11.5k JesusChrist Comments

  • Noclip 1.8 years ago

    The cool thing about following everything that breathes is that you can always be the first to upvote anything.

  • Any page about rank/point-related badges? 1.8 years ago

    0 points is nothing.
    101 points is Bronze, what you have.
    1001 points is Silver.
    5001 points is Gold, what I have.
    25001 points is Platinum.

    These give you nothing, they're just slightly different colors for the square next to your name.

  • HOW TO AVOID UPVOTES 1.8 years ago

    I tried this on an alt a few months ago, I made an ugly plane, didn't test it, didn't make a description, zoomed so far out you couldn't even see it, and then reposted it as a sucessor 10 minutes later. Yet it still got an upvote.

    Why? Because of the one point you missed:

    ∞) Do not, under any circunstances, tag u/BeastHunter.

  • Futuristic Fighter Jet 1.8 years ago

    Why does everyone care so much about useless points? Why not just play for fun instead?

  • Welcome to the Hunting Grounds.. [TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    Rare footage of airplane who was the prey

  • When your WMD physics experiment goes wrong 2.1 years ago

    One time i managed to fling the USS Beast away by firing a cannon shell at it at the speed of light. Fun times.

  • 24 hours worth of points... 2.1 years ago

    Each page has 24 posts
    You have 10 full pages of aircraft posts plus 2 more planes
    24 x 10 = 240, 240 + 2 = 242
    Each aircraft upvote gives you 15 points (assuming none are from curated posts)
    Before the e v e n t i upvoted 3 of your posts, so that leaves 239 left.
    239 x 15 = 3,585 points
    240 posts... no wonder so many people gave up towards the end lol

  • How Come SP Still Doesnt Have This Feature ? 2.1 years ago

    There are more important changes the dev should make, like fixing the mirror and undo buttons.

  • Waking up in the morning be like 2.1 years ago

    It took almost an hour to upvote everything lol

  • Gud Pln 2.1 years ago

    git 'gud' may not be a git command, but it sure makes for a great plane.

  • Is there a men’s month? 2.2 years ago

    [Insert [this comment was removed by a moderator] here]

  • Come here 2.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER That won't work, there's only one way.

    opens inspect element with malicious intent

  • After my last plane i’m leaving the community 2.2 years ago

    @Phoebe He wants attention, unfortunately for him, no one really cares about a toxic bronze player leaving.

  • Why?( 2.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER How to get mods on mobile:

    step 1: Open google maps
    step 2: Find the nearest store that sells pcs
    step 3: Use your phone to get an uber to the store
    step 4: Buy a pc
    step 5: Go back home, install simpleplanes and enjoy the mods that no one uses

  • [PINNED] Useful Links 2.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Pinned posts should look very obviously different like in most other forums, maybe a yellow outline and a pin symbol to tell you.

  • F-91 'CrappyPhantom' 2.2 years ago

    @T8flight The original Webdriver Torso was a youtube channel made by google to test out video quality.

    The one i'm talking about was an alt account made by me to test out some things, when i was done with that i decided to make a forum post giving out my password with the description "I'm curious what will happen". The thread slowly descended into chaos and it eventually got to the point where there were at least 5 people talking to each other on the same account, editing the bio and even eachother's comments, it was hilarious.

    Unfortunately, someone deleted the account and the forum post went with it, i kinda wish i had changed the password before that happened.

  • Jundrorian 2.2 years ago

    Season 3 leaks confirmed

  • Reality can be whatever i want 2.3 years ago

    @X99STRIKER Maybe the reality stone doesn't actually change reality and can only create illusions.

  • why is there 0 parts 2.5 years ago

    How to make your plane undetectable on radar: don't make one in the first place

  • I was unbanned 1.7 years ago

    What was the ban time, 30 days?

  • SP rotation physics are balls 1.7 years ago

    @IMULAerospaceIndustries Why should a tiny block spinning produce enough force to flip something with tens of times its weight? Imagine you entered your car, and it flipped upside down when you tried to turn the key.

  • reminder 1.7 years ago

    Posting modified versions of things other people made is usually fine so long as you don't bypass the successor system.

    I would recommend that you still credit the original maker of the plane on the description though, since sometimes the system can bug out.

