455 JaphetSkie Comments

  • Marathon-class heavy cruiser 3.3 years ago

    Interesting... Are you going to add weapons to this?

  • I discovered Zero G :o 3.3 years ago

    Hmm... So I added additional (zero drag/mass) RCS nozzles to allow full maneuverability, cranked up the parts health to the highest possible value and modified their collision response, cranked up the fuel, and added a zero-drag/mass machine gun with 999999 damage...
    It took me nearly half an hour, but I was able to wipe out every enemy on the map, and it's glorious.

  • Chengdu J-20C 3.3 years ago

    Wait, a J-20 has circular exhausts. You basically just gave it an F-22 aesthetic.

  • B-300 TAMARAW 3.4 years ago

    Non-modded version when?

  • Damn dani looking kinda....... 3.4 years ago

    Wishlist Karlson now on Steam, we're currently 12th on the most wishlisted game!


    From an LPD to a Carrier? Now, that's one hell of an upgrade.

  • Two AG for a single pylon? 3.5 years ago

    Maybe, I guess? Ask Funky Trees experts, because I'm still trying to learn FT coding.

  • AAC Banshee 3.5 years ago

    Yaaaas leeeet's gooooo!!!! I tried to make this, but failed miserably.

  • 150mm 5-Gun AA Battery 3.5 years ago

    @nafeij I did, and I ran out of ammo trying to hammer it down with direct hits at a half kilometer diatance.
    Fixed it with by enabling collision in at least one cannon for every turret.

  • It's an Orca from C&C but it was made by morons or something {teaser} 3.6 years ago

    This is basically what happens if a WH40K Ork tries to make an Orca.

  • victory 3.6 years ago

    His account is going to be unusable until around 27 years from now.

  • victory 3.6 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 which one? Send link.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    Probably something similar to a three strikes policy. If he does it again, he'll surely get permabanned. And if he persists through an alt account, maybe an IP ban (if possible). I'll delete this post tomorrow.

  • Auto-targeting laser? 3.6 years ago

    @NormalPioneer that's the plan. Know any?

  • victory 3.6 years ago

    His comments vanished, and any links to his profile stopped working. Can someone confirm if he's really gone for good? I didn't block him, that's for sure.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    His comments in this post have vanished, and any links to his profile doesn't work anymore. Did the mods finally remove him? Somebody get me a confirmation, I'll remove this post if he's really gone now.

  • Lancelot Albion 3.6 years ago

    Since glass fuselages are out, maybe update the wings?

  • Can I fuel your nightmares by attempting to build this? 3.6 years ago

    Yes, please! Pieck needs more love!

  • Advanced Wasp 3.6 years ago

    Don't mind him. Check his comments, he's being an asshole in other people's posts as well. The simple XML smart bomb I made? He said "uR dUmB iT's jUsT a bOoM 50". He's been trash talking like he could do it better when he hadn't even made a single decent build, he did nothing but modifications from stock builds and other users' works.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    @YoDudeChase is that so? Noted.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    @animebuildsarenotgood look, I'm new to this community and I probably shouldn't stick my head in this issue as a newbie, but as much as I want to ignore you, your actions are uncalled for and is getting too excessive.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    If any of you have evidences of this guy's crap, please send link here. It could help.

  • Somebody stop this guy, please! 3.6 years ago

    @EternalDarkness @Seeras @Blue0Bull @Squirrel @TheLatentImage @MediocrePlanes @SupremeDorian

  • Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger,Nigger 3.6 years ago

    What do you wish to gain from doing all these @animebuildsarenotgood ?

  • Nazi Stealth Bomber 3.6 years ago

    Alrighty, then. It's out of my hands, now. I gave you a heads up to keep you from from potentially getting in trouble, so it's up to you whether to heed it or not. No problem :D.

  • C-31F-K FINBACK “Milk-1” Tanker 3.6 years ago

    Can you make the gunship variant please?

