14.3k Avro683Lancaster Comments

  • Can you download modded posts? 5.4 years ago

    The post will be downloadable, although in the designer there is a message saying that the design uses mods and that they can’t be loaded. The designer will then have the new aircraft (cockpit & blocks). By undoing and redoing, it is possible to load the design, which will be without mods.

    TL;DR: Yes, by undoing and redoing in the designer

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.4 years ago

    @NathanMikeska also I think part explosions may be broken as I ran an aircraft's wing into a bridge and it sheared off. following that, the aircraft ran into the ground and disintegrated, without explosions. This was done with mods enabled, as it was after I had re-enabled them.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.4 years ago

    @NathanMikeska The game didn't run as badly as the last test, running consistently around 20fps with just the aircraft and 10-15fps with a large AI aircraft (someones aircraft carrier) in close proximity, even with all mods reenabled. I'm not sure why it ran so badly last time, although i did have to restart my mac afterwards, due to it running slowly in all aspects. However, I did find that the USS Beast has a max detection range of 5 mi, whereas the destroyers and USS Tiny all have the 10 mi detection limit.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.4 years ago

    I am using mods, although i don’t think there were any console errors. The issue persists even into the menu, running at around 14fps instead of the usual 30-60fps. I reverted to 1.7 due to the frame rate, so to test I will have to reinstall the beta @AndrewGarrison

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.4 years ago

    On MacOS the frame rate has taken a hit, as the same 125-part aircraft has gone from running at around 30fps to around 7fps. Mods, graphics settings, and AI traffic are the same with both

  • The debate to end all debates 5.4 years ago

    I'm fairly certain the order of featured planes is based on when they are featured, newest first, so the ordering is arbitrary

  • 37mm Shpitalniy Sh-37 NEEDED!! 5.4 years ago

    Tracer is 00ff00

  • 37mm Shpitalniy Sh-37 NEEDED!! 5.4 years ago

    @randomusername iOS

  • What is this aircraft? 5.4 years ago

    @randomusername “Sikorsky stopped rotor”

  • What is this aircraft? 5.4 years ago

    I’m fairly certain I’ve seen this book in a second hand bookstore in Seoul @AWESOMENESS360

  • What is this aircraft? 5.4 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 it is the Sikorsky S-72 RSRA X-Wing Stopped rotor testbed

  • What is this aircraft? 5.4 years ago

    It’s a Sikorsky slowed rotor design

  • Replica of my camera 5.4 years ago

    Nice camera

    I’ve got a (not as old) Minolta X-700 with a less than brilliant shutter

  • Railroad Mod Request 5.4 years ago

    If you search the Train tags there are som railway mod compatible ones

  • Count your comments! 5.4 years ago

    707 including this one

  • Weird plane made a return big time 5.4 years ago

    @DerekSP i don't think a larger version of the GL-10 has been made, although it would match the description. I don't know much about the central European aerospace industry, so i wouldn't be able to say anything there.

  • Weird plane made a return big time 5.4 years ago

    Although the fact of you being in Europe does change things

  • Weird plane made a return big time 5.4 years ago

    an aircraft that fits some of the specifications is NASA’s GL-10 Greased Lightning. It has a high mounted swept wing with (almost) a H-tail, designed for VTOL operations with a tiltwing. An enlarged version of this, with a propulsion system similar to the V-22, as brought up by @JelloAircraftCorporation, would explain the general design, as well as the propellers size, sound, speed and the apparent inability of landing gear to work. @DerekSP

  • French Submarine Cruiser Surcouf 5.4 years ago

    @bobs123 i know the feeling

  • A Question On Exported Models 5.4 years ago

    I would assume that, if it’s your creation, you can do whatever with it, but if it’s someone else’s then you would need permission @s5ehfr9
    What do the Devs say @AndrewGarrison

  • A Question On Exported Models 5.4 years ago

    I made the rails, overhead lines and fences for my Railway Designer mod in Simpleplanes

  • Does anybody know how to use the “F12 In-Game Screenshot Upload” Mod on Mac? 5.4 years ago

    One hot tip, depending on the window arrangement, is to remove the shortcut of F12 showing the dashboard

