7,043 KriegsmarineZerstorer Comments

  • Among us Character 3.7 years ago

    I was at Medbay.

    literally just came out of electrical-medbay vent seconds before body in electrical was reported

  • Neu Projekt: Sturmstürmer [OUT NOW!!!] 3.7 years ago

    @Bernkastel @BagelPlane the intake is from the viper, while the wing config is from the rafale

  • Hello! Im new! 3.8 years ago

    @LePetitMarseillais says the guy with only 4 points xd

  • Ft help just some stuff so I can make a gunship (ac-130 style) 3.8 years ago

    also, set both "min" and "max" properties of both yaw power and pitch angle to 0. not really FT formula but hey, works pretty well ngl

  • Ft help just some stuff so I can make a gunship (ac-130 style) 3.8 years ago

    get a gyro, use the built-in overload mod, set a desired ag for gyro, set the stability and speed between 10-75, set both the "min" and "max" property of the roll gyro to -1, and set desired roll angle in the built-in designer options (not the overload options). recommended roll angle is between 20-50° depending on plane size and weight. if the guns on your gunship are mounted starboard (aka to the right of cockpit), use positive 1 for "min" and "max" properties

  • FREEEDOM!! 3.8 years ago


  • Everyone with fictional Nations! gathered in! 3.9 years ago

    Ight imma be a private military contractor corporation for this

  • DHC F/A-990 Corvo 4.0 years ago

    @Seeras thank you, good sir! it is sincerely appreciated!

  • WW2 Luftwaffe Bomb set 4.0 years ago

    Ah yes,


  • Poyasakai CUH 165t1 Helicopter 4.0 years ago


  • DHC F/A-99R Schwarzevogel 4.0 years ago

    @masotan15 Greetings!

  • B-1 Tapir 4.0 years ago

    @Nobodygood Well that's cute.

  • SB 190 A-1 "Fliegende Schlange" 4.3 years ago

    flüche im deutschen privatflugzeugkonzern

  • SimpleLandia Roleplay Rules and Guidelines 5.0 years ago

    @DeidaraEnterprises But, what is the standard map for usage, the map of the Earth? Or just a custom map?

  • Multiplayer 5.0 years ago

    yo, im available at around 9am-3pm pst at may 18. im playing in pc and maybe we can use this ip recommended by dereksp: . k bye

  • Arbiter Ar-33 Rose 8 months ago

    @Rocketguy2079 id say su-47 with trapezoidal wings

  • FurWings Challenge 11 months ago

    i am deadass waiting for submissions so i can list them in my entry

  • Airplanes of the future challenge one year ago

    you know the rules, and so do i

  • Darkhound Workshop A-01 Genesis one year ago

    @FlirBlitz i forgor to ping for evaluation

  • Darkhound Workshop A-01 Genesis one year ago

    @lewishasnoiq for the war challenge united, pinging for evaluation

  • make it much more cool (challange) one year ago

    @RECAPTHA you know the rules, and so do i

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 1.4 years ago

    would simpleplanes be renamed at some point too? tbh it doesnt feel "simple" anymore and im fine if the same happens to SP

  • Navy Challenge [CANCELLED] 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav bruh to which country is snowstone allied with

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav the most important of these are:
    Charlie Walters - Ensign of the Royal Wright Navy, younger twin sister
    Charlotte Walters - Großadmiral [Grand Admiral] of the Schneestein Bundesmarine [Snowstone Federal Navy], older twin sister
    Gerda Schneider - Seniorstabfeldwebel [Senior Staff Sergeant] of the Bundesmarine Militärpolizei [Military Police], close acquaintance of Charlotte

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav wdym highlight you

    also take note that in my last post, Admiral Arkinburgh questioned why their valuable Ensign and another country's highest-ranking navy officer has the same surname

