subtle symbiotic relationships here in SP! Looking forward to the cockpit.

  • TERN J.2 Texan II Düsenbomber 1.5 years ago

    The hell, am I missing a huge in-joke here?

  • Aerobatic Plane Challenge [CLOSED] 1.5 years ago

    Also: challenge accepted!

  • Aerobatic Plane Challenge [CLOSED] 1.5 years ago

    Looooots of 99-part builds incoming! ;-)

  • Dassault Mirage 2000-5 1.5 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle I see what you mean, although my perspective is limited in this regard, since I’ve never played DCS (or flown a fast jet IRL, for that matter). I also noticed the „bobbing“ when pulling lots of Gs, which probably shouldn’t occur in a fly-by-wire jet like the Mirage 2000. However, I don’t find this to be particularly bad, even on mobile controls. I just pull back less hard on the stick and it turns just fine. Anyway, I do see your point. For me, personally, flight performance is good enough.