25.3k Kendog84 Comments

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    Figured you may be interested in this:)

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    Found a way/mechanism to force the AI to switch back to cannon!

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    Hey, made the AA gun work at last. (Finally decoded the demo, lol)

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Thank you!:D

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Aw... Oh hey look, there's a brown spot on the bench!

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago


  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Totally, hehe

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Thanks, always appreciate your compliment!

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Thank you!

  • ACP-8 8 months ago

    Love the design of the vehicle!

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    It is alright, let me know if/once you upload the video:)
    And yeah, we could really use it.. but with the announcement of the final update (being a minor one), I guess we can only hope that we'll get it in the possible SP2, and maybe get even more creative with the existing stuff in the game.
    I have some builds on the line, that will sort of help us make pseudo missions (including mobile). Would be really great if we can just make some custom missions though. Just basic IFF/team settings and the ability to choose what to spawn where would allow us to do so much more.

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Right, sure, it's
    X/long 5721,
    Y/alt 71,
    Z/lat -5331

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    If you can't download this, or if it's too laggy, let me know. I'll create & upload a lighter version.

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Hi, finally finished & uploaded the airbase target!

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 8 months ago

    Thanks. I have a bit more clearer picture of the thing now.
    I suppose you've tried Ku's KGB 3000 and other weapons? It'll help me if you can tell me how you want this to be different from the Ku's KGB 3000.
    I think I may be able to make it fire-and-forget capable if it's strictly for stationary targets. With a proximity detonation fuse which may or may not work.

    But if it's for moving targets also, player will have to keep a lock on the target.
    Let me know what you think.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 8 months ago

    Hmm. I need more details to know if it's feasible for me or not.
    Here's some questions:
    1. Are they each intended for the player or the AI?
    2. Do you want them to be basically like a 'kamikaze aircraft' (without the carrying plane), that flies towards & tries to crash into the target, or do you want them to be weapons separate from the carrying aircraft?
    3. Can you clarify the meaning of "drone swarm"?
    4. Why do you want them to be an FT controlled guided weapon(s)? I ask this because if it's for the AI, I don't see a point in using this method aside from the fact that it (FT controlled weapon) won't give a missile warning to the receiver.
    As far as I can tell, it's not possible in this game to simultaneously attack multiple moving targets with a guided weapon, even with a coords based FT weapon. It requires target coords to make the thing fly towards the target, and you can only get one set of coords at a time due to game limitation. If it's all stationary targets, you can, in theory, first select each as a target (only possible for the player), manually store the coords of each of them using some sort of memory device (you don't need to have their coords updated every second, unlike with the moving targets), then use/assign each set of coords for each bomb or missile to make them fly towards all selected targets--I'll be clear, honestly this is way beyond what I'm willing to do (or can do to be frank) at the moment, even if it's actually possible.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 8 months ago

    Sure, I'll see what I can do. I'm not good with FTs (I can't do math) though, so keep your hopes low for now.

    Anyway. Can you tell me hat kind of plane this is gonna be for?
    I had an idea for something potentially similar for an AI torpedo bomber, with a auto-releasing torp controlled by target distance and relative headings (havent tried, not doing it anytime soon).
    If it has to just point/fly in the direction of the target, I might be able to mod rexzion's FT used on this build to do that. But I certainly wont be able to make it lead the shot or anything. Let me know what you want this thing to do.

  • Automatic braking wheels (for tanks) 8 months ago

    It's a cheese, just has higher-than-average metal content... and might break your teeth or two

  • UPS Truck [Davy Crockett Cargo] 8 months ago

    Excuse me, my package is damaged her-- Oh, I- I- Uh, never mind, it's fine. Thank you very much, have a nice day!

  • Need help for custom tank track and some teaser 8 months ago

    No prob, and here's an example:) Thanks for asking me by the way. I could use something like this myself, and this just pushed me to make it.

    I have a detailed explanation in the aircraft instruction.