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    ". . . A camera, Ensign Charlie. What is it inside this?"
    "Inspector Gerda, Older Sister. I was part of the Wright delegation as one of the country's secretaries for their Ministry of Transport, during the "cancelled" peace talks. One thing I noticed about the military personnel on the island, is that they banned both local and international press from entering the general vicinity of our talks."
    "That's. That's suspicious, Admiral Charlotte. Why would they do that?"
    "Then what does that have to do with this camera, Ensign Charlie?"
    "Admiral Charlotte, this holds the truth of what really happened behind those closed doors. I was there to witness it, and this was in my hand to record all of it."
    "Mein Gott, was zum Teufel!? WHAT THE FUCK!?"
    "Oh my God. They killed everyone. They killed, everyone."
    "Haaa. . . It's a miracle I'm even here. Even though I think playing dead is a braindead fool's tactic, it somehow saved me by the hair of my skin."
    "So those assholes massacred defenseless delegates, including a country's PRESIDENT OF ALL PEOPLE and plays the victim card!?"
    "Inspector Schneider."
    ". . . I'm, I apologize, Admiral."
    "You're not the only one in rage. Rear Admiral Fritzgerald must have felt the same. Even I do."
    "I used to be retired as Master Chief Petty Officer of the Royal Navy few years back. Now, I'm back again and they made me Ensign for my valuable escape and for my spotless service record."
    "Inspector, have this video duplicated into our archives. President Pranab has to see this. We need to stop focusing too much on the defensive and start building offensives."
    "Jawohl, Admiral."
    ". . . Charlotte. . . I'm. . . I'm scared. . .""
    ". . . Come here, Charlie. . . I'll be here for you. I'll keep you safe, you won't die. Not under my watch."

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    the patrol boat of all time part 2, now commissioned by the snowstone navy
    front view + overall dimensions
    rear portside 3/4ths view

  • Navy Challenge [CANCELLED] 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav righto, time to lead a navy once again

  • Navy Challenge [CANCELLED] 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav within two to seven days, itll be from snowstone

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    "-and call is recorded. Mic test, can you hear me, Admiral Arkinburgh?"
    "Yes, loud and clear, Rear Admiral Fritzgerald."
    "Good. Snowstone has joined the battle, give me a good reason why we should side with Wright."
    ". . . I know we declared war first, and Krakabloa is officially stating that they're acting out of self-defense. But, we have footage from a Secretary from our Ministry of Transport."
    "I'll, watch through it, as we talk."
    "This is taken November 3rd. The day a peace talk between Wright and Krakabloa was to held in Island FKY-18, as we designated it."
    "Didn't the Krakabloans stated that day that peace meetings between them and you are cancelled, with you Wrights instantly declaring war against them the day right after?"
    [Footage shows: Krakabloan delegation leaves the meeting room. Silence. The walls suddenly burst with shrapnel as gunfire fills the air. The Secretary holding the camera screams "GET DOWN!!" once, as they promptly dropped to the ground. Everyone else in the Wright delegation dropped down, as corpses instead. Armed men storm the ruined doors of the room, and the hold of the Secretary goes slack.]
    "Mein Gott. . . Was zum Teufel. . .?"
    "The reason they're denying anything that happened is that both local and international press are banned from the island, providing no proof that the Krakabloans indeed started this war. We simply retaliated when we declared war against them."
    "Where is your Secretary now? Did she make it out?"
    "Secretary Walters played dead for five minutes straight, and she waited ten more minutes after the murderers left before she got up and made a run for it. She used to be a Master Chief Petty Officer for the Royal Wright Navy before she retired and ran for politics, which landed her as Secretary of Transport. Walters is back now that we're in war, we had her promoted to Ensign, and she will be one of our first choices to negotiate further with Snowstone."
    "Hold that. Did Wright's Admiral of the Navy-"
    "Yes, Admiral Wellington allowed disclosure of this information to negotiate with Snowstone."
    "Then, since the Admiral of the Royal Navy has allowed this, I will return the favor by passing this on to Grand Admiral Walters. Be on standby for further talks between us."
    "Yes, Rear Admiral. Out."
    ". . . I wonder, why does that hardy fucker Charlie have the same surname as Snowstone's Grand Admiral?"

  • Navy Challenge [CANCELLED] 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav countermeasures allowed for patrol boats though or also not allowed?

