33.7k EchoWhiskey11 Comments

  • AVNL-431B Charioteer 2.0 years ago

    @Bread12Ninja definitely, will do. Glad you like it.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.1 years ago

    @Directbean724 trust me, it's a pain, but what I do is open notepad, do some copy pasting on those labels, and overtime you start to pick up on some strings, in the meantime copy paste will be your friend. I'm not stingy, so feel free to grab the line off my stuff if you want.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.1 years ago

    @Directbean724 but yes, you can use the Labels in the Instrument Interiors,l input some code, and there you go, you can make a HUD, some indicators, and all kinds of crazy stuff.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.1 years ago

    @Directbean724 Look up PlanariaLabs and HUD, he made a HUD the base code for this one a while back. I made some changes to it to fit what I wanted. I'm not going to lie, FunkyTrees can be kind of a nightmare sometimes, but feel free to use the one I got if you want.

  • A-10 Hull 2.1 years ago

    Honestly, it can anything, but yes, a cockpit. But... I'm releasing a variation tomorrow, and possibly a new challenge based on this cockpit. Something along the lines of building anything, except an A10.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.1 years ago

    Closed, this concludes the first Maywar Car Show. If anything, I'll be making more events like this. Maybe a Forza Horizon inspired festival ground to match. We live in times of conflict, and it's important to remember that at the end of the day we all are people, and members of this community. Thanks to all who have participated and these post are still here, so please, take the time to check out your fellow builders works. The goal of this "Challenge" even after the close is still the same, to build community. Till next time, -Echo

  • Kelley Roadster 2.1 years ago

    The working pedals and hood are nice attention to detail. Good work,

  • BLAZING AQUAMARINE tournament racecar 2.1 years ago

    Well, I'm not going to lie, it's cool, and technically it's a race car. You definitely have my vote on originality. Good Stuff,

  • A-10 Hull 2.1 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics No worries, hope this helps out with the final project. Look forward to seeing it.

  • A-10 Hull 2.1 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics Here you go. Sorry, had to recode the HUD. PlaneriaLabs made a great HUD but I don't think he intended it to fit planes like this. Luckily, I know enough to make it work. If it acts up while you're building it, like the canopy stops working just let me know. Just a tip, avoid mirroring the entire plane, and mirror just the individual parts. That way you wont have to redo any gauges or screens. AG3 controls the canopy, and AG4 controls ejects, the gun is tuned to match the GAU8 in fire rate and spread, so it'll shoot like an A10 as well.

  • How to protect your shopping trolley from improvised explosives 2.2 years ago

    But will it keep us safe from Mailboxes?

  • F-63 Proteus 2.2 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics I know, this plane did start my whole thing about building tail less designs. So it's kind of a predecessor to a lot of weird stuff I build now.

  • Koenigsegg Jesko Hydra 2.2 years ago

    @MAHADI Now we just need a Forza Horizon inspired map.

  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 2.2 years ago

    By the way, I nicked named this car "пекарь", because it's great at making a perfect "пончик". For my fellow Americans, if you're not sure what I'm talking about, you can either look up these words, or simply make a hard turn and steep on the throttle in this thing, you'll figure it out.

  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 2.2 years ago

    @MintLynx what you say, sports car? I'd say it probably falls under the "Track Toy" category.

  • F1 180 (V2) 2.2 years ago

    Good build, the suspension work is nice, and you really got it down, that's usually the hardest part of car builds is the suspension.

  • Toyota RAV4 2.2 years ago

    I like it, I'd classify this one as an SUV. Don't worry about accuracy. Sometimes the best thing about building anything is your letting others see your perspective. Your perspective makes you unique, just like this build. Good work!

  • Dunes2.2 (Maywar Car Show) 2.2 years ago

    Great off road design, and handles well on the Maywar dunes. The teeth is the perfect touch for a dirt racing monster of a machine. @Deepdark is right though, it may need to be classified as a UTV, which is not a bad thing, especially when a build is this good. Great work,

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    Hey Builders,, sorry for being MIA. Going through flight school, the testing is insane. Excuses aside, I got three updates on the events for you guys.

    • The event has been extended to End of April. Giving those who want to participate an extra two weeks to submit their car. That also means the next upcoming even will be delayed.

    • Remember, this is a community building event, and I just want to remind everyone, please NOTHING POLITICAL. We come from very diverse backgrounds. If you want to make a statement, let it be your vehicle.

    • Every time I see a new post there is a new class of cars, so hey, go at it, at this point the car class is Unlimited as well.

    Thanks, -Echo

  • 2022 Apex Model-E 2.2 years ago

    Love the small details like the radio station. What's the most impressive part to this build is you've manage to make and entirely new class of vehicles. As a small side note, it manage to pass the rally car test and can handle a jump, so it's good in my book.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    Hi builders, minor rule change. When your build is complete, let us know what you classify your vehicle as. For details, check the Vehicle Class Restrictions. Thanks,

  • RIVERO-RSA-35 2.2 years ago

    This thing is a supercar with a dash of hotrod, probably the paintjob is what does it for me. What I find most impressive is you've managed a 50/50 balance, rear wheel drive, rear mounted engine, that is super stable at high and low speeds. I also noticed you didn't have to rely on any tricks with the overload tool, so the engineering aspect is top-notch. Things like the dynamic airbrake show that you really thought this thing out. Handles great, and definitely isn't slow. Overall, a really solid all around car, plus it passed my jump test so I'm happy with it.

