150 Duckyy69 Comments

  • Grumman F-14 "Tomcat" 3.4 years ago

    Hey I mod aircraft and I chose the tomcat as my next project. I make the aircraft pretty much as realistic as possible, but with sp physics its a bit hard. But anyways so I saw how fast this craft goes and thought that it should be like 400 knots slower. So ive been playin with the engines but I cant seem to get it slower. Ive been able to bring it down to 700 knots with bolth wings swept forward and back yet its not slow enough. The cruising speed for the tomcat is 500 knots. So there are definitely more engines that I cant see. Can you point me towards them? Ive gotten the ones that creates the exhaust flames and the ones forward of those. Im assuming there is a third one but I cant find it, any help? Btw all of the engines that I know of has its powerMuiltiplyer set to -0.

    Ok yea edit apperently now looking at the craft, there isnt a 2nd engine visable to me. Idk what I was talking about lol

  • Airbus A330-203 GE MRTT 3.4 years ago

    Aaaand nevermind it just implodes whenever I spawn it in

  • Airbus A330-203 GE MRTT 3.4 years ago

    Wait nevermind, had to set the input as Activate8

  • Airbus A330-203 GE MRTT 3.4 years ago

    Hey I want to make an AI version of this where I can just hop into my A10 mod, spawn in this aircraft at a custom location, fly to it, refuel, and then proceed to Fox 2 it. Can you tell me the locations of all the rotators to deploy the ARBS? I think I can manage with the refueling probe though if not I will come back and ask. Wont upload it, just want to make it for myself. I will have to figure out how to use the gryo tho... meh whatever by this time I should already know how to

  • VTV-2 Thrust Vectoring Engine 3.4 years ago

    Okokok I keep solving but getting new problems. I found the spot to edit the turbines and thats all fine, I can go into normal flight, but I just tested it out (the engines arent fully installed, just kinda vibin on the back of the raptor momentarily) and it doesent turn as good as before. The original raptor was mostly realistic with the data the public has at the moment and flew great. But these engines dont like to pitch as fast, I had problems rolling, but when I did figure out the rolling with my friend rudder, the elevators seemed to lock up and I couldnt pitch. Ugh its too late for this.

    Edit: Yea its confirmed. Obviously since I have the engines literally just sitting, attached to the back of the aircraft, I can understand the pitch rate, but I am unable to roll at all. Whenever I touch the roll axis, I just pitch up corresponding to how much I roll. Im thinking the elevator lock up after high rudder rolls is due to a stall though Thrust vectoring wouldnt allow stalls, atleast other thrust vecotring engines ive seen havent.

    Edit 2: Ok so I tested out my unbalanced weight theory but I was wrong. I shortened the large fusalage connected to the engine to bring the engine closer to the aircraft to try to simulate the default engines without having to actually install them yet it was even worse. Pitch was practically non existent, roll sorta worked. And I didnt try rudder tho I presume it worked

  • VTV-2 Thrust Vectoring Engine 3.4 years ago

    Ok I figured it out. There wasnt really a problem. The ag for default blowers was Ag 1, which seems to activate your engines. But the problem now is that the engines are strong enough to power the raptor, but I cant find the main engines. I see the turbines, I was able to access the thrust vectoring ports, but it doesent allow me to select the main turbines. Is there a special spot I have to have the camera in order to be able to select the main turbine?

  • VTV-2 Thrust Vectoring Engine 3.4 years ago

    I just enabled burners on the raptor to see if that was the Ag to start your engines but no, all it did is that it enabled burners even though I got rid of the default engines (im assuming I missed one) is the problem that since there is another populsion system that these don’t want to fire up?

  • VTV-2 Thrust Vectoring Engine 3.4 years ago

    Hey im modding a F22 raptor that I really like but it doesent have thrust vectoring modeled into it. So I added your engines but there isnt an population, nor any flames. Am I doing something wrong?

  • A-10C Warthog Mk.2 3.4 years ago

    If you can, please give me suggestions to make this mod better!




    Ok so 1. Lowkey consuming this comment section slowly, 2. I dont like doing self promo but it kinda fits here. I just posted a new mod to your A10, it is mostly a remaster or the weopons, including dumfire AGMs, 2x Aim-9, and more. Mostly, that its. But I was wondering, can you make an update to the cockpit? Im thinking more of a detailed cockpit. Not one that completely kills mobile players, just a more detailed one. But if you dont want to, whatever its fine lol. Thanks

  • A-10C Warthog Mk.2 3.4 years ago

    Sorry for the formating. My keyboard was lowkey dying and wasnt letting me press enter to format it better


    Hey, so my my mod includes a bit of a heavy payload, and even though it is realistic, I don’t really enjoy rolling slowly. Can you point me towards the control surfaces in the wings? Thanks

  • Sukhoi Su-33 (Su-27K) Flanker D (Platinum Special) 3.4 years ago

    Hey can you make a su 57 with a low part count? With thrust vectoring would also be good

  • AS-AC-10 3.5 years ago


  • AS-AC-10 3.5 years ago

    Imagine this being on mobile, phone would catch fire lol

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    @ALRX oh ok yea I would love to see the complete set of Sukhois

  • UH-60 "Black Hawk" 3.5 years ago

    Is there a list of the AGs ?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Hey ive been looking for 57 Felons but I havent been able to find a good one, can you create a Su 57 for an upcoming craft ?