  • Simple Smart Bomb (4-parts only!) 3.6 years ago

    @Berryl Did you even try it, or you just took a glance and commented right away? If it's the latter, let me explain to you what this thing is.

    EXPLANATION (skip to nutshell for short ver.)
    It's a Boom 50, with an XML-modded missile and detacher hidden in the bomb itself. The missile (which is modified to have reduced maxSpeed and maxForwardThrustForce values) is used to lock on targets, and the detacher keeps the bomb and missile together from separating. And as I said earlier, a Cleaver can make the same results at longer ranges, but since the missile part has reduced speed, the entire thing tends to "glide" down while locking on towards the target. Hence, a "Smart Bomb".

    You're not dropping the bomb, you're actually firing a low-speed missile that has a bomb attached to it. And since it's low-speed and the bomb weighs the missile down, it "glides" to its target.

    And yes, many have done this before, and it just looks like a Boom 50 because I emphasized on "Simple" and chose not to increase part count by designing the "bomb's" body.

    The goal is to make a "smart bomb" simple enough to be used in an aircraft more than a dozen times, even in a potato device.

  • P-51 Mustang with aiming assistance 3.6 years ago

    @SenSkysh Thanks!

  • P-51 Mustang with aiming assistance 3.6 years ago

    I'm going to try and build one for a project of mine, can you please list out which parts did you use and the code you've inputted? I'm working on mobile, but I don't have internet access on my phone to download this.

  • Designer Suite Blueprint Limitations? 3.6 years ago

    There are also some times where it only shows one big purple picture.

  • German Corsair? What is that? 3.6 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap I'm not intending to build one, because it's overused.

  • German Corsair? What is that? 3.6 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap Just asking where did it come from. I know it is a meme, and it tends to get annoying, but I am seriously curious where, when and who started the whole schtick.

  • Yoshika Miyafuji (ver 2.7) 3.7 years ago

    How did you make the altitude constant when hovering?

  • ARA-43 ''Spider Cat'' 3.7 years ago

    Wait, is it just me, or the "nano rockets" (cannon actually) aren't making any sounds when firing? If so, how did you do it?

  • Lancelot Albion wings. Made of Fuselage or Wing part? 3.7 years ago

    Not all of the parts should be modified, just the ones that could debiliate movement and could get damaged at high speeds and sudden turns. Ask StarlightFX for tips on building mecha, since I'm not an expert on the field.

  • Lancelot Albion wings. Made of Fuselage or Wing part? 3.7 years ago

    Also, if you know how to use Overload turn down mass and drag to 0

  • Lancelot Albion wings. Made of Fuselage or Wing part? 3.7 years ago

    Fuselage, if you want it to be sturdy

  • 150mm 5-Gun AA Battery 3.7 years ago

    Did you turn on "disableaircraftcollisions"? Because the cannons don't do any damage when I tried to shoot down an airship.

  • Tieren ground type (MSJ-06II-A) Ver.2020 3.7 years ago

    Sorry for the bother

  • Tieren ground type (MSJ-06II-A) Ver.2020 3.7 years ago

    Wait, nevermind.

  • Tieren ground type (MSJ-06II-A) Ver.2020 3.7 years ago

    I'm on mobile and pressing enter somehow doesn't work.

  • Definitely Not A FBI Van 3.7 years ago

    How do you make spacings on the description?

  • Tieren ground type (MSJ-06II-A) Ver.2020 3.7 years ago

    How do you make paragraph spacing on
    the description?

  • Special Fonts/Text Features/Clickable Links 3.7 years ago

    Oh, hey! It worked!

  • Special Fonts/Text Features/Clickable Links 3.7 years ago

    Lemme see...


  • XT-F03 Jagenrau 3.7 years ago

    I can't download it, along with the Astaroth Prototype. Says I must update even though I'm using version 1.9.205. Did you make this on 1.10 beta or of a lower version?

  • ID 2 alien fighter 3.7 years ago

    It's very stable even at 1% throttle, which is nice.