  • (PAINT JOB CHALLENGE) GT challenge Subaru Impreza 2.2 years ago

    Livery isn't bad, you made some use of great colors. I'm getting a red and black camouflage vibe off this build which is nice touch. A cool idea for future projects, you could probably do a two tone, red on top, black on the bottom, like an old classic hot rod, but this is good too.

  • (PAINT JOB CHALLENGE) GT challenge Subaru Impreza (Red Vulcan) 2.2 years ago

    Like what you did with the rims, and the gauges are a nice touch. Overall, good livery.

  • Small Block Ford V8 2.2 years ago

    Great detail too on this thing.

  • Elite Dangerous Krait MKII 2.2 years ago

    @DaPandaBoi69420 thanks, I'm coming out with a much smaller count version in the future though. Especially since Frontier starting to pull back slot from Elite is not a good sign.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @Titaninferna Cool, there's a lot you can do with FIAT too, you can even got the rally car route, or make it a street racer.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @Mage2IsTriggered Muscle versus Tuner?

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @RankStarfish201 I was thinking about building a SN95 Mustang with a Y Block 302, but I'm having a Ford VS Chevy team challenge down the line, so I'm saving that for later. Don't want to draw those battle lines just yet.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @Phoebe Definitely, no restrictions in this event, so it's all good.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @Mage2IsTriggered I'm thinking of going 90's Nissan, I've been in a retro mood lately.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @ChinaNumberOne Definitely, feel free to add it to the car show.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @RankStarfish201 Yes you definitely can, in the future, I'll have more competitive events. This event is more so everyone gets a feel for the how these events work.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    @TheDesignate Cool, welcome aboard

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.2 years ago

    Also the "FSA" is a spoof on the FIA, there is no governing racing association in Simple Planes that I am aware of.

  • (PAINT JOB CHALLENGE) Subaru Impreza 2.2 years ago

    @Mage2IsTriggered Thank for looking out for me on this one. I'm fine with this though, we got to build up our community. Welcome to the community @JunaidSheikh. Just a bit of advice though, give your post a Challenge TAG so members know what's going on, that way you can attract more people.

  • Upcoming Car Event: Maywar Open Car Show 2.2 years ago

    Last update before I post the actual "challenge" for the upcoming virtual car show (and finish the graphics for the event itself). It'll be posted on Friday morning (ET)

  • Flight Exams are done, Space Ship builds are back 2.2 years ago

    Yup, the 1701A and B models have been done too many times. For good reason, the constitution class is the most iconic ship of the Star Trek series, and the ones we got are really good, but I want to mix it up a bit. Making it to scale is whole different challenge since the Fox version is much larger. I did a small scale test with my Krait model not too long ago. I haven't set a parts budget yet, but I'm making it a goal to keep builds going forward under 400 parts. Probably impossible, but that's why I consider Simple Planes a genre I like to call "strategy building game".

  • Upcoming Car Event: Maywar Open Car Show 2.2 years ago

    @AtlasSP, do you still do video post for Simple Planes on your channel?

  • 2002 BMW M3(E46) GTR 2.2 years ago

    @WiniMii I'll probably make one after the car challenge @mage2istriggered is hosting. Luckily the hard part like the engine and the interior is done.

  • Elite Dangerous Eagle MKII v3 2.2 years ago

    @druidstalk Hopefully in a good way, and I hope you're enjoying the model. It's pretty condensed, but if you need a lighter version for your device I have an even more compact version.

  • 2002 BMW M3(E46) GTR 2.2 years ago

    Sorry @Mage2IsTriggered, I was going to enter this thing into your challenge, but technically it's not really a road car converted to be a race car. I have a different car in the works for that.

  • The Comically Large Doorknob 2.3 years ago

    It's been said long ago the door is all that once was and all that will be.

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 2.3 years ago

    @Rymanx03 I tagged you on an unlisted post I made the other day. Hopefully it helps you out. If you didn't get it just let me know and I can resend you the tag. Should be on your notifications.

  • My build not sure what it is 2.3 years ago

    If I were to guess, it's probably the world's most uncomfortable chair.

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 2.3 years ago

    @Karzigg, Thanks, for the upvoted, and it's good to see you back on the community pages. I thought I was seeing things at first.

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 2.3 years ago

    @BreadIsAfruit These cars had a quirky charm for body style, and there wasn't that many of them either. Mitsubishi built a "better" looking EVO that year so Subaru updated the everything right afterwards. Mechanically these things were bullet proof, and could be pulled apart and put back together over a weekend.

  • GT Challenge Subaru Impreza 2.3 years ago

    @Rymanx03 No worries, I've been there, use it as you like. Since your rebuilding your car, I might have something that might make it a little easier.

  • [CLOSED] GT Racing Challenge 2.3 years ago

    So since we have more time, could we possible build a second car?

  • [CLOSED] GT Racing Challenge 2.3 years ago

    Just a couple more tweaks and I'm probably going to post my car tomorrow. I'm following the rules of course, but I'm taking a less traditional approach.