6,443 Flewey Comments

  • 1946 Specifications Challenge! [CLOSED] 1.3 years ago

    I haven't uploaded in like, a half year now but...
    Eh, I'll give it a shot.

  • Corvette Final Teaser 1.3 years ago

    By the way, good to see you again. Dunno if you remember me. You might remember me as MajorSix. It’s been a while. Glad you’re back.

  • Corvette Final Teaser 1.3 years ago

    Neat, Corvettes. Corvettes and I have the same hometown, so they have sort of a sentimental value to me.


  • [Republic] F-105B Thunderchief 2.0 years ago


  • Gen 4 Stock Car 2.1 years ago

    Race cars don't need headlights

  • LaCarossant LaC.307/NV "Harbinger" 2.1 years ago

    It's an honor.

  • LaCarossant LaC.307/NV "Harbinger" 2.1 years ago

    Sorry for the late reply. I hope the offer is still up because I'm interested. However, I would like to instead enter under my Ciorian rank (From my fictional nation, the Ciorian Empire) and establish the Ciorian Empire as a member of the alliance. Is that possible?

    In case you need to know, I'm Chief Master General of the Imperial Military.

  • LaCarossant LaC.307/NV "Harbinger" 2.2 years ago

    Yup, it is my most detailed plane. This thing took me a whole two months of building, scrapping, rebuilding, detailing, scraping again, rebuilding again, more detailing, livery changes, etc.
    You get the point...
    Oh, and might I add that I did this all an an iPhone...?
    Anyway, I'm glad you like it. See ya around!

  • MiG “Parasit” 2.2 years ago

    Oh dear god...
    This thing is awesome...
    But still, god help us...

  • Antonov An-22 "Antei" 2.2 years ago

    365 parts my ass...
    Cool build though.

  • LaCarossant LaC.307/NV "Harbinger" 2.2 years ago

    Thought you might want to take a look at my latest upload.

  • [What If] de Bruyere xC.2-DP 2.8 years ago



  • To Those Interested in Aviation 2.8 years ago

    As I say, with enough money, anything is restorable. My family, however, has nowhere near enough money to do that. But, regardless, I think the plane is best just the way it is. It's a reminder of the past, and not only that, but also of what us humans can really do.

  • To Those Interested in Aviation 2.8 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT That's seriously cool! The only ever time I sat in the cockpit of a warbird was that time a couple years back when I traveled to Germany to look for my Great Uncle's Spitfire. He flew a Spitfire Mk. XIV back in '44; started right after D-day. Was shot down by a Bf-109 in Germany in December of the same year. He survived, and wrote about it in his journal, which is mainly how I located the crash site. Turns out it was near a village that was about 24 miles southeast of Celle. The village apparently saw the dogfight. Luckily, and I mean very luckily, there was an old man who remembers it, and told the story of what he saw, while a lady, whose I assumed was his daughter, translated. This is how I located the actual plane, since the man basically traced the glide path the my great uncle took after being shot down. I also learned that, on top of being shot down, he damaged the Bf-109 before going down, and the Bf-109 had to make an emergency landing in a nearby field. It has since been relocated to a aircraft museum in Brandenburg, so I didn't get to go check it out. But I found the Spit, and it was in surprisingly good shape. For a crash, that is. I don't remember it to clearly because it was all covert in bush and I didn't really get a look at the plane as a whole, but I do remember that the left wing was definitely gone, and the engine had a hole in it. The side panel had been either ripped off upon crashing or shot off, but either way, I had a perfect view of the whole engine, which, as I said before, had a hole it it. The cockpit was still intact, and so I sat down in the seat.
    So yeah, that's my claim to a WW2 warbird. Hehe.

  • To Those Interested in Aviation 2.8 years ago

    I've done my fair share of flying. After I turned 17 I managed to get my license within a month. I'd been practicing long before that, though, which explains how I got it in such a short time. Since then I've flown a little over 60 hours. I'm actually planning on going back up this evening. I fly with my dad mostly, in a 172, but every once in a while a get to fly with my friend in his Stearman.

  • To Those Interested in Aviation 2.8 years ago

    Aah, finally, and place where I can unload my vast knowledge of aircraft. F*ck yeah...

  • Mobile Multiplayer 2.8 years ago

    This thing is freaking five months old and I still fell for it...
    F*ck me...

  • LaCarossant LaC-M70 2.8 years ago

    Thanks for the spotlight! It's very much appreciated.

  • Bush Trainer RC Plane 2.8 years ago

    Great build! You should try building the FT Explorer. I just got mine and it's an awesome plane.

  • LaCarossant LaC-M70 2.8 years ago

    Here you are! Enjoy.

  • [1917] de Bruyere C.1 ''White Knight'' (CAS) 2.8 years ago

    Me before flying: "Well this is a fun looking plane."
    Me after flying: "The French are crazy I say, CRAZY!!"