  • Ukraine Tag? 1.8 years ago

    Doesn't Ukraine use planes originally made by Russia? I think the tags are meant to say where the plane was originally created and not who uses it.

  • T to be tagged 1.8 years ago

    This is what @BeastHunter looks like.

  • Dopamine Injector 1.8 years ago

    As opposed to Jetstream notifications, which are the virtual equivalent of attempting to eat air.

  • AI generated images 1.8 years ago

    I'm surprised the AI could even guess wtf I wrote on that last one honestly.

  • The Silent Mary 1.8 years ago

    3k parts? How do people have the patience to make this stuff with the horrible editor?

  • Build Update of the NASA F-18 1.8 years ago

    Greetings fellow human! It has come to my attention that you may be publishing an aircraft in the near future! Would it be doable if you would please consider mentioning me on your upcoming plane, so I can provide an upvote and test the aircraft? I sincerely hope this isn't inconvenient for you. Please consider and have an excellent day.

  • How Canadians See The US 1.8 years ago

    Construction Equipment

    Ah yes, the map used to build the US from thin air. The rest of the states exist because the guy using the map held it upside down for 75% of the process.

    Don't ask me how I know.

  • new name 1.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER It's my favorite number, just, y'know, written in an almost unreadable and untranslatable way.

  • I FOUND THE ALMIGHTY KRAKEN! 2.1 years ago

    You can also enter his eye btw

  • I found a bug 2.1 years ago

    It should clip through the ground just like in real life, this is a serious issue and we will look into issuing a hotfix update immediately, thank you for reporting this critical mistake. ~The Dev Team

  • Game soft locking in designer when trying to edit the craft instructions 2.1 years ago

    Someone else said this happened to them as well, you should report it here also.

  • Viper V3.0 (Teaser) 2.1 years ago

    Btw here's a tip: Since you never use AG8 for anything, you should set the missiles to only work if it's on, that way you won't have to worry about accidentally targeting anything because you can just turn it off. Especially useful in multiplayer.

  • FINALLY i bought simpleplanes in PC 2.1 years ago

    You are now allowed to join the secret society of multiplayer.

  • Is it me or... 2.1 years ago

    Happened to my newest plane as well... @AndrewGarrison Is that performance cost bot down?

    Edit: It's fixed now.

  • 1-2-3-4 I declare a point war 2.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER I posted a purple spam can that hovers and got 10 upvotes, so really i think the least effort you put in it, the more points you get. Just post a flight computer and watch the upvotes flow in.

  • Happy International Labour Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.1 years ago

    absorbs proteins from nutritional matter

  • Question... 2.1 years ago

    GuyFolk's bio has some tutorials on it, maybe that will help.

  • So i had a idea 2.1 years ago

    [Insert hateful argument here]

  • Congratulations Beast Hunter 2.1 years ago

    @BeastHunter Man you look so weird without the gold rank

  • I’m 5 now guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 2.2 years ago

    @BeastHunter What are you trying to summon?

  • One thing I noticed about SR2 2.2 years ago

    The ranks are also kinda weird, instead of the Bronze > Silver > Gold > Platinum you have here instead they have way more of different colors like green and blue. Plus they aren't as easy to identify since some look so similar.

  • I made a War Thunder video 2.2 years ago

    How to build replicas, there's only one tutorial here and its creator abandoned it at part 2 because it was apparently "outdated" with fuselage cutting.

  • Why do I never get upvotes? 2.2 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Funny enough, in terms of points: The only winning move is not to play.

  • Will there be an SP2? Part 2 2.2 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX I thought of that before, SP1 could be made cheaper (like a permanent 50% discount after the new one was up for a while) so if you wanted to, you could just play the old, unsupported game to check out the older planes. On the website, the old planes could be put in a new "Legacy (SP1)" section while the SP2 planes could be on the front page etc.

  • SP Extra FINALLY fixed!!! 2.2 years ago

    @Sparky6004 i was uhh... occupied when the mod was announced. I was working on the next game update, i'm not allowed to tell you what it is, but it's pretty cool.

  • I have an idea for SimplePlanes 2.2 years ago

    1. Idk.
    2. "More weapons" is extremely vague, what kind of weapon exactly? How would it work?
    3. Probably a bit too resource intensive but who knows.
