105k Hedero Comments

  • Tupolev Tu-30M "Grechin" 2.3 years ago

    Whoops forgot you weren't a mod :/ @EternalDarkness

  • Lorraine Estoc Mk. I 2.3 years ago

    I totally agree with you! @MAHADI

  • (Closed) Challenge; Pedestal Fighters! 2.3 years ago

    Ok, I'll try to do that. I'm not really hear to win though, just to be a part of the challenge would be fun. @RAF1

  • (Closed) Challenge; Pedestal Fighters! 2.3 years ago

    Well, I've created a soviet aircraft for this challenge and the only plausible role for it seems to be a ground attacker. So I've added 4 atgms. Is that gonna work for this challenge?

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 2.3 years ago

    Thanks to you now I have an appointment with my therapist today

  • WN2222 Cock 2.3 years ago


  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 2.3 years ago

    This bug is super easy to replicate and doesn't really have anything to do with the new patch. But it's really annoying when creating wings. Basically if you scale a fuselage piece to 2x its current scale to increase the angle of the wing, a wierd shading issue appears on the fuselage and can sometimes be fixed by not having any connections to the fuselage piece, although most times it doesn't work. The shading only happens when you play the simulation btw. For vehicles like an Su-7 or anything with high wing sweeps this is very challenging to work around. Thank you.

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 2.3 years ago

    Perfectly made. Beautiful aircraft! Although I have one auestion, why are the landing gear so inaccurate?

  • What it is like to fly a Ta 152 H-1 is SimplePlanes. (no editing) 2.3 years ago

    Thats so awesome! I can't wait to see the final product! @ollielebananiaCFSP

  • What it is like to fly a Ta 152 H-1 is SimplePlanes. (no editing) 2.3 years ago

    But you already uploaded this a year ago? Is somethimg different on this one? @ollielebananiaCFSP

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 2.3 years ago

    Hello! Well it's pretty easy in fact. I use an app called "Phonto". It's a pretty basic app but it's just the one I use. I first take a picture of my aircraft in simpleplanes. I set my ui scale to as little as possible so it doesn't show up in the thumbnail. After I take the photo I want, I go to google and find a logo that I want for my thumbnail. In this case, I wanted the "North American" logo, so after I find the right logo, I search up "Background Remover" on google, then, I simply browse my photo library and input the North American logo, it will remove the colored square from the logo. I then go into phonto, load up my picture from sp, and add the logo with the removed background. You can then eit the size of thr logo on the picture in any scale you want. If you have more auestions don't be afraid to ask! @RachelGardner

  • VR Item Concept [CANCELLED] 2.3 years ago


  • De Havilland DH. 98 Mosquito 2.4 years ago

    Well, I knew that. Obviously I knew that the further north or if you go far enough south it gets colder. Common sense. But for some reason I wasn't thinking that the seasons would depend upon hemispherical location. I imagined seasons would be globally universal. But I learn something new every day lol. @Typhoon03

  • Ilyushin Il-2M Shturmovik 2.4 years ago

    Sir yesir! @Rakoval500k

  • De Havilland DH. 98 Mosquito 2.4 years ago

    No I'm genuinely not being sarcastic I had no idea that we would have winter in North America but on the opposite side would be summer @Typhoon03

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    I doubt it. It wouldn't necessarily be that difficult but I don't have any motivation to make an "H" variant. @SimpleDynamincs

  • De Havilland DH. 98 Mosquito 2.4 years ago

    Oh really? I thought the seaosn stayed largely the same around the globe at any given time. @Typhoon03

  • De Havilland DH. 98 Mosquito 2.4 years ago

    Summertime? It's january lol @jamesPLANESii

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    It actually does lol. I literally hadn't seen that one before even building mine @handitover

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thanks man! @Simpleplanesgood99

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Yep @Johnnyynf

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Nah I think it's a standard now and I wouldn't bother uploading a serious build without an interior, and btw I'm really not trying to act like a marder or anything soI'm not trying to act like "poor me" or anything so I'm sorry if I come across that way I'm really not trying to give off that impression. I just feel like the more stuff they add to the game the higher the bar is raised and it brings more stress to every build as I know how much I have to do for each one. Anyway, enough of that rant lol. I def would like to make better cockpit but I'm really pretty new to them and still haven't got a lot of experience with them. But I will continue to try to improve on the cockpits and please let me know what could be improved or upgraded later on, that's how I can improve! @Sparky6004 @Rexzion

