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When your WMD physics experiment goes wrong

13.9k Aviator01  2.0 years ago

Earlier today, I was using an old, slightly overpowered plane I made to test the question “What would happen if a destroyer rammed the USS Beast at an improbable speed?” The fastest way to achieve such a feat is to hit the destroyer in the side with a cannon. What could possibly go wrong?


Destroyer #1 (hit by cannon): MIA
Destroyer #2: Rapidly spinning in circles, but you can’t see it in the photo
USS Beast:

Results of experiment: Inconclusive


If you cannon-slam the USS Tiny into Wright, it will lift in the air as soon as it hits the island. It will also bounce off the island if you try to use your cannon to force it down.

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    5,257 TRD

    simpleplanes pool holy shit

    1.8 years ago
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    Flying carrier pog

    +4 2.0 years ago
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    11.5k JesusChrist

    One time i managed to fling the USS Beast away by firing a cannon shell at it at the speed of light. Fun times.

    +5 2.0 years ago