  • (Probably not) The First Ever Recorded Naval Battle (against a player built AI ship) 8 months ago

    Use as in, use it in/as a basis for your build (& upload)? If you have the link to it, you can use it:)
    Just give me the credit for the part I made.
    If you don't have the link I'll upload the thing later (not sure if I can immediately)

  • TV-guided bomb AGM-43 "Mike" (auto/manual guidance) 8 months ago

    That would be cool!

  • Refuel station proof of concept 9 months ago

    Nah, I haven't done anything with the idea. I still think it or a working refuel station would be a cool thing to have, though. Got any new idea for it?

    Also, have you checked DarDragon's KC-10 by the way?
    It's a bit tricky to work with, but it works. Really cool proof of concept.
    I think with some modifications, you can make it maintain a certain altitude, follow you, and circle over you when you are landed. This way you don't have to spawn the thing everywhere you go. I have my hands full to do anything with either of these at the moment, but I think these are both worth pursuing as player-build techs.

  • Big-O 10 months ago

    Big Respect

  • (Probably not) The First Ever Recorded Naval Battle (against a player built AI ship) 11 months ago

    YT description coppypasta
    You hear those peashooters?

    Yeah, those.
    They are supposed to be 12cm guns.

    Here I present you (probably not) the first ever recorded Naval battle in SimplePlanes history against an AI ship (=player built aircraft).

    I'm doing these mock battles (in fact just started doing it) to see the problems and "bugs" that I have to squish.
    Need for some kinda horizontal stabilizer for one thing. Ship rolls left to right when hit (yes, those peashooters do have a lot of impact force), and that really messes with the aim. I don't want to watch them shoot each other for 10 hours before one come out on top. And you don't either, do you?

    We need to
    -Shorten battle time (ie we need them to sink faster).
    I have some possible solutions, but they all come with a downside.
    1) lower hull HP
    --ship becomes vulnerable to other kinds of attack, such as torpedo. And I wanna implement torps)

    2) increase cannon (impact) damage
    --giving more energy to the shell will make the roll much much worse. This will also make them physically push the ships, which looks (looked, I tested) really weird and unrealistic. If you increase ship's mass to counter this, it then messes up rotators, and turrets will become really wobbly.

    4)Add a tiny bit of explosion damage
    --No. explosion is weird and can't be controlled unlike impact damage.

    5)Increase rate of fire

    6)Fight closer to each other
    --Also viable.

    Combination of "lower HP" "Higher ROF" and "Closer shooting distance" may be the way to go. At least these are the ones I like.

    -Buoyancy based damage model ship
    -Auto aim for the guns
    -Bot Activator Missile (AI airplanes start using guns once they fire or run out of missile)
    -Some love (aka blood and guts and other gross stuff we convince ourselves that we have nothing to do wi-)

  • (Probably not) The First Ever Recorded Naval Battle (against a player built AI ship) 11 months ago

    Destroyer hull (base) was provided by ShiroNeko.
    Auto aim & bot-uses-cannon-thing-missile were stole- I mean borrowed from winterro's USS Langley. This is a test/demo footage of the buoyancy based ship combat concept.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Thanks:) Yeah, more the merrier!

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Haha, thanks. I still barely know anything about FT or coding in general. Most of the stuff on this plane were borrowed from other people's creations. (Credit in the desc!) But even when you can't write codes yourself, you can still make new things if you can combine them in a new different way, so there's that:)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Try spawning it again with Aggressive AI (one that attacks you or other AI), not the Default one.
    They have 'range' and 'field-of-vision' also, though, so these could also be the reason why it didn't work for you.
    Range is a distance which these fighters intercept other planes. If they see a plane flying very far first, they probably won't attack other planes that are closer to them until that first plane is destroyed (This is how the game is coded, so I can't change that). You can change this distance. (Read the description for a guide, there's a part about "Interception Range")
    Also, AI can only see like, 180 degrees to the front--unless someone attacks them first. I can't change this either, but they fly in a circle when they have no target, so if there's a plane flying somewhere, they will probably see it eventually.