  • I'm bored and suffer 2.9 years ago

    Gosh darn man... Hope your parents get well soon...

  • Suprememarine Spitfire Mk.IIa 3.0 years ago


  • Meskers G9 >:3 3.0 years ago

    @Wernster Hey man sorry for the wait, I'm still cooking up my evil contraption in my secret laboratory. It'll probably be posted in a few days. Just adding the final details and all. I was wondering if maybe you could post the tank you belt privately and then tagging me so that I can download it, as I'm curious to see which one will win. After I'm done and have posted, of course. Maybe think about it?
    Anyway, I gotta scoot. See ya later.

  • GC-1H-3??? banzai! 3.0 years ago

    [Japanese Intensifies]

  • GLOCK 17 3.0 years ago

    Amazing. Also.

    How the FAK did you get to gold in 17 days!!??

  • PH-69 Happi 3.0 years ago

    [Two drunk tank engineers are in a bar]
    Engineer 1: Hey hey, you know computer mouses, right?
    Engineer 2: hic Yeah...
    Engineer 1: Picture a computer mouse.
    Engineer 2: Mhmm...
    Engineer 1: Stick four wheels and a big ass gun on it.
    Engineer 2: ...
    Engineer 2: [sudden realisation]


    [falls off of chair]

  • Girl 3.1 years ago

    @XLZ 我是混血儿。我妈是中国人,我爸是美国人。

  • FAL-588 Stealth Biplane Fighter 3.1 years ago

    I fear no man.
    But that... thing...
    ...It scares me.

  • Meskers G9 >:3 3.1 years ago

    @Wernster When are you posting?

  • Meskers G9 >:3 3.1 years ago

    Aw crud...
    Smoke grenades it is.

  • Chance Vought F4U-1D Corsair (Inline engine) 3.1 years ago

    Do a radial Spitfire...

  • WellsHT (Plat.T033) 3.1 years ago

    @Wernster Mm, true. Alright then! May the bet builder win! Happy building!

  • Armoured chariot 3.1 years ago


  • WellsHT (Plat.T033) 3.1 years ago

    @Wernster Well, maybe a maximum, 'cause I'm on mobile and I can't run huge builds all that well, but I don't think that'll be a problem. Lol. But yeah, besides that nope.

    So maybe we can start now, and in a months time, we end it off? I think a month is plenty to build and upload, and then count upvotes. Although we have to think of a grading system. Any thoughts?

  • WellsHT (Plat.T033) 3.1 years ago

    @Wernster I hereby challenge you to a duel. I propose that we each make one tank, and allow others to judge it. I love making tanks, and I think it's safe to assume that you do, too.
    Just a little friendly competition, 'cause the site's been kind of asleep lately, and I wanna put a little light into it again. It'll be fun!

  • U-Boat Type VII "Gray Wolf" 3.1 years ago

    Greyhound was one hell of a movie.

  • Vector Aircraft 3.1 years ago

    [Does a PSM]


  • Fairey Gannet ASW 3.1 years ago

    This is a very, well, uh, "nice" plane, if you can say that about the Gannet...
    The build itself, however, it extraordinary. Great job.

  • Lt-2.tw5 3.1 years ago

    @Wernster Lol.

  • Mikoyan Gurevich Ye-123 3.1 years ago

    Question: How exactly are you still only at 585 points? This is great! As is the majority of you other planes. From me you get an upvote and spotlight.

  • mega class star destroyer supremacy (beta version) 3.1 years ago

    Oh I remember this scene... It was really disappointing, because of the laser cannons, mostly. Not the way they looked, they looked badass, but if you look closely, you'll notice that they arched. Which is weird because they're lasers, which are literally light, and they where in space. Good build though.

  • Blohm und Voss BV P 170 3.1 years ago

    @O5BIRD Haha, alright, I promise not to mess with or insult "ze German engineering"...

  • Supersonic (Fictional) Challenge! [OPEN; READ DISCRIPTION] 3.2 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Grading is currently going on. It will be slow. Sorry.

  • Small piston engine 3.3 years ago


  • Heavycruiser or Lightcarrier Hull 3.3 years ago


  • Martin Baker MB-5(BOSCOMBE DOWN SPECIAL) 3.3 years ago

    No problemo.

  • Martin Baker MB-5(BOSCOMBE DOWN SPECIAL) 3.3 years ago

    これは私のお気に入りの飛行機の一つです. よく出来ました!
    (This may or may not be correct, I'm still just learning...)

  • [Free to use] stealth fuselage 3.3 years ago

    I'm am definitely using this.

  • B3 M 3.3 years ago

    This looks more like something the Germans would have designed...
    But, besides that great build. I updoot.
