2,731 FujiwaraAutoShop Comments

  • What's Next? 1.6 years ago

    I would buy SimplePlanes II ten times over on every platform;

    SimplePlanes has been a huge game for me, even larger than some of the most popular games like Grand theft Auto and Minecraft. It's such a unique approach to to the whole sandbox building game and nearly everything about it is perfect. Sure, there may be issues with terrain collision and physics here and there, but i feel like that's what makes SimplePlanes into SimplePlanes. It's simple, yet so versatile, you can build whatever you want, whenever you want, and it's fun to do so. I'm excited for what's up next. Be it Simple_, or not.

  • Good-bye Simpleplanes...... 4.1 years ago

    hey, you should be back by now
    wake up

  • Carbon Fiber 2.8 years ago

    these sp players on sum real shit

  • It's been a good ride. 2.9 years ago

    Yooo! i love this new trailer! this game has amazing graphics! How did you do it with the Unity 2.0 Engine?

  • 64 parts... 4.1 years ago

    @ZeroHours It was just an idea, man, there's no reason to be all defensive.

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 1.9 years ago

    this is an insane technological feat and will change the hud industry forever

  • Dodge Ram 50 1.9 years ago

    said it before and ill say it again, these chinese builders be wildin

  • Snow Maps Bug 2.7 years ago

    @bosscai your reward is; the bug gets patched

  • Funky Trees! 2.9 years ago

    i have no idea what 90% of this means but i do know that i need to make something using this

  • 25 PARTS CHALLENGE 9.30.22 [CLOSED] 2.1 years ago

    tbh this place is perfect for me, since my computer is literally a pile of dog crap with some wires hanging out of it i can find any air vehicle in here i need and it'll run flawlessly

  • Rocket-Propelled Shovel 2.8 years ago

    this is literally battlefield 1 melee

  • Functional Semi-Automatic Rifle 3.6 years ago

    manual does not appear. sad.

  • (CLOSED) Ford Police Interceptor Challenge 1.7 years ago

    my time has cum

  • Touching Grass Simulator 1.9 years ago

    Make it so if you stop touching the grass, a picture of Klee from Genshin impact slowly rises out of the grass

  • MiG-15 USAF 1.9 years ago

    is that a mig-15 afterburning

  • MIG-15 UTI 2.1 years ago

    So this is what i get from bladder infections? Cool!

  • Andrew Garrison Nextbot 2.3 years ago

    This is literally premium content.

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 2.9 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo i think It's based on how many calculations the CPU has to do, and how many parts it has to render. The game doesn't do much GPU-wise unless you have your graphics cranked. Aircrafts don't really use much GPU, since it's all 99% calculations. It has to take XML mods into consideration since XML is literally what makes the crafts exist and work.

  • IGNORE THIS (or read My comment) 4.1 years ago

    Oh, you like Aeronautics?
    Name every horizontally flying vehicles

  • Engine Heat Haze | SimplePlanes Mod 4.1 years ago

    I dare you to add all of your feature mods into one pack and include a ray tracing mod.
    Call it "UltraPlanes".

  • Advanced Prop Engine 1.5 years ago

    Smart and underrated for being 7 years old, although not exactly what i'm looking for, i'm glad i stumbled upon this relic.

  • It would be nice to see what jundroo is currently working on and their game plan 1.6 years ago

    @rexzion we'll be patient when we know what's going on bts

  • WarThunder MiG-29 A Fulcrum 1.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii its true
    source:i have never seen one[i havent been outside in 7 years]

  • Police Cruiser 1.6 years ago

    @Bellcat Police units, local and state, are often called to emergencies to direct or manage traffic, give medical aid if emt's are busy[e.g. Mass shootings or Large fires], aid in investigations or even handle/neutralize said threats that caused the injuries or scenes that medical or fire units have to deal with.
    so calling Law Enforcement non-emergency is a pretty huge insult to the people who work hard to keep you from waking up to your car[s] missing from the driveway or your garage in the morning when you go to work or waking up to your entire family dead and your house empty.

  • OceanGate(Titan sightseeing submarine) 1.7 years ago

    im gonna add a bomb to this that explodes after going below 500ft

  • Su33 (violent modification) 1.7 years ago

    @BluestBoi i see.

  • Weisbrich A11 'Jester' 1.8 years ago

    this aint 1950s this is 195 BBY

  • Koenigsegg Agera RS 1.0 1.8 years ago

    i come back and there's a million dollar supercar on my screen

  • Pelican-01A MPSA 1.8 years ago

    this aircraft is pretty cool, i really like how simple it is in terms of performance and flight. though the fact that it can reach mach 1 during normal flight is kinda concerning

  • Boy kisser 1.8 years ago

    You like building planes, don't you?

  • A Juicy Update w/ ESA for Juno: New Origins 1.9 years ago

    When is SimplePlanes Nether Update

  • EPSA 1.9 years ago

    @LotusCarsSub Vietnamese people are just southern chinese people now

  • wtf gaijin 2.0 years ago


  • YF-23 'Black Widow II' 2.1 years ago


  • Sweet Revenge 2.1 years ago


  • G-Force Effects 2.1 years ago

    While it is cool i'll have to wait a few days before properly being able to use it. It provides low performance on my current device and the G-LOC doesn't display properly(No blackout only UI fade), but i'll have a new device on the third hopefully.

  • (Possible Bug/feature..?)My engine just "flamed out" in the middle of a dogfight. No FT. 2.2 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming nope, just the fuel went out. No damage to the engine. I did drop my tanks beforehand and they caught on fire, rather than exploding on impact with the ground. Maybe that had something to do with it? Also the mirage isn't all too maneuverable, not as much as some other vehicles i have like a Su-27.

  • I Am On The SimplePlanes Wikipedia lol 2.3 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder My source is that I made it the heck up! -Rework

  • My first plane 2.3 years ago

    it's like an f-15... but good.

  • F-16FS "Super Viper" 2.3 years ago

    @SeeNoEvil I thought it fit with the airframe, canards and all.

  • Is there a way to change internal soundfiles? 2.5 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke i'll have to tinker with the modtools then!

  • F35-B 2.6 years ago

    @Red920 Could be any imbalanced part. Flew fine for me.

  • F-22 Vs 150 P-51 mustangs 2.6 years ago

    This is pretty old, but.
    A singular P-51 has beaten an F-22. Watch this> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDECY56GHs4

    Obviously 150 P-51s. P-51s have shorter turn circles and are much lighter, while speed will not be an issue because in the middle of a dogfight, because it's not very easy to keep up speed.
    Most Anti-air missiles depend on radar, sometimes heat signatures. It'll be hard to attack from behind because there's no heat back there, and it will be harder to lock-on thanks to no radar equipment inside of the P-51 and very few electronics it can bounce off of.

  • Otana T-512 turbojet 2.8 years ago

    You make things for the types of people that make aircrafts that you gotta buy to download

  • Upload with Screenshots 2.9 years ago

    @yyyangzhenguo maybe dont use windows 7 then

  • a wise man once said 2.9 years ago

    ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 2.9 years ago

    people who still dont know this exists be like

    yeah im smart

  • MI-24D HIND 2.9 years ago

    Unoriginal.. but overall good craft.

  • 3rd Person Aiming 3.0 years ago

    @FairFireFlight He must have if he hasn't updated.