  • Swarming AI fighters! - "Interception" (tech demo/music video for AI interceptor build) 11 months ago

    I was happy that I ended up with some of these cool/usable shots, as I was filming the footages without much plans.

  • Swarming AI fighters! - "Interception" (tech demo/music video for AI interceptor build) 11 months ago

    That might be too high of a praise, but thanks! lol

  • Swarming AI fighters! - "Interception" (tech demo/music video for AI interceptor build) 11 months ago

    Supposed to be MiG-17, but they are pretty close:)

  • Swarming AI fighters! - "Interception" (tech demo/music video for AI interceptor build) 11 months ago

    I don't plan to build a squadron type thing for these, but you don't really need it to populate your airspace with them.
    You need to either create a bunch of custom spawns on the runway, and/or use the landing-gearless air spawn version (link at the page top of Land Spawn version) and use "Default" air spawn.

  • "Do you feel lucky, punk?" - If-else loop, Ammo Counter, and Autoloaders 11 months ago

    Is it possible to assign infinite number to the repeat function, so the stored value never changes based on time?
    I'll have to learn how loop/repeat function works first (which I have a vague understanding of it. I think) to really understand what's going on here, though. Not familiar with it yet

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    Thank you for the comments, upvotes, and highlights everyone! :)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I'm not sure, but I suspect it won't. Check out SimpleCheats II for more info.
    If the part has the XML parameter, you can add the parameter and change the value. If it doesn't, game just won't save the texts.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I don't have a plan to build an F-86 model anytime soon, but as for the fighting each other part, it's not possible to make them do that unfortunately.

    The way these Interceptors/MiGs are built, they don't attack each other because they can't. They are considered "dead" in the game, and because of that they can't see each other. If I build a Saber using the same techniques I used for this, it will basically join the MIGs and attack other "live" planes. Only the player can actually "see" these and fight them. For now, we just have to ask/wait for team-assigning feature.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I have a couple other mobile-friendly-like things in my WIP limbo, hopefully I can get them out by the.. end of this year. lol

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    Thanks lol
    I probably wouldn't have come up with this if it wasn't for your telling me that some months back, so I just couldn't not mention that. Same goes for others I mentioned, too. Wouldn't have been possible without their stuff/ideas.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I'm not familiar with ship building let alone carriers in SP (at all), but I think you might be able to improve on-deck handling by changing the traction values of the aircraft's wheels (you may have to use resizable wheels). I think I might have some info on that on my M103 page, have a look there.

    Here's a note I took before. It may not be 100% accurate, so I recommend you do some research yourself. There were some discussions on this site.

    SimplePlanes resizable wheel
    extermum - lower the value, less slippy
    asymptote - high the value, more grip
    Damper (shock) - lower the value, bouncier it is. Higher the value, less bouncier (looks stiffer)
    Spring -
    If the value is too low, wheel will have harder time going over obstacles, even if the wheel looks large enough to cross it.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    It's not on my agenda but feel free to give it a try:)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    About the plane?

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    It's in the variable setter, which you can open via "(x)" icon at the bottom of the screen.
    You'll see a lot of texts (variables) there, but ignore them and scroll down to the bottom. You should find one that says "IntcptRange" with "55000" to the right. That's the interception radius (in meters, so 55km). Just change the number and save.
    (Just be careful not to delete or edit other variables there)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    I know. We just gotta ask/hope Jundroo implements an actual team assigning feature at some point. Imagine all the things you can do with it.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Of course!
    If/when you upload it, let me know, I would love to see it:)
    (Also...You don't have to, but if you could put a link to this somewhere, that would be awesome.)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Thank you, glad you're having fun with it!
    Target marker thing was a necessary compromise I had to make to make them not shoot each other, but it did inspire me to be creative with it (like the aggro/neutral-mode light thing & contrail to make them easier to find)

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Thanks!:) Hope it inspires people to come up with other cool uses for these

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I will collect a coin (whatever minimum unit of local currency) from every SP player. I'll be rich