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav cant wait for the day snowstone comes in for wrights side

  • Royal Wright Navy Unit 1.5 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes long tons literally convert to hundreds of thousand pounds wdym

  • Navy Challenge [CANCELLED] 1.5 years ago

    @Aarav another question, can patrol boats mount small aa missiles

  • The future and fate of my builds, and profile? 1.5 years ago

    @TylerWildDog It's been a good flight with you, Tyler. Happy hunting.

    Sincerely, Charlie

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 1.5 years ago


    Operation Death Bloom

    Two squadrons consisting of the new Ar-33 Roses would be dispatched to the area of operations.
    Squadron Anna would consist of ten Roses, mounting missiles strictly for anti-air to provide air superiority and escort for the other squadron. Squadron Yelena would consist of eight Roses provided with strictly anti-surface missiles and bombs, providing protection for allied aircraft from Maywar anti-aircraft and air support for friendly infantry.


    The mercenary air force both in frontline and reserve forces now consists of the following:
    - 91x Ar-10 Azraels
    - 47x Ar-26 Abaddons
    - 18x Ar-33 Roses and counting
    They are all under Soviet General of the Air Force Stugna Velekhosheznov's command and can be mobilized at his will.
    However, any Soviet military personnel or planned operation that compromises the units of the Service via sabotaging [REDACTED] equipment and finances, inciting mutiny, imposing unnecessary and/or excessive risks on Service personnel and equipment, [REDACTED] Private Services holds all rights and reservations to not oblige to commands of the Soviet military on the tactical level, and either constrict ties with the Soviets or outright sever them altogether in the strategic level.

  • Arbiter Ar-33 Rose 1.5 years ago

    @StugnaATGM pov: you stole files for a new plane from a soviet design bureau but they know of your espionage and threaten assassinating you

  • Arbiter Ar-26 Abaddon 1.7 years ago

    @Something5353 "I am sorry NATO, but the Geneva Convention does not apply when the Free Bird riff starts to play."

  • Arbiter Ar-26 Abaddon 1.7 years ago

    @CrimsonSquadron soviet edition be like: what has capitalism given us?

  • Arbiter Ar-26 Abaddon 1.7 years ago

    @StugnaATGM this one, is a dedicated attacker, air to air is just a secondary function of this

    i already got an operation primarily operating these heavy bastards posted at the original challenge post

  • Halcon J2 1.7 years ago

    comically long starfighter vs obese fishbed

  • Arbiter Ar-10 Azrael 1.7 years ago

    @StugnaATGM i tested it, it has this weird box thing that follows after
    also i added number designations and tweaked the radar display, finna wait for this to get recurated

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 1.7 years ago

    @StugnaATGM hey stugna, can i get a link to the shipboard aa gun you built in the last challenge? im gonna copy the codes and variables in it so i can use it for a particular project im working on

  • Arbiter Ar-10 Azrael 1.7 years ago

    @teddyone02 no, obese rather
    its shorter but a lot heavier

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 1.7 years ago


    Operation Hellfire

    Tactical airstrikes will be commenced on the Gourclet Heights where enemies are known to be stationed, for a period of five days to three weeks depending on the ratio of new aircraft procured to the aircraft lost in this operation.
    Sortie Complement:
    Two squadrons, four Azraels each, each carrying six Graytell bombs and two ADRA-M short range AGMs.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 1.7 years ago

    @StugnaATGM can we make custom guns, gonna hit em with a 30mm auto

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 1.7 years ago

    @lewishasnoiq bootleg a-10 coming in for their support

  • War challenge: World at war (CLOSED) 1.7 years ago

    @SIRCOMMANDER031 more like an anti-hero
    her cause is noble but her means of achieving her ends start to be borderline immoral, and then cross over to downright criminal and vigilante

  • War challenge: World at war (CLOSED) 1.7 years ago

    Glynda K. Dresden

    [Kriegsmarine Generaladmiral]
    they took everything
    where i was born
    where i was raised
    there is no hope for humanity
    but mark my words
    when the perpetrators of this pointless genocide are found
    i will be their executioner
    god is dead
    so are my morals
    the world has gone to hell anyways