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thank you I highly appreciate your comments and kind support. The one issue with the glass and fuselage cutting updates is that now I'm forced to make cockpits, and cockpits infamously have lots of bolts, shapes and oddities and I'm not really the type to put a whole lot of effort into them. And it sounds like alot of people care about a highly detailed cockpit. I'll do my best but I won't spend so much time on the cockpit that I lose all interest in it. But hey thats awesome that you worked on mustangs before. But wait, how old are you to have worked on mustangs? Stangs weren't in service anywhere for like 80 years lol@Kangy

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Yeah I agree with you, always fun to see different buildstyles on different aircraft @PxVector

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thanks @asteroidbook345

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thanks! @MrShenanigansSP

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thank alot! BogdanX and 2Papi2Chulo helped a ton with the flight model, if it weren't for Bogdan, my rollrate would've been twice as much as it is now! @Default4

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Well thanks for the feedback. I honestly wasn't expecting this much flak about the cockpit. Even 2Papi2Chulo said it was he best way to do the frame without diving into too much major complexity but hey, I mean I'm glad I know what to do different if I ever rebuild my mustang. So thank you, but I wasn't expecting people to hate the canopy this much. I knew very well going into the project that the canopy would not look exactly like the real one. I had several earlier attempts trying different canopy methods to get the shape more accurate. Nothing worked due to the seams in the conjoing pieces of glass showing their faces/edges. So I went with the most obvious methos, the rounded frame. And yeah the cockpit itself doesn't look very convincing but I can't really pin down what it is that looks off. I tried to make the angles of the dashboard as accurate to the real one as possible but somehow it still didn't end up right. The issue with the mustang is that its so popular and beloved that even for me I almost nitpick myself to death on it. It's probably my favorite warbird. So almsot nothing I did would fully satisfy myself. But I likely will avoid this aircraft in the future though. @Kangy

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Sorry about the interior man. I had no idea what else I could add to it. Any tips on what I should add for my next airplane?@Default4

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    That’s really interesting actually. I could’ve probably tried that and technique but the seams where the glass pieces meet would be very visible still @Sparky6004

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Trust me, I studied the cockpit very hard and I've always known what the shape of the canopy frame looks like in real life. But I am curious do you know of a better way to make this canopy then mine? @Sparky6004

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thats awesome! @Sparky6004

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Thank you @Driftus

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    Well believe me I had done several different attempts at the canopy frame. But there is no good way to make a shape like the real on with a glass canopy. It's not nearly as easy as one might think. @rexzion

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 2.4 years ago

    That was 2Papi2Chulo. As far as I know he's gonna try to upload his this weekend @FerretAeronautics

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 2.4 years ago

    Thankyooooouuuu! @Default4


    Yes sir @Default4

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 2.4 years ago

    Thank you, I considered it a while ago but it was a failed attempt. We'll see though. @DasSchweizeHeliPilot

  • [Results] French Air Force Challenge 2.4 years ago

    LETS GOOOO @WarHawk95

  • Symetrical Wing Design 2.4 years ago

    Yep of course! @ALRX

  • Symetrical Wing Design 2.4 years ago

    This technique works wonderful for your aircraft. It looks beautiful. But it would take some work to make it look good on something like a b-17. @ALRX

  • Symetrical Wing Design 2.4 years ago

    Its an incredible technique. It works better for thin wings. Although, when the aspect ratio is too high, the ailerons tend to be curved (which isn't realistic). Control surfaces are almost always perfect flat. That would be the only issue with this airfoil method.

  • A 180 Shark 2.4 years ago

    Sorry it must be a glitch or something. My tag would be green if I was a curator@AviationCat007

  • A 180 Shark 2.4 years ago

    I have no idea. I'm not a curater@AviationCat007

  • Curtiss P-40E Warhawk 2.4 years ago

    Hmm I have no idea. This is an old build maybe thats why its doing that. @Billion0wonder

  • Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a "Schwalbe" 2.4 years ago

    I got bored of this plane and uploaded it. Although I think I will take it down @BogdanX

  • Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a "Schwalbe" 2.4 years ago

    Hehehehehehehe @PapaKernels

  • Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a "Schwalbe" 2.4 years ago

    Yeah the flight model is likely a bit more agile then it should be but I wanted to avoid making a brick with paper wings. And I was simply speculating the flight model anyway. And yeah the cockpit isn't the best but I wasn't really sure what else to add on to it so I just left it. @Kangy

  • Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a "Schwalbe" 2.4 years ago

    Lol what is a squable @PapaKernels

  • Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a "Schwalbe" 2.4 years ago

    les goooooo @Kangy