  • lockheed martin F-35B 3.5 years ago

    that pinned comment gives me a stroke

  • A-10 Warthog Mk.1 3.5 years ago

    yea it worked lol


    Hey I made a mod to this and its quite good. I gave her a new paintjob, I also rearmed her. I named them accordingly and some of the stats for the missiles are realistic, like for the AGM - 65. I also attached a canon along with the gatling gun so there is some splash damage, you will have to shoot them at the same time. Its been a while but I think I played with the engine settings aswell. There are some minor things aswell like I think I took off a pilon, deleted a few things so it might run a bit better for people playing on potatoes, and thats about it.

  • Sukhoi SU-37 3.5 years ago

    Ok thanks! I dont really need any help, I suck at plane making but my modding skills are for some reason alot better

  • Sukhoi SU-37 3.5 years ago

    Hey I really like this aircraft, I just domt like how the thust vectoring feels. There is a few mods I would want to do, where can I find the thrust vectoring?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Disregard I got it, not exactly thrust vectoring but I guess thats realistic

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Yea I tried that but it has no affect, am I able to do it by going to connections, and tapping add connections and doing it that way?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Hey im modding a F22 and adding thrust vectoring though its not working, can you tell me what you did to make the thrust vectoring?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago


  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Oh yes I had to strengthen the landing gear aswell@ALRX

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Hey I posted on your gold addition of the 30 that I had a mod to this aircraft but bc im, lets go down the list, stupid, ignorant, oblivious, dyslexic, mentally challenged, and among other adjectives, im dumb, I didnt see that it was an old post. So what I pretty much said was that I have a mod to this aircraft, I thought it was good for airshows. Not alot changed, a little bit “better” thrust vectoring, its really just more maneuverable, a new paint job, and I think different flares i forget. So I asked if I could post it under your name as a mod for you to check out and see if im a big stupid idiot or, I did a reasonable mod. Long story short just tell me if its good, I need better self confidence.

  • Su-27 Flanker 3.5 years ago

    Idk lol sukhois are big. This one suks lol im better at modding aircraft than building @Spiond

  • SUKHOI SU-30 MK2 (gold special!) 3.5 years ago

    edited so I dont look stupid, to summarize what I said is that I was that I was stupid, story of my life.

  • SUKHOI SU-30 MK2 (gold special!) 3.5 years ago

    oooo canards

  • Saab J35 F Draken 3.5 years ago

    Because that hasnt been modded into the craft @DieDieTheLoaf

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Quality looks like I duck taped a nokia to my screen and recorded but whatever dont feel like gettn premium for a app im never gon use

    I repainted the Sukhoi, the black appears as it appears on screen but yellow is supposed to be gold lol

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Hey I made 3 good Cobra Carrier Landing attempts, here they are: 1# https://youtu.be/qfTWodJHGRsv #2 https://youtu.be/vie9JG9B2C8 #3 https://youtu.be/5UHyQQRrBCA im only just gettn the hang of it but it took me 2 days to get these three so here they are.

  • SU-27 fly by wire 3.5 years ago

    Oh yea just looked at it. I know how to code but not in CS. Its whatever there is a way to do a cobra in the plane im modding its just not as good as yours. In my opinion your Sukhoi can do the best cobra

  • SU-27 fly by wire 3.5 years ago

    Im quite new, can you explain what that is ?@GuyFolk

  • SU-27 fly by wire 3.5 years ago

    Hey im doing a mod to a Su-30 just for me, can you tell me how you disabled the fly by wire? If your using a gryo, can you tell me the settings?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker MKK/MK2 3.5 years ago

    Ok so I have a question. I was wondering if I could do the cobra, stupid dogfighting maneuver but its a cool trick. Now normally you can’t do it, but under the right conditions, I can do it. It goes in to a stall kinda and pitches back dramatically. Its really weird and I can’t recreate it. I don’t know why it does it but it just does. Has anyone been able to do it repetitively?

    Edit: Ok I found out a way to pretty much turn off the limiter. So if you go between 100 - 120 knots, you go into kinda of a stall, at that point turn on AG 2 and just full power it while pitching completely up. It takes a second but you will pretty much turn off the AoA limiter. Pretty fun to play around with it. Im currently trying to cobra into a vertical spin then to level flight again

  • M163A1 Vulcan(AI Ground Target) 3.5 years ago

    Finally a AI ground vehicle that I can practice anti ground with my A-10 with.

  • C-130 "Fat Albert" (Lockheed/Blue Angels) 20k!!!! 3.6 years ago

    @Shaini please... is that ironic? Please be ironic

  • Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet 3.6 years ago

    Awsome aircraft! I love flying it! I guess the only problem I saw was the arresting hook didn’t work for me and I was going about 260 to 280 knots. I was probably doing something wrong so nothing wrong with the aircraft, just me. 10/10.

  • Sukhoi Su-33 (Su-27K) Flanker D (Platinum Special) 3.6 years ago

    Hey, there are some planes that can do the cobra maneuver. If you search “Fly by Wire” youl see a plane doing a cobra and spittin flares, that one is great@Lazer22