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GAL 49 "Hamilcar" Glider (with Halifax glider tug)

51.2k BMilan  6.1 years ago

The GAL 49 "Hamilcar" was a glider aircraft during WWII and it was used by the RAF (Royal Air Force) to carry heavy equipment to the battlefield. They were towed by british Halifax Bombers until they reached their drop zone where the towing cables were cut and the Hamilcar nicely landed to unload its cargo (which often were Tetrarch light tanks or Bren infantry carriers). This updated version is historically more accuarate as it is towed by a Halifax Bomber.

AG1 - activates the wings and engines of the Halifax
AG1+VTOL - Halifax's flaps
AG2 - Activates the Halifax's rear turret
AG3 - Detatches the Hamilcar and activates its wing control
AG3+VTOL - Hamilcar's flaps
AG4 - lower the Hamilcar's hull and opens its front door
AG5 - Activates the Tetrarch light tank
AG5+VTOL - Tetrarch's left tracks
AG5+Trim - Tetrarch's right tracks
AG7 - Activates Gyro to keep the Halifax still
CAM1 - Tetrarch's cannon view
CAM2 - Halifax rear turret view
CAM3 - Halifax orbit view
CAM4 - Halifax chase view

How to use: Thanks to the new glider tug (the Halifax Bomber) you are now able to take off from an airfield. Activate AG1 to start the Halifax, once in the air you can activate AG7 to make the Halifax fly in a straight line. Once you're close to your destination, activate AG3 to detatch the Hamilcar and activate its wings, (Don't forget to turn off AG1 so the Halifax will keep flying forward) then try to carefully land at a flat ground. Once you landed, activate AG4 and set Trim up to the max. This will lower the Hamilcar's hull and open the nose for the Tetrarch to roll out. Activate AG5 and set both VTOL and Trim to max and wait till the Tetrarch gets out of the glider. Now you are free to kill some jerries, use mouse joystick control to control the Tetrarch's cannon.

Have fun!


General Characteristics

  • Successors 2 airplane(s)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 98.8ft (30.1m)
  • Length 179.7ft (54.8m)
  • Height 30.3ft (9.2m)
  • Empty Weight 49,295lbs (22,360kg)
  • Loaded Weight 101,180lbs (45,894kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.059
  • Wing Loading 30.0lbs/ft2 (146.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 3,374.8ft2 (313.5m2)
  • Drag Points 30840


  • Number of Parts 290
  • Control Surfaces 23
  • Performance Cost 1,803
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    1,188 Embedd

    This is amazing, however the tracks don’t work

    2.6 years ago
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    3,839 MEERKAT978

    Throwback to Normandy/ Market Garden. Simple and yet perfect, I love it. Makes my builds look potato-ey

    6.1 years ago