  • A true stealth drone! 5.4 years ago

    @Notaleopard @FastDan i think its due to code making the AI vehicles stop shooting at something that's already dead, which would be done by not targeting anything which has had a drastic change in aerodynamics, such as when everything on an aircraft save for the cockpit is destroyed, or when a small, agile aircraft is dropped from a large, stable aircraft

  • French Submarine Cruiser Surcouf 5.4 years ago

    Thanks for the correction, I’m not good at french and I haven’t done it for a few years @WarHawk95

  • How to upload planes when mods are in use !!!!! 5.4 years ago

    If you disable the downloaded mods and restart the game, you should be able to sign in and then reenable the mods without issues

  • Upload with Screenshots 5.4 years ago

    You should just be able to save the file in finder @ChallengerHellcat

  • Upload with Screenshots 5.4 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat if you have the app store version then it wont work but if you have any other versions then it can be saved to ~/Library/Application Support/Jundroo/SimplePlanes/Mods/

  • Soviet Submarine Red October 5.5 years ago


  • Structual panels 5.5 years ago

    They automatically remove in flight, however can’t be removed in the Designer

  • Oh yeah I’ve been back for like 4 days + plz pic livery! 5.5 years ago

    2 or 5, depending on if 2 will work

  • Railway Designer 5.5 years ago

    Not for a while, I am going to rebuild everything @Strikefighter04

  • Railway Designer 5.6 years ago

    The summer holidays are a week and a half away so I will have plenty of time to do it @Strikefighter04

  • Railway Designer 5.6 years ago

    When I get the motivation to get out my low end Windows i will try making a version two with more options for a designer and an android version

    If I can get enough skills in blender or fusion 360 then the assets could be made with higher quality @Strikefighter04

  • USS Dallas (SSN-700) 5.7 years ago

    I will @Mustang51

  • USS Dallas (SSN-700) 5.7 years ago

    The next subs I want to try and build are the Red October and an India class @Mustang51

  • USS Dallas (SSN-700) 5.7 years ago

    @Sgtk @Treadmill103 there is a description, i just didn’t realise it uploaded due to an in-game issue

  • Relarian empire (original fact sheet) 5.7 years ago

    the url formatting must be ![optional alt txt](http(s)://website.com/img_url.filetype), for example ![Val img](https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4153/5001160279_f70d3d211e_b.jpg)

  • Help 5.8 years ago

    selfDestructTimer, in seconds

  • HELP 5.8 years ago

    you need to add the filetype (.jpg, .png) to the url, like ![](https://ibb.co/jiCzfK.jpg)

  • Best Plane Movie? 5.8 years ago

    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. A Stanley Kubrick black comedy about an insane general who scrambled his Air wing of B-52s, the crew of one of these bombers, and the us president and other generals trying to stop the bombers. It has some great lines, such as “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!”

  • simple AFV 1 5.8 years ago

    @Linebob its not impossible to download, if you undo and redo in the designer it will reload the design without the mods

  • Is Featured Function broken? [Please MOD help!] 5.8 years ago

    My understanding of the featuring system is that a mod or dev sees a post that they like, and have the ability to feature it. There is no specific automatic requirement for featuring, except that the mod or dev likes the post. This means that a build that has five upvotes, a build that is three years old or a build with only two parts have the same chance of being featured, the only difference being whether or not a mod or dev think it should be featured

  • Rocket containing pods 5.8 years ago

    @RodWan trying to do something completely different i made this. the rockets do work to propel it

  • Barrel submarine V3 Final 5.8 years ago

    Here is the most recent upload, however there is a newer version that I will upload tomorrow @Type2volkswagen

  • Barrel submarine V3 Final 5.8 years ago

    I am trying to make a paddle steamer, could you please help me with the paddle wheels?

  • Bullfrog 5.8 years ago

    This looks very Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind inspired

  • I'm making a map mod, question about assets. 5.9 years ago

    I’m pretty sure it’s in the SP asset folder @Gravity

  • I'm making a map mod, question about assets. 5.9 years ago

    Somewhere (I can’t find it now) in the SP game files is the mod tools, which have all the map assets in them, like the WWII destroyer

  • Bomb Mod 5.9 years ago

    Is the Weapons mod the one you